circular waveguide research papers 21
A theorem for the properties of some classes of real numbers, connected with the zeros of complex Kummer function and its application in the theory of circular
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places. 3. Azimuthally Magnetized Circular Ferrite Waveguide The normal propagation of modes in a ferrite–loaded circular waveguide with azimuthal magnetization is governed by the equation [4-6]: n TE0 ( ) 0 0 = F xca ;, (15)
Measured results of some low-loss dielectric plates by cut-off circular waveguide method in millimeter wave region
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ABSTRACT In order to investigate accuracy of a cut-off circular waveguide method, the round robin test, which is needed to establish JIS standard, is performed by using three cavities and eight sapphire plates. Some low-loss dielectric plates were measured by this method
Analysis of Radiation Characteristics of an Open Circular Waveguide Asymmetrically Covered By a Dielectric Layered Hemi-Spherical RadomeAbstract
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ABSTRACT In this paper, the radiation characteristics of an open circular waveguide asymmetrically covered by a layered dielectric hemi-spherical radome are analyzed. On the waveguide opening, the dominant TE11 wave of the circular waveguide is assumed. The
Analysis and design of broadband square to circular waveguide transitions
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ABSTRACT This paper presents the design of square-to circular waveguide transitions. The design is based on the asymmetric rectangular-tocircular and circular-to-circular waveguide junction) associated with the generalized S-matrix technique for the composite structure.
Chiral sections of differing diameter for circular waveguide measurements
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A key to expand the range of waveguide measurement setups for chiral materials is to introduce step discontinuities. Therefore, in this paper the discontinuity of a chiral section of differing diameter in an otherwise empty circular waveguide is analysed by means of a
Three sections circular waveguide aperture antenna with conical beam
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ABSTRACT A three sections circular waveguide aperture antenna with conical beam is presented. By using two waveguide steps, the aperture distribution of the antenna can be controlled to realize the requirements on the radiation pattern with conical beam including
Directional Couplers for Detecting the TE^ and 7E12 Circular Waveguide Modes
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D Hoppe , This article describes the theoretical and experimental results for a pair of modeselective directional couplers designed to detect the TE^ and TE; 2 modes in a multimode circular waveguide. A brief description of the design of the couplers is presented, followed by a
A flexible CIET analysis for the design of on-axis circular waveguide components
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J Bornemann, S Amari ,Proc. 2003 Asia Pacific Microwave Conf , ABSTRACT A flexible and efficient yet accurate coupled-integral-equations technique (CIET) for the design of on-axis circular waveguide components is presented. The analysis process features on-off switchable edge conditions, sparse-matrix formulation and selections of
A design technique for stepped circular waveguide dual-mode filters for broadband contiguous multiplexers
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ABSTRACT A stepped circular waveguide cavity provides an effective way for shifting or even suppressing unwanted spurious modes in a circular waveguide dual-mode (CWDM) filter. This useful property may be used in a wideband waveguide contiguous channel output
Wiener-Hopf Analysis of the Diffraction by a Circular Waveguide Cavity
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The analysis of the scattering and diffraction by open-ended metallic waveguide cavities has been of great interest recently in connection with the prediction and reduction of the radar cross section (RCS) of a target. This problem serves as a simple model of duct structures
Observed 50 to 60 Gc/s attenuation for the circular electric wave in dielectriccoated cylindrical waveguide bends
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REFERENCES 1. Unger, HG, Circular Electric Wave Transmission in Dielectric-Coated Wave-
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FF Dubrovka, SI Piltyay , ABSTRACT Approximate methods and exact factorization method have been used to predict peak crosspolar of radiation levels of open-ended thin-wall circular waveguides. The ranges of minimal discrepancy with factorization method are estimated for each approximate
Analysis of a Chiral Slab in a Circular Waveguide
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A chiral slab in an otherwise empty circular waveguide is analysed by means of a mode matching technique. The modal expansion shows good convergence for only five eigenmodes. Useful symmetry relations were found both for the propagation constants
- what is horn antenna
- circular waveguide research papers
- what is Axial ratio bandwidth of antenna
- Novel fractal antenna arrays for satellite networks: Circular ring sierpinski carpet arrays optimized by genetic algorithms
- Circular fractal monopole antenna for low VSWR UWB applications
circular waveguide research papers
circular waveguide research papers 31 CSE PROJECTS