best cloud computing research papers
Cloud Computing for parallel Scientific HPC Applications: Feasibility of running Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Climate Models on Amazon s EC2.
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AMI software image designed to make the system use as easy as possible This combination offers a compelling case for cloud computing. In CCGRID 06: Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, pages 521–530, Washing- ton
A performance analysis of EC2 cloud computing services for scientific computing
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Abstract. Cloud Computing is emerging today as a commercial infras- tructure that eliminates the need for maintaining expensive computing hardware. In this work we present an evaluation of the usefulness of the current cloud computing services for scientific computing.
Science clouds: Early experiences in cloud computing for scientific applications
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Exploration of the Applicability of Cloud Computing to Large-Scale Scientific Workflows. Social VPNs: Integrating Overlay and Social Networks for Seamless P2P Networking. In IEEE WETICE/COPS 2008. 22.
Cloudbus toolkit for market-oriented cloud computing
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Cloudbus Toolkit for Market-Oriented Cloud Computing 41 Moreover, some of our Cloudbus technologies have been utilized by commercial enterprises and they are demonstrated at public international events such as the 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science held in
Outsourcing business to cloud computing services: Opportunities and challenges
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ABSTRACT Advances in service oriented architecture (SOA) have brought us close to the once imaginary vision of establishing and running a virtual business, a business in which most or all of its business functions are outsourced to online services. Cloud computing offers a
Intercloud: Utility-oriented federation of cloud computing environments for scaling of application services
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InterCloud: Utility-Oriented Federation of Cloud Computing Environments for Scaling of Cloud computing providers have setup several data centers at differ- ent geographical locations over the Internet in order to optimally serve needs of their customers around the world.
Cloud computing: state-of-the-art and research challenges
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ORIGINAL PAPERS Cloud computing: state-of-the-art and research challenges Qi Zhang · Lu Cheng · Raouf Boutaba ABSTRACT Cloud computing has recently emerged as a new paradigm for hosting and delivering services over the Inter- net.
Enabling public verifiability and data dynamics for storage security in cloud computing
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Enabling Public Verifiability and Data Dynamics for Storage Security in Cloud Computing Qian Wang1, Cong Wang1, Jin Li1, Kui Ren1, and Wenjing Lou2 ABSTRACT. Cloud Computing has been envisioned as the next-generation architecture of IT Enterprise.
Privacy-preserving digital identity management for cloud computing
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Abstract Digital identity management services are crucial in cloud computing infrastructures to authenticate users and to support flexible access control to services, based on user identity properties (also called attributes) and past interaction histories. Such services
Community cloud computing
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Technical report, Info World Inc. (2008) 6. Buyya, R., Yeo, C., Venugopal, S.: Market-oriented cloud computing: Vision, hype, and reality for delivering it services as computing utilities. In: Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications. IEEE, Los Alamitos
Computing in the cloud
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Searching for SNPs with cloud computing
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Searching for SNPs with cloud computing Ben Langmead* , Michael C Schatz , Jimmy Lin‡, Mihai Pop and Steven L Salzberg Crossbow Novel software utilizing cloud computing technology to cost-effectively align and map SNPs from a human genome in three. /p
Service Level Agreement in cloud computing
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(2004) 596–599 6. Foster, I., Zhao, Y., Raicu, I., Lu, S.: Cloud Computing and Grid Computing
What s new about cloud computing security?
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Browser interfaces and extended validation ssl certificates: an empirical study. In CCSW Proceedings of the ACM workshop on Cloud computing security. Logging in the age
A privacy manager for cloud computing
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A Privacy Manager for Cloud Computing ABSTRACT. We describe a privacy manager for cloud computing, which reduces the risk to the cloud computing user of their private data being stolen or mis- used, and also assists the cloud computing provider to conform to privacy law.
A cost-benefit analysis of using cloud computing to extend the capacity of clusters
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A cost-benefit analysis of using cloud computing to extend the capacity of clusters ABSTRACT In this paper, we investigate the benefits that or- ganisations can reap by using Cloud Computing providers to augment the computing capacity of their local infrastruc- ture.
The Cumulus Project: Build a scientific cloud for a data center
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Create Global Cloud Computing Research Test Bed [URL]. press/2008/080729xa.html, access on Sep. 2008. [13] VA Koutsonikola and A. Vakali.
Capacity leasing in cloud systems using the opennebula engine
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Resource co-allocation in computational grids. In HPDC Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, page 37, Washington,
Cloud computing research and security issues
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on Advanced Information Networking and Applications ,Cloud computing: issues and
Securecloud: Towards a comprehensive security framework for cloud computingenvironments
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing has recently gained tremendous momentum but still is in its infancy. It has the potential for significant cost reduction and the increased operating efficiencies in computing. Although security issues are delaying its fast adoption, cloud
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- Cloud Computing Through Mobile-Learning
- Cloud Computing-a Perspective Study
- securely using the cloud computing
- Software Testing in the Cloud
attack on cloud service research papers
Dark Clouds on the Horizon: Using Cloud Storage as Attack Vector and Online Slack Space.
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Abstract During the past few years, a vast number of online file storage services have been introduced. While several of these services provide basic functionality such as uploading and retrieving files by a specific user, more advanced services offer features such as
An improved PCA attack detection algorithm based on normal cloud model
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ABSTRACT Aims at the problems such as higher computational cost and lower detection accuracy for the small-scale attacks in the PCA attack detection algorithm, the concept of time concentrated characteristic is introduced into the attack detection. A normal cloud
A Survey on Methods to Defend against DDoS Attack in Cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing is a revolution in IT technology by providing a shared pool of virtualizes resources for its users to pay as they use. This technology is based on two crucial concepts as virtualization andAbstraction, which increased the ability of on demand
A survey on security issues in service delivery models of cloud computing
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They are likely to attack the infrastructure and perform extensive black box testing. The vulnerabilities of cloud are not only associated with the web applications but also vulnerabilities associated with the machine-to-machine Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) applications
Controlling data in the cloud: outsourcing computation without outsourcing control
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The cloud computing model encourages single points of failure. It is therefore important to develop methods for sustained availability (in the context of attack), and for recovery from attack. The latter could operate on the basis of minimization of losses, required service levels, or
The cost of a cloud: research problems in data center networks
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To attack this first problem, we propose (1) increasing network agility, and (2) providing appropriate incentives to shape resource consumption. Second, we note that cloud service providers are building out geo-distributed networks of data centers.
Towards trusted cloud computing
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From the perspective of users, Eucalyptus provides a web service interface to launch, manage, and terminate VMs. 2.2 Attack model A sysadmin of the cloud provider that has privileged con- trol over the backend can perpetrate many attacks in or- der to access the memory of a
Dark Clouds on the Horizon: Using Cloud Storage as Attack Vector and Online Slack Space.
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It outlines already known attack vectors, and how they could be used with the help of Dropbox, or any other cloud stor- age service with weak security. Most of them can have a severe impact and should be considered in the threat model of such services.
A view of cloud computing
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It is a powerful defense, and protects against most attempts by users to attack one another These challenges, though, are similar to those involved in managing large non-cloud data centers, where Any large Internet service will need to ensure that a single security hole doesn't
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When an attacker performs a DoS attack to a particular service in a cloud system, cloud computing operating system realises the extra requests. It Danish Jamil et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST) ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 3 No. 4 April 2011
Secure data access control scheme using type-based re-encryption in cloud environment
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secret key SK. That is, by obtaining DEK, data m can be read. As solution for collusion attack, data file is divided into header and body to be sep- arately stored to privilege manager group and cloud service provider. If the user
Is cloud computing really ready for prime time
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With their businesses' informa- tion and critical IT resources outside the firewall, customers worry about their vulnerability to attack, said IDC's Gens. If a company is dissatisfied with one cloud-computing service-or if the vendor goes out of business- the firm
Cloud security defence to protect cloud computing against HTTP-DoS and XML-DoS attacks
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Full-size image (49 K) Full-size image (49 K) Fig. 2. Distributed XML-based Denial of Service attack, where CTB and Cloud Protector are located just between the each could Web Service, in order to detect and filter X-DoS attacks.