appointment system software
A controlled trial of an advanced access appointment system in a residency family medicine center
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The success of family medicine residency programs is highly dependent on the growth and maintenance of a diverse patient population in the family medicine cen- ter. Adequate patient volumes are achieved and main- tained by providing excellent service, as measured by patient
The Analysis of Appointment system to reduce outpatient waiting time at Indonesias public hospital
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Outpatient services have become an important component of health care. By hidebound thinking, the medical profession emphasized that a physicians time is more valuable than a patients time. Consequently, the appointment system was designed to minimize physicians
Evaluation of the terminal gate appointment system at the los Angeles/Long beach ports
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This report presents an evaluation of the terminal gate appointment system at the Los Angeles/Long Beach ports. The appointment system was implemented in 2002 in response to California Assembly Bill (AB) 2650, which sought to reduce vehicle emissions and
Online appointment scheduling system for hospitals an analytical study
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Appointment scheduling systems are used to manage access to service providers. Many factors affect the performance of appointment systems which include arrival and service time variability, patient and provider preferences, available information technology and the
Outpatient queuing model development for hospital appointment system
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In many hospitals, Patients wait for long time in the healthcare facility before they are attended to by the health personnel. This trend is on the increase and it is a potential threat to healthcare services. In Nigeria, specialist, teaching and general hospitals with large
Modeling and simulation analysis of health care appointment system using ARENA
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This study evaluates appointment systems for outpatient department in a health care system and as well the patients characteristics. The objective is to design an appointment system that will minimize the patient average waiting time in the clinic and at the same time
A dynamic and collaborative truck appointment management system in container terminals
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Given the rising growth in containerized trade, Container Terminals (CTs) are facing truck congestion at the gate and yard. Truck congestion problems not only result in long queues of trucks at the terminal gates and yards but also leads to long turn times of trucks and
Developing an online patient appointment scheduling system based on web services architecture
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Currently, many healthcare providers in primary health care use computerized information systems to a certain extent. However, the problem of heterogeneous information sources has impeded the integration of health care information within primary health facilities. How to
Application of intelligent agents in hospital appointment scheduling system
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Normally when we want to make an appointment with the hospital staff, it becomes really tedious and time consuming. Over the past considerable amount of work have been done by using software Agents in areas like m-commerce, e-commerce, telemedicine etc. Agent
A column generation heuristic for local drayage routing given a port access appointment system
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This paper studies methods for managing a fleet of trucks providing container pickup and delivery service (drayage) to a port with an appointment -based access control system . Responding to growing access congestion and its resultant impacts, many US port terminals
Dependable online appointment booking system for NHIS outpatient in Nigerian teaching hospitals
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The number of missed appointments in healthcare institutions in Nigeria caused problems, hence the need for integrated healthcare system to intervene and provide seamless care for patients. Appointment scheduling system lies at the intersection of providing efficiency and
Development of hospital appointment system with user-friendly speech interface
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This paper describes a hospital appointment system with a user-friendly speech interface used in the department of rehabilitation of a hospital. Cases of chaos have been reported in the medical field at the time of introduction of an electronic system . To solve this problem, we
Design and Implementation of a Patient Appointment and Scheduling System
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The current health care landscape desired efficiency and patient satisfaction for optimal performance. The outpatient of most clinics in developing countries are faced with plethora of issues. These include: overtime for doctors and nurses during clinic sessions, long waiting
Student-Teacher Online Booking Appointment System in Academic Institutions
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Web-based booking appointment systems are prevalent currentlly either online or using traditional queuing systems. Several businesses like hospitals use different Web-based appointment systems for their patients which make appointments process more efficient
Online Appointment Management System
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Booking an appointment online has grown in popularity over the past few years. Many different types of businesses use some type of Web-based online appointment management system to help make the appointments setting process more streamlined. An online
Data-Driven Appointment and Recruitment System
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Web-based recruitment (e-recruitment) system is used to facilitate and improve human resource management. It addresses the needs of employers and job-seekers via internet which increase the speed of employment, and improves the quality of recruitment services
WebML and .NET architecture for developing students appointment management system
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This study presents the application of Web Modeling Language (WebML) in a Student Appointment Management System (SAMS) to help students and lecturers arrange meetings in an effective and efficient way in a university or college environment. WcbML is well
A simple queue model for an appointment system and applications in a hospital ct scan facility
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Key features of modern healthcare services in developed countries, in a general context characterized by strict cost control and aging population, are flexibility in access to care for different types of patient flows (eg inpatients, ED patients and outpatients) and capability of
D5. 5: Advanced appointment -scheduling system system 4
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This document is a short report to accompany the Prototype Deliverable D5. due at month 33 of the CLASSIC project. It describes an extended Appointment Scheduling service and the CLASSIC System 4 supporting it. First an overview of the service organisation is given
Design and implementation of clinic appointment registration system
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ABSTRACT Clinic Appointment Registration System is an important way to see a doctor, and its also a preliminary tool for storage and management of clinic medical records. This new system was developed using Visual Studio 2008 and C# .NET as the development