artificial intelligence and its ethical aspects
Ethical issues in advanced artificial intelligence
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that a superintelligence could create, and also from improvements it could make to its own source
ETHICAL ISSUES IN ADVANCED AI 279 • Arti?cial minds can be easily copied. the marginal
cost of creating an additional copy of an upload or an arti?cial intelligence after the
Four ethical issues of the information age
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RO Mason ,Mis Quarterly, 1986 ,
and his categorical imperative which leads to an ethical utopia called the “king- dom of ends.”
All of this ethical initiative took Nowhere is the potential threat to human dignity so severe as it
is in the age of information technology, especially in the field of artificial intelligence.
Towards ethical aspects on artificial intelligence
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L Rogozea , international conference on Artificial intelligence, , 2009
It was also established a European Society from Artificial Intelligence in Medicine which set up
a conference organize every two year since 1985. [2, 6] Artificial intelligence brings a number
of ethical problems (like shown in the next graphic), a lot of them in relation with the
[BOOK] Artificial intelligence and expert systems: case studies in the knowledge domain of archaeology
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JC Gardin, O Guillaume, M Katzen ,1988 ,Cambridge Univ Press
Artificial Intelligence has reached the level of maturity where issues of professional ethics are
being this can be a useful smokescreen to protect the individual from considering the ethical
aspects of his seen as technically infeasible, at least in the terms in which it was described
Engineering knowledge: The construction of knowledge in artificial intelligence
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DE Forsythe ,Social Studies of Science, 1993 ,
how the ‘engineering’ of knowledge is understood within the field of artificial intelligence, therefore,
I em Whereas anthropologists devote considerable energy to pondering methodological, ethical
and philosophical aspects of I met tended to look surprised and say, ‘We just do it’.
Artificial morality: Top-down, bottom-up, and hybrid approaches
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C Allen, I Smit, W Wallach ,Ethics and Information Technology, 2005 ,Springer
the philosophical roots and computational possibilities of top-down and bottom-up strategies
for designing artificial moral agents they wrote, ‘Essential to building a morally praiseworthy agent
is the task of giving it enough intelligence to assess the effects of its actions on
Remarks on ubiquitous intelligent supportive spaces
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When taking into account such artificial entities with a certain degree of intelligence and with
a mechanism for the initiation of its activity, where the we are able to investigate the following
basic problems related to them: • various types or levels of such artificial entities, • their
In everyday life we can see that the technology arrives in its box wrapped in its ethical and political
assumptions. All being well, the black-box expert system should be a short-lived craze. Perhaps
Artificial Intelligence, by its recent voyage into hyperbole in talking of
Argumentation in artificial intelligence
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contexts, eg as it might occur in political debate, the discussion of ethical principles, deliberation
becomes much easier to see exactly 632 TJM Bench-Capon, PE Dunne / Artificial Intelligence
171 (2007 619–641 what the argument is intended to establish, and whether it does so