computer network research paper 51
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RL de Souza Dutra
ABSTRACT Nowadays technological professionals have differentiated their skills and
motivated great changes in the their academic training. Normally the teacher-centered
approaches, widely used in traditional education, induced a passive behavior in the
Monitoring Smart Grid Operations and Maintaining Mission Assurance through AdaptiveComputer Network Defenses
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ABSTRACT We present adaptive computer network defenses with a focus on Smart Grid
operations. We model Smart Grid network domains in the MESA-ExtendSim simulator and
continuously measure mission assurance indicators (security properties) to gauge the
Two-Call Based Cyber Crime Elasticity Analysis of Internet Traffic Sharing In Computer Network
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D Shukla, S Gangele, K Verma ,
Abstract Cyber crime is an area of immense interest where lots of researches are underway,
particularly in cases when internet based mischief are of the committed by users. The
understanding of cyber crime is like abusive letters, threat to other, unwanted mails, data
Computer Network Defence Situational Awareness
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JH Lefebvre, M Grégoire, L Beaudoin ,2005 ,
Abstract Military Forces are employing Network-Centric Operations as a force multiplier,
which comes with increased vulnerability to attacks given the growing complexity of
Information Technology (IT). Computer Network Defence (CND) focuses on managing the
The Application of Computer Network Simulation to Software Regression Testing
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M Hiscock ,2002 ,
Abstract Software testing is a time consuming task required to ensure high quality software. It
is accepted that finding errors early in the development cycle minimises the financial impact
of that error. One method of speeding up software testing and ensuring that errors are
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AV Pogrebnoy ,
When designing distributed real time systems (RTS) the reduction of time expenditures for
carrying out applied functions due to paralleling results in growth of data transmission
volumes in computer system net work. If the number of microprocessor stations in com
Distributed-Shared Virtual Environment Using Computer Network
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H HORII, T ABE ,Int Conf Artif Real , 1998 ,
Abstract Multi-user remote communication in the virtual environment has been constructed
for training, education and entertainment and so on. User can experience touching and
manipulating virtual objects, but they cannot feel their haptics such as weight, surface
Application-Tailored Mapping and Monitoring with High Resolution Spaceborne Imagery, using an Interdisciplinary Connected Computer Network
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ABSTRACT: The beginning of 1996 marks the start of the Austrian remote sensing project
MISSION, involving most of the country’s remote sensing experts and several possible user
institutions. This project is going to use high resolution optical data from the MOMS-02
Differential Epidemic Model of Virus and Worms in Computer Network
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BK Mishra ,
Abstract A differential electronic Susceptible-Infectious-Removed-Susceptible (e-SIRS)
epidemic model of virus and worms in a computer network has been formulated. Latent
period, immune period and time for self replication have been considered. Stability of the
KUIPNET: Inhouse Computer Network for Information Processing and Some Applications
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TST Hayashi, KOTS Kitazawa, T Kanade, H Ohnishi ,COMpZJ: k ,
Information processing activities in our laboratory may be better understood in relation to the
history of digital computers in Japan. The first stage was from 1957 to 1966, when the input
to computers was only by punched tape and card. These input media were exclusively
Considerations for Efficient Network Protocols and Application to Computer Graphics Clusters
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A Sud ,
Many large-scale computing applications are presently solved by a distributed system of multiple
computers in- terconnected via a computer network [1, 13, 6]. The high availability of commodity
processors and networking equipment makes practical the construction of supercom
The Need for Computer Network Connection Metrics
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ST Brugger ,2007 ,
Abstract Numerous metrics, or features, have been used to describe TCP connections.
These features are frequently of interest to the network intrusion detection community, and
occasionally the network engineering community. While researchers may understand
Creating an Academic Network with Women in Computer Science in Afghanistan
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EM Hoffmann ,2009 ,
Figure 2: Internet at home All polled students have at least once installed an opera- ting system
on their own and declared to at least once have installed a computer network on their own.
On upcoming problems, all of them try to solve it by themselves.
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J STAFF ,2003 ,
1. Purpose. This manual provides guidance and procedures for implementing the IA defense-
in-depth strategy and standards. The mix of safeguards selected for an information system
processing classified or sensitive-but-unclassified information will ensure the information
A Case Study of Computer Programming Education in Gaming Situation for Senior Citizen over Broadband Network
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In detail, three lines of video and audio as well as ordinary 100BASE/TX computer network
was good enough. • Degree of understanding by learners was relatively low at the remote
site than at the host site. However, the difference was not significant.
Evaluating Computer Network Packet Inter-Arrival Distributions
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D Guster, D Robinson ,2009 ,
The past decade could be classified as the decade of connectivity; in fact, it is
commonplace for computers to be connected to an LAN, which in turn is connected to a
WAN, which provides an Internet connection. On an application level this connectivity
[BOOK] Coding for a computer network
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JPM Schalkwijk ,1974 ,
Four previous papers [1 j2, 3, 4] were: concerned with the-theoretical development of a basic
feedback strategy, multiple repetition coding (MRC), that was first described byi Schalkwijk
in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, May 1971. The multiple repetition strategy
A System Administrator’s Guide to Implementing Various Anti-Virus Mechanisms: What to Do When a Virus Is Suspected on a Computer Network
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RB Fried ,
Abstract This paper, presented in the form of sample guidelines/procedures, will express in
much detail the steps, techniques and methods of defense utilized/implemented in the
detection, investigation and tracing of a suspected computer virus. Proposed courses of
A Performance Comparison of Dynamic vs. Static Load Balancing Policies in a Mainframe {Personal Computer Network Model
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HKEZS Fathyy ,
Abstract Distributed computer systems can share job processing in the event of overloads.
Load balancing involves the distribution of jobs throughout a networked computer system,
thus increasing throughput without having to obtain additional or faster computer