arm microcontroller projects

An advanced energy/power meter based on ARM microcontroller for smart grid applications
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The Smart Grids are an electricity delivery system which monitors, protects and optimizes the operation of its interconnected elements from end to end. They include central and distributed renewable energy generators through the electrical network. Thus, it can easily

Hardware implementation of a closed loop controller on 6R robot using ARM microcontroller
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In this article, the hardware implementation of a closed loop controller on 6R robot via ARM microcontroller is presented. The implementation is derived in two levels. Firstly, programming with IAR software is expressed, embedded C base language programming

Development and implementation of arm microcontroller based co gas monitoring system
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An attempt is made to develop a CO gas monitoring system which is portable, cheap and easy to implement. The hardware system development is divided in six major parts, viz. the gas sensor, signal conditioning circuit, ARM microcontroller on-board system, display

Real-time processing with the Philips LPC ARM microcontroller ; using GCC and the MicroC/OS-II RTOS.
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The ARM processor is a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) intellectual property (IP) core defined by Advanced RISC Machines, Ltd (ARM). The ARM CPU architectures widely available today are based on the version 4 and 5 architectures [12]. ARM processor cores

Electronic module of hydraulic damper test bench using ARM microcontroller interfacing in labview
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The paper presents the universal electronic module based on System on Chip (SOC) architecture. It is related to the Industrial Control System (ICS) dealing with the software and hardware design of chip along with its implementation in hydraulic damper test benches. It

Development of Arm Microcontroller based an Embedded System for Measurement of Soil Moisture
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In the field of embedded technology, the advancements are taking place due to emerging of 32 bit processing philosophy. The microcontrollers from ARM families are ensuring this 32 bit processing capacities. Emphasizing the deployment of the on chip resources of ARM

Implementation of quadratic dynamic matrix control on arduino due ARM cortex-M3 microcontroller board
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Implementation of quadratic dynamic matrix control on arduino due ARM cortex-M3 microcontroller board Laurent Bitjoka

Design of µC/Os II RTOS Based Scalable Cost Effective Monitoring System Using Arm Powered Microcontroller
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in previous sections. Keil IDE is used for implementation. Keil IDE is a windows operating system software program that runs on a PC to develop applications for ARM microcontroller and digital signal controller. It is also called

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A major upgrade of the electron storage ring at . To assist the commissioning procedure, we have developed a turn-by-turn Beam Position Monitor (BPM) system which consists of a signal

Wireless Digital Control and Synchronization of Master-Slave Multiple Motors Using ARM Microcontroller
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The co-ordination and synchronization control of motion of multiple motors is a challenging problem, since the synchronization of each individual motor can be influenced by many factors. This paper presents the concept and implementation of a scheme that uses a real

Power Factor Improvement using Arm 11 Microcontroller
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power supply. The potential transformer steps down the voltage to 6v. B. Arm microcontroller Unit: The Arm cortex-M3 LPC1768 is 32 bit microcontroller are most powerful microcontroller with low power consumption. It receive

Sensors Data Acquisition Systemusing ARM Microcontroller
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The proposed design is of data acquisition from different sensors processing them for specific means, taking control action based on these data. There aresensors used like GPS for localising and navigational purpose, Temperature sensor for detecting the atmospheric

Automotive Security and Safety System Using ARM Microcontroller
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In this paper we proposed a system which can improve the safety and security in vehicle. Automobile industry and automobile market is in a high speed development state for several years. Automobiles appearance impact and changes peoples life, its becoming the

Recent Advance Straddling Bus by using Arm Microcontroller and Programming
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As in current scenario worldwide is facing a buzz traffic problem so that also this paper presents a new concept of solving the problems of 21st centurys megacities of the planet. Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai. According to the Tom-tom Index reports, the traffic congestion

Arm Microcontroller Implementation of Des Using Concept with Time-Variable Key
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In this paper we describe ARM Microcontroller implementations of the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm, with time-variable key technique to increase its immunity to Cryptanalysis attack. This proposed scheme changes the key with time. Using time-variable

Teaching the ARM Microcontroller to Keep Up with the Embedded Industry Technology Change
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The widespread use of mobile devices in the last decade has changed the embedded system industry. Mobile devices require the embedded microcontroller to have high performance and low power. The winner is the ARM-based processor. In 2011, 7.9 billion

RF Signal Switching System for Electron Beam Position Monitor Utilizing ARM Microcontroller
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In 2012, for commissioning of UVSOR-III , 750-MeV synchrotron radiation facility of the Institute for Molecular Science, we developed a radiofrequency (RF) signal switching system. The main specifications are as follows:(1) it is a very simple and low-cost system;

Total Ionizing Dose Effects on Commercial ARM Microcontroller for Low Earth Orbit Satellite Subsystems
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Despite the harshness of the space radiation on satellite electronic components, some Commercial Of The Shelf (COTS) can sustain such harsh environment. Thus, the low-cost advantage of the COTS can be utilized given that these electronic components meet the

A framework for transferring algorithms designed on matlab/simulink to arm microcontroller embedded systems
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The microcontroller STM32F407VG has been used in the STM32F4 Discovery kit, announced in 2011 by STMicroelectronics. It is widely used by students and researchers in universities. This is a lowcost, powerful microcontroller integrated an ARM Cortex M4 core

ARM Microcontroller Based Wireless Sensor Network to Monitor Environmental Parameters of Textile Industry
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Indeed, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is an ubiquitous field, exhibiting wide application potential for electronic management of data of Site Specific and Temporal Variability (SSTV). Emphasizing real time monitoring of an indoor environment of textile industry, the WSN of