cdma-code division multiple access research papers 2012 section 3
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EG Datsika, AV Katsenou, LP Kondi, E Papapetrou ,
ABSTRACT We propose a novel priority–based approach that enables the optimal control of
the transmission power and the use of the available network resources of a multihop Direct
Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS–CDMA) Wireless Visual Sensor Network (
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P Vyas ,
Abstract Cellular systems divide a geographic region into cells where a Mobile unit in each
cell communicates with a base station. The goal in the design of cellular systems is to be
able to handle as many calls as possible (this is called capacity in cellular terminology) in
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L Bhat, KL Sudha
ABSTRACT Direct sequence-code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) technique is used in
cellular systems where users in the cell are separated from each other with their unique
spreading codes. In recent times DS-CDMA has been used extensively. These systems
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RK Maity, J Samanta ,International Journal of Soft Computing
Abstract—A pseudo-orthogonal prime sequence code and a modified prime sequence code
using the elements of Galoi’s Field (GF) for a particular prime number have been developed.
Bit-error rate performances using Gaussian approximation technique have been made.
Novel Power Control Algorithm by Decomposed Geometric Programming Method for CDMACognitive Radio Networks
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M Elalem ,
Abstract—Traditionally, the frequency spectrum is licensed to users in a rigid manner where
the licensee has the exclusive right to access the allocated band. However, an unlicensed
(cognitive) user may share a frequency band with a licensed (primary) owner as long as
Comparative Analysis Of Vertical Handoff In IEEE 802.11 WLAN And CDMA Network
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R Agarwal, I Kaur
Abstract Wireless communications is, by any measure, the fastest growing segment of the
communications industry. As such, it has captured the attention of the media and the
imagination of the public. Cellular systems have experienced exponential growth over the
Performance Enhancement of MC-CDMA Systems through SBA assist log-MAP based Turbo MUD
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K Rasadurai, J Dhanancheziyan ,IJCA Special Issue , 2012
ABSTRACT Multiuser detection (MUD) using turbo coding is a powerful technique for
enhancing the performance of the multi carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA)
systems. The multiple access interference (MAI) is one of the factors that affect the bit error
Investigating the relation between optimum guard interval and channel delay spread for a MC-CDMA system
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Abstract This paper demonstrates a novel approach to determining the optimum guard
interval for a multicarrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) system. Analytical
expressions for useful and interference power are derived as a basis for comparison.
Performance Evaluation and Comparison between Iterative DS-CDMA and NDMA
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Abstract—Multipacket Reception (MPR) techniques employing either Direct Sequence Code
Division Multiple Access (DSCDMA) or Network Diversity Multiple Access (NDMA) have
great potential to deal with packet collisions from multiple Mobile Terminals (MTs).
Performance Analysis of Multi User Detectors for Synchronous Ds-Cdma Systems
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IK Rao, K santhosh Kumar ,International Journal of Soft Computing
ABSTRACT: A Direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) is a popular
wireless technology. This system suffers from Multiple Access Interference (MAI) caused by
Direct Sequence users and near–far effect. Multi-User Detection schemes are used to
Spreading Codes for DS/CDMA Systems
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CB Akcay
Abstract—Spreading Sequence design is the most essential problem in DS/CDMA systems.
The codes have to be designed to accommodate required number of users and to faithfully
transmit users’ data. In this project some common sequences (Gold, Kasami, Walsh-
Multiple Access Interference in Multi-Carrier CDMA
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TL Singal
ABSTRACT Multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) technique maintains the
original signaling interval while it spreads the signal over wide bandwidth like direct-
sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) technique. Low amount of delay
Optical CDMA: Performance of Spectral-Amplitude Coding with new Direct Recovery Scheme using Vector Combinatorial (VC) Code
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Abstract: In this paper, a new code structure with ideal in-phase cross-correlation for the
Spectral-Amplitude-Coding Optical Code-Division Multiple-Access (SAC-CDMA) system
called Vectors Combinatorial (VC) code is proposed. VC code is constructed using
Three-mode Stage-bypass High-efficiency Power Amplifiers for Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (W-CDMA) Applications
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K Horiguchi, K Yamamoto, M Nakayama ,
We have developed a 3.4-V, 1.95-GHz band stage-bypass power amplifier capable of
operating in three power modes. This amplifier switches the signal path to use different
transistors and circuit configurations for high, medium and low power modes. The new
Development of Hardware Testbed for CDMA Technology
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SA Joshi, PB Sarangamath, MI Faras, V Lakkannavar ,
Abstract—Code division multiple access (CDMA) systems are being counted to provide the
necessary infrastructure to implement future 3G systems. The CDMA is uniquely featured by
its spread spectrum (a random) process employing a pseudo random noise (PN)
A Novel Technique for Multiple Access Interference Reduction in DS-CDMA Wireless Communications
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we present a comprehensive report on the research work focused
on developing a novel concept for reducing Multiple Access Interference (MAI) in Direct
Sequence–Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) systems prevailing in wireless
Signal Detection for OFDM and DS-CDMA with Gradient and Blind Source Separation Principles
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Abstract:-Signal recovery mechanisms for both Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
(OFDM) and Direct Sequence-Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) with the
assistance of principles of Blind Source Separation (BSS) and Gradient Algorithms (GAs)
Scheduling Techniques for MANET with CDMA Protocol
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SS Tirth, SM Jagade, S Sapatnekar ,
Abstract–CDMA is most widely used standard for multiuser system in wireless adhoc
network. CDMA standards present set of protocols for power control, BER control and
multiuser detection system in adhoc networks. Therefore behaviour of MANET depends
Performance of MIMO Multi-Carrier CDMA with BPSK Modulation in Rayleigh Channel
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A Sharmila, SS Nath
Abstract—Due to the current trend of personal wireless communication, there are growing
needs for both higher bit rate data transmission and multiple access. To fulfil these
demands, a new scheme, which combines wireless digital modulation and multiple
Multihop Cooperative Transmissions for Asymmetric Traffic Accommodation in CDMA/FDD Cellular Networks
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K Mori, T Saga, K Naito, H Kobayashi
Abstract—The asymmetric traffic between uplink and downlink over recent mobile
communication systems has been conspicuous because of providing new communication
services. This paper proposes an asymmetric traffic accommodation scheme adopting a
Multiuser Detection using Direct Sequence–CDMA
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B Brundha, TMT Thendral, S Bhavani, C Saravanan
Abstract—This paper presents three low-complexity, yeteffective, multiuser detectors (MUDs)
for the uplink of spatial–frequency–time-domain (SFT-domain) spread multicarrier (MC)
direct-quence code-division multiple-access(DS-CDMA) systems. Each MUD first converts
Remote Radar Data Acquisition And Control Using Cdma Rf Link
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RN Singh, M Chennakesavulu
ABSTRACT RADAR SEEKER is used in missile system for detection and tracking a target. It
will be integrated in the nose cone of the missile. During testing and launching of the missile
all necessary important parameters and status of the seeker are collected for analysis to
Effective Transmission Scheme for Cooperative PB/MC-CDMA System
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K Lee, D Cha, K Lee ,
Abstract. This paper proposes cooperative coding using an interference cancellation
technique to improve the performance of the PB/MC-CDMA system. The cooperation of
multiple relay nodes which help to advance the source signal are considered to be the
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YS Reddy, MVK Reddy, K Ayyanna, VK Kishore
Abstract Direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) is a popular wireless
technology. This system suffers from Multiple Access Interference (MAI) caused by Direct
Sequence users and Near–Far effect due to different power levels received. Multi-User