cloud computing in iot
Combination of cloud computing and internet of things ( IOT ) in medical monitoring systems
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With the fast development of cloud computing and computer science technology, the combination of the IOT and clod computing in the medical-assisted environment is urgently needed. The prior research focus more on individual development of the single technique
From a Smart Education Environment to an Eco-School through Fog Cloud Computing in IoT Context
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One of the most visible domains of the last decade emerging technological explosion is education. In this paper we will analyze the educational field seen as an intelligent learning environment, in the context of a modern information and communication technology
A application of cloud computing and IOT in logistics
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This paper analyzes the characteristics of cloud computing and IOT (internet of things), introduce a logistics operation based on cloud computing and IOT , which establish a logistics information interchange, data exchange to meet the business requirements of the
The emergent technological and theoretical paradigms in education: the interrelations of cloud computing (CC), connectivism and internet of things ( IoT )
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With the rapid development and increase in Internet speed in network technology, communication and interaction with others, even with objects, as well as sharing and creation of knowledge is supported and facilitated more effectively than ever before. The
Achieving assistive technology systems based on IoT devices in cloud computing .
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This paper discusses how programmable embedded IoT systems be a challenge for the development of Assistive Technologies (ATs), with particular reference to the Human- Computer Interaction (HCI). Nowadays, users with disabilities access computer-based
Futures Smart Objects in IOT Based on BigData and Cloud Computing Technologies
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S Ravikanti, G Preeti- Journal of Innovative Research in in The Internet of Things ( IoT ) is simply known smart . How does IoT affect and change the relation between humans and objects. The IoT introduces issues that lead us to turn a philosophical eye to those 50 billion objects which are predicted in near future: Big Data
A Framework for IoT Sensor Data Analytics and Visualisation in Cloud Computing Environments
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The planet, natural systems, human systems and physical objects have always generated enormous amounts of data but we could not hear it, see it or capture it. But now we can because all of these things are instrumented and connected and so we have access to it
Verifiable fully outsourced attribute-based signcryption system for IoT eHealth big data in cloud computing
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The entrance of Internet of Things ( IoT ) technologies to healthcare industry has impacted the explosion of eHealth big data. Cloud computing is widely considered to be the promising solution to store this data because of the presence of abundant resources at a lower cost
Security Privacy Issues of Big Data in IOT based Healthcare System using Cloud Computing
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The increasing popularity of IOT based technology in healthcare arena using cloud computing immensely emphasizes on using big data as a service for facilitating a proper structure for collected healthcare data and accommodating such ample number of diverse
Fog Computing : A Bridge to the Cloud Computing in IoT Environment
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Fog computing is also known as edge computing or Fogging. It is emerging technology and that provides an extension and enhancement to the cloud model of computing which attempts to bring the services, processing, application and storage to the edge of the
The Role of Cloud Computing and Fog Computing in IoT
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M Anand, MK Nangia in Cloud computing offers many possibilities for prospective users; there are however many different storage and compute services to choose from between all the cloud providers and their multiple datacenters. At a basic level, cloud computing is a way for businesses to use
Based on the architecture difference between cloud and fog computing in IOT
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Internet adopted the two technologies namely cloud and IOT . To make revolution in the current period Cloud computing gives hope to IOT . FOG computing is basically an extension of cloud computing services. In this paper, we have introduced the topics Ie cloud computing
IoT based heart monitoring and alerting system with cloud computing and managing the traffic for an ambulance in India
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Global Burden of Disease Report, released in Sept 201 shows that Cardiovascular Diseases caused 1.7 million deaths (17.8%) in 2016 and it is the leading cause of deaths in India . According to the Indian Heart Association, 25% of all heart attacks happen underComputing in Smart Cities 25 How to Conceive Future Mobility Services in Smart Cities According to the FIWARE frontierCities Experience Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Maria Di Pietro
The Role and Prospects of IoT and Cloud Computing in Remote Health Monitoring
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Cloud computing emerges as the key platform for IoT data storage, processing and analytics due to its simplicity, scalability and affordability (ie no up-front investment, low operation costs). Remote patient monitoring in particular can benefit from for this technology in many
Decentralized Secure Fog Computing in Cloud -Fog- IoT Infrastructure Using Blockchain
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Fog computing is decentralized scalable architecture where the fog nodes can join and leave the network arbitrary way. The IoT devices connected to the fog network can also have the connectivity issue. As all the fog nodes and IoT devices are connected in a distributed
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With the fast development of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), a large amount of data is being generated continuously by different sources. Storing all the raw data in the IoT devices locally is unwise considering that the end de-vices energy and storage spaces are strictly
Expounding the Developing Diversifications in Cloud Computing and Internet of Things ( IoT ) with Exemplifications
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PC BEBE, A SIVARANI in Remarkably distinctive technologies like Cloud computing and Internet of Things ( IoT ) are noticed to be emerging as an ineluctable part of humans, who are commonly connected with artificial intelligence. Their adoptions are seen to be inerrable and their usage is
Challenge in Cloud Computing Quest to Enable the Future of IOT or Cost Effectiveness in Cloud Computing Quest to Enable the Future of IOT
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Cloud computing can be a less expensive, quicker, and greener distinct option for an on- premises arrangement. With no foundation speculations, you can get intense software and enormous computing assets rapidly with lower in advance expenses and less administration
Challenges in Cloud Computing and IoT Security
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Page 1. Challenges in Cloud Computing and IoT Security Carlos B. Westphall, Carla M. Westphall, Jorge Werner, Daniel R. dos Santos, Paulo F. da Silva, Kleber MM Vieira Networks and Management Laboratory Federal University of Santa Catarina DECEMBER 2ND, BRASÍLIA