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Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Watchdog Based Clonal SelectionAlgorithm
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Abstract Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are emerging as a new tier within the IT scheme and a rich domain of active analysis involving hardware and system design, networking, and programming models, data management, security and social actors. Wireless sensor
Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm with Watchdog Mechanism for secure Data Transferring in Wireless Networks
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ABSTRACT In a dynamic network, routing is a very challenging because of the topology of the network is not fixed. This paper involves Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm for finding shortest path in a dynamic mesh networks. The ABC optimization algorithm is a population
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Impact of selfish node concentration in manets
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ABSTRACT The communication in Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is multi-hop in nature wherein each node relays data packets of other nodes thereby spending its resources such as battery power, CPU time and memory. In an ideal environment, each node in MANET is
The selfish node: Increasing routing security for mobile ad hoc networks
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Abstract N odes in mobile ad hoc networks do not rely on a central in f rastructure but relay packets originated by other nodes. Mobile ad hoc networks can work properly only if the participating nodes collaborate in routing and f orwarding. For individual nodes it might be
MADSN: mobile agent based detection of selfish node in MANET
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ABSTRACT Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) is highly vulnerable to attacks due to the open medium dynamically changing network topology, co-operative algorithm, lack of centralized monitoring and management point. The fact that security is a critical problem when
Performance Analysis of Selfish Node Aware Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
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Abstract A mobile ad hoc network consists of nodes that move arbitrarily and form dynamic topologies. The nature of the open structure and scarcely available battery-based energy, node misbehaviors may exist. An individual mobile node may attempt to benefit from other
Multi Hop Acknowledgement Scheme based Selfish Node Detection in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
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Abstract:In the MANET environment nodes tend to be a little less enthusiastic over forwarding packets of neighboring nodes to their destination. On doing so they tamper with their back off values generating values that are more non random in nature. A back off
An improved inverted table approach to detect selfish node in mobile ad hoc network
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Abstract A wireless network always suffers by the problem of some static and dynamic attacks as the network is globally open. Any node can enter and exit dynamically. To detect and resolve the problem of intrusion there are number of possible approaches. The work
Selfish node detection techniques in MANET: a review
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Abstract-This paper presents a review of existing methods available for selfish node detection in MANET. Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) poses new challenges related to security because of relatively different characteristics from wired networks and even from
Cross layer approach for selfish node detection in MANET
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Abstract:This paper covers a novel approach for detecting selfish nodes in MANET. Mobile ad hoc Networks (MANET) are composed of many mobile devices with wireless interface. The network operates well without any infrastructure. The source node can relay packets
Detecting Selfish Node over the Active Path using Neighbor Analysis based Technique
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Abstract: In this work, a nearest neighbor analysis has been performed to detect the selfish nodes in the active path and to generate a secure path. The existing AODV protocol is modified and a new bit is taken to define the trustful status. If status is 1, then node is valid,
Prevention of Selfish Node in MANET Using ERAODV Protocol
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ABSTRACT-In mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), communications between nodes are taken place only through the cooperation of nodes in the networks. Most of the protocols and algorithms used in MANET, are assuming that all mobile nodes cooperate fully with the
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ABSTRACT Mobile ad-hoc networks are self-configuring wireless networks without any specific infrastructure. MANETs are highly subjected to several attacks due to continuously changing network topology, lack of central monitoring and lack of efficient defense
A Survey on Selfish Node Detection Using Several Techniques in MANET
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Abstract:The term MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Network) refers to a multihop packet based wireless network composed of a set of mobile nodes that can communicate and move at the same time, without using any kind of fixed wired infrastructure. MANET is actually self-
Modelling and Performance Analysis of Personalized DSR Routing Protocol to discover aselfish and Inimical Node in MANETs Using NS-2
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Abstract-In this paper we activated the default dynamic source routing protocol with a selfish and inimical node and compared the performance of this code with default dynamic source routing protocol. The performance of this code is degrades in contrast with default
Detection and Isolation of Worm Hole attach as Selfish Node in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network
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Abstract:Mobile ad hoc Netwo is bank on the cooperation of nodes to provide the basic operation like routing. For industrial deployment of those networks, it's important that they consider adequate security measures. Selfish behavior of ad hoc network nodes like
Detection of Selfish and Malicious Node in Wireless Mesh Network Using Pana Protocol
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Abstract: Wireless Mesh Network is one of emerging technology of the next generation networks. All the routing protocols in WMNs assume all nodes to be co-operative in forwarding each other's packets. However, a node might try to save its energy by dropping
Selfish Node Detection in Replica Allocation over MANETs
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Abstract: MOBILE ad hoc networks (MANETs) have attracted a lot of attention due to the popularity of mobile devices and the advances in wireless communication technologies. A MANET is a peer-to-peer multi hop mobile wireless network that has neither a fixed
Identification Technique for All Passive Selfish Node Attacks In a Mobile Network
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Abstract: The focus of this work is on detection of passive path selfish node in mobile network. Earlier techniques for detection were based on statistical or signature. These techniques were useful for identifying the selfish nodes in active path only. But in this work
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ABSTRACT MANET is an autonomous system of mobile nodes connected by wireless links. Mobile ad hoc networks are prone to a number of security fears. To handle the selfish nodes is major issue in ad hoc network. The Dynamic Source Routing protocol is a simple and
Simulation Modelling of Selfish Node Attack Using ICMP Protocol
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Abstract-The Mobile Ad Hoc networks (MANETs) connects number of temporary mobile nodes through wireless interface that form either fixed infrastructure or centralized administration. The MANET networks are open medium and therefore, wide ranges of
A Survey Of Selfish Node Identification Techniques In Mobile Ad Hoc Network
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Abstract:Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes dynamically forming a temporary network without the use of any existing network infrastructure or centralized administer. Because of limited communication range among mobile nodes in
A client-aware dispatching algorithm for web clusters providing multiple services
FREE DOWNLOADÂ 10th international conference on A Client-Aware Dispatching Algorithm for Web Clusters Providing Multiple Services Emiliano Casalicchio Dept. of Computer Engineering University of Roma Tor Vergata Roma,
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