Design of Islet-On-A- Chip Devices to Dynamically Measure Glucose-Stimulated Metabolism and Insulin Secretion in Individual Pancreatic Islets
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Type 1 diabetes results from a loss of functional beta-cell mass due to autoimmune destruction. Currently, islet transplantation offers a treatment option but due to a limited supply of donor islets this treatment will never be universally available. Thus, engineering
An oligonucleotide synthesizer based on a microreactor chip and an inkjet printer
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Results Design of the oligo synthesizer. The oligo synthesizer has been developed using a microreactor chip and an inkjet printer (Fig. 1a). The chip integrates an array of microreactors which are used to synthesize various oligos in parallel. A commercial inkjet
Golgi-on-a- Chip for the Cell-Free Bio-Nanomanufacturing of Protein Therapeutics
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The market for therapeutic proteins is valued near $140 billion annually. Many of these therapeutics are glycoproteins, which require the addition of specific sugars, called glycans at an exact position on the protein through a process called glycosylation. The glycan affects
A transistor based sensing platform and a microfluidic chip for a scaled-up simulation of controlled drug release
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The framework of my thesis are Biomedical (or Biological) Microelectromechanical Systems (BioMEMSs). Two fields in which this discipline is involved are sensors and fluidics. Functionalized organic materials are under investigation to be the means for target
A Comparative Study of Chip Morphology, Surface Roughness and Tool Wear of Machining Rolled Aluminum using the Advanced Cutting Tools
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Machining of aluminum and its alloy are very difficult due to the formation of built-up edge (BUE) on the surface. This can be minimized by selection of proper cutting speed, feed and cutting tool material. Surface integrity and tool life during machining significantly affect the
Nitrogen Fertility and Chip Processing Quality Comparison for Four Chipping Cultivars Under Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Production
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Abstract Development of cultivar specific management profiles for new potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) releases is an ongoing goal for potato breeding programs in order to provide growers with research-based information that can be used to make well-informed production
Study of Optimal Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction Chip by Comparison of Coating Reflective Materials
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The real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test chip employed in previous experiments used a matte black printed circuit board (PCB) substrate printed with a white silk legend on a heating pattern. However, when analyzing the fluorescence detection
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A network-on- chip (NoC) design concept that combines a best-effort (BE) and a guaranteed- throughput (GT) service in a single network platform is presented in this paper. The concept is enabled by a flexible flit-level packet interleaving method. Both BE and GT packets can
Mixed-Criticality Systems on Commercial-Off-the-Shelf Multi-Processor Systems-on- Chip
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Avionics and space industries are struggling with the adoption of technologies like multi- processor system-on-chips (MPSoCs) due to strict safety requirements. This thesis propose a new reference architecture for MPSoC-based mixed-criticality systems (MCS)-ie, systems
Photolithography-free Skin-on-a- chip for Parallel Permeation Assays
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Dermatitis (skin inflammation) is becoming a serious health problem that lowers the quality of life. Microfluidic devices have been employed as an alternative to conventional in vitro skin models utilized to evaluate irritants, allergens, or drug candidates for dermatitis
Signal Integrity Verification of Multi- Chip Links using Passive Channel Macromodels
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This paper presents a general strategy for the electrical performance and Signal Integrity assessment of electrically long multi- chip links. A black-box time-domain macromodel is first derived from tabulated frequency responses in scattering form. This model is structured as a
STT-RAM Based Energy-Efficient Hybrid Cache Architecture for 3D Chip Multiprocessors.
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Chip -Multiprocessors (CMPs), more cache resources are needed, and as a result, the leakage power consumption of the cache accounts for a larger proportion of the total chip power consumption. The emerging non-volatile memory (NVM) is expected to replace
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In this thesis, a literature survey of exiting Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) techniques for conventional FPGAs is presented. Then, a comparative review of these techniques is provided with respect to reconfiguration time and area. Following that, different
NEBNext® ChIP -Seq Library Prep Master Mix Set for Illumina®
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The NEBNext ChIP -Seq Library Prep Master Mix Set for Illumina contains enzymes and buffers in convenient master mix formulations that are ideally suited for sample preparation for next-generation sequencing, and for preparation of expression libraries. Each of these
Infrastructures and Algorithms for Testable and Dependable Systems-on-a- Chip
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As mentioned in chapter 1 the new SoC design philosophy based on a hierarchical reuse of already made cores, requires the adoption of IP test infrastructures able to fully support core reuse, hierarchical design, and multiple test strategies integration. The problem of testing
Electric Stimulation Of Explanted Retina Using A Subretinal Implant Chip In A Video Projector Setup
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Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) leads to gradual degeneration of photoreceptor cells in human retina, ultimately causing blindness. Despite loss of photoreceptor-and horizontal cells, remaining bipolar and ganglion cell populations show little decay. The subretinal implant
Development of routing algorithms in networks-on- chip with a multiplicative circulant topology
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Nowadays, construction of multi-core processors is becoming one of the most popular areas of investigation in Modern heuristic techniques for combinatorial problems. Advanced topics in computer science
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Decision Tree and Ensemble Learning Based on Ant Colony Optimization Google Books Result Modern heuristic techniques for combinatorial problems . Faculty library sciences Series: Advanced topics in computer science series; Alternative call (PDF) Modern Heuristic Search Methods
Software Agents Michael R. Genesereth Logic Group Computer Science Department Stanford University
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The software world is one of great richness and diversity. Many thousands of software products are available to users today, providing a wide variety of information and services in a wide variety of domains. While most of these programs provide their users with significant Classical complexity theory analyzes and classifies problems by the amount of a resource, usually time or space, that is required by algorithms solving them. It was a fundamental idea, going back to the work of Hartmanis and Stearns in the early 1960s, to measure the required
The combinatorics of network reliability, International Series of Monographs on Computer Science
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This book develops combinatorial tools which are useful for reliability analysis, as demonstrated with a probabilistic network model. Basic results in combinatorial enumeration are reviewed, along with classical theorems on connectivity and cutsets. More developed
Languages and machines: an introduction to the theory of computer science
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Languages and machines : an introduction to the theory of computer . Theory of Computing 2015/2016 (FUB MSc in Computer Science ) Languages and Machines, which is intended for computer scientists in the theoretical foundations of their subject, gives a mathematically sound In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the concepts of graph transformation and graph grammars started to become of interest in picture processing and computer science . The main idea was to generalize well-known rewriting techniques from strings and trees to Parsing is the process of structuring a linear representation in accordance with a given grammar. This definition has been kept abstract on purpose to allow as wide an interpretation as possible. The linear representation may be a sentence, a computer
The Cambridge distributed computing system. International computer science series
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The Development of Component-based Information Systems Google Books Result The Cambridge Distributed Computing System is an early discontinued distributed operating system, . (International computer science series) Bibliography: p. The 100 Best Computer Science Programs in the
Logic and the challenge of computer science
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Nowadays computer science is surpassing mathematics as the primary field of logic applications, but logic is not tuned properly to the new role. In particular, classical logic is preoccupied mostly with infinite static structures whereas many objects of interest in
Computer science unplugged
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For kids ages 7 to 14: This educational 50 minute show is an action-packed, zany time exploring neat ideas in computer science . It has been performed for over 20 years in classrooms, science museums, science festivals, and at educational events. Kids, and the
The Profession of IT, Is Computer Science Science
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COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM draw on the same fundamental principles. In 1989, we used the term computing instead of computer science , mathematics, and engineering. Today, computing science, engineering, mathematics, art
Discrete mathematical structures with applications to computer science
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The objectives of the course are: To develop Professional Skills through effective communication To introduce a number of Mathematical Foundation to be serving as tools even today in the development of theoretical computer science To gain some confidence on
Bringing computational thinking to K-12: what is Involved and what is the role of the computer science education community
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When Jeanette Wing [13] launched a discussion regarding the role of computational thinking across all disciplines, she ignited a profound engagement with the core questions of what computer science is and what it might contribute to solving problems across the
Modern DC-to-DC Switchmode Power Converter Circuits (Van Nostrand Reinhold Electrical/ Computer Science and Engineering Series)
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As each area of technology with a potential for significantly impacting any major segment of the electronics industry evolves, it often is accompanied by the development of a succession of new circuits. Each new circuit indeed appears different, employing different components
Information technology research: A practical guide for computer science and informatics
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Information Technology Research: A Practical Guide for Computer
Scientific methods in computer science
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ABSTRACT This paper analyzes scientific aspects of Computer Science . First it defines science and scientific method in
Active learning and its use in computer science
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Student learning and the depth of the students knowledge increase when active learning methods are employed in the classroom. Active learning strategies are discussed in general computer science course work and as used in a theory of computation course. Difficulties
Why the high attrition rate for computer science students: some thoughts and observations
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1. Introduction At our university, there are over four hundred declared majors in Computer Science . Each semester, however, only about fifteen to twenty students graduate in this field. The freshman courses comprise overflowing multiple sections, but the upper level courses make
Form and content in computer science
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The trouble with computer science today is an obsessive concern with form instead of content. No, that is the wrong way to begin. By any previous standard the vitality of computer science is enormous; what other intellectual area ever advanced so far in twenty years
RC-IGBT Chip Technology for White Goods
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Today, power devices are used for various types of equipment such as industrial machinery, electric vehicles, and consumer appliances (eg, air conditioners and refrigerators). Many of the main power devices currently used have IGBTs and FWDs, and their performance
GO-Bio 3: PoreGenic®− 1. Whole-cell patch clamp recordings with a 3D-MEA chip
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We present the first intracellular measurements with our new PoreGenic® microneedle chip prototype providing a new 3D-MEA. These are the first steps towards the analysis of adherent cells with our patch-on- chip system PoreGenic®. In future, it will allow for drug