cryo tomography technology
Cryo -electron tomography of neurospora mitochondria
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Conventionally recorded electron micrographs provide two-dimensional projections of a threedimensional object. In order to retrieve 3-D structures, specimens must be tilted with respect to the electron beam and series of 2-D images at different projection directions
Soft X-ray microscopy with a cryo scanning transmission X-ray microscope: II. Tomography
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Using a cryo scanning transmission X-ray microscope (Maser, et al.(2000) Soft X-ray microscopy with a cryo scanning transmission X-ray microscope: I. Instrumentation, imaging and spectroscopy. J. Microsc. 19 68±79), we have obtained tomographic data-sets of
Cryo -electron tomography of biological specimens
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BACKGROUND The article in this special issue by Fernandez et al.[31] provides an introduction to electron microscopy techniques used in modern biological ultrastructure research. CET is a powerful extension to the capabilities of the transmission electron
Cryo -STEM tomography of intact vitrified fibroblasts
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Cryo tomography of intact, vitrified cells provides a three dimensional view of their structure and organization in a snapshot of the living state. Lacking heavy metal stains, tilt series images are typically produced by defocus phase contrast. Recently, a number of other
Cryo -electron tomography : the realization of a vision
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The ultimate goal of electron microscopy (EM) in the biological sciences is to provide a structural framework for a mechanistic understanding of processes at the molecular or cellular level. Biological structures are inherently three dimensional and therefore two
Computed tomography based on cryo X-ray microscopic images of unsectioned biological specimens
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This thesis describes the application of computed tomography based on cryo X-ray microscopic images (CTCXM) to unstained hydrated specimens of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and of cell nuclei of Drosophila melanogaster, in order to
Cryo -electron tomography
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Calcium-or voltage-sensitive probes have made it possible to watch neurons in action. But observing larger neural networks together at the same time is challenging, as many relevant imaging techniques are afflicted by a trade-off between temporal resolution and field of view
A method to study the time-dependent remodeling of high density lipoproteins by individual-particle electron cryo tomography
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High density lipoprotein (HDL) levels are inversely associated with cardiovascular risk. HDL comprises numerous subclasses of particles which are diverse in terms of size, shape, structure and function. In terms of defining HDL as a therapeutic target, it is important to
Electron cryo tomography of nanowires in Shewanella Oneidensis MR-1
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The dissimilatory metal-reducing bacterium Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 is known to make nanowires,conductive cell appendages used in electron transport. Novel live fluorescence imaging techniques recently clarified that the conductive filaments in S. oneidensis are not
Computational tools to improve visualization by cryo -electron tomography
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Cryo -electron tomography (CryoET) can directly visualize frozen, hydrated macromolecules inside cells without staining artifacts or fluorescent tags at nanometer resolution. However, imaging tilted specimens is limited to±60 tilt, causing a missing wedge of data that induces
Opening windows into the cell: Focused-ion-beam milling for cryo -electron tomography
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MPI Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany. Cryo -electron tomography ( cryo -ET) is a biophysical tool that provides unprecedented insights into the 3-D organization of cells in their native state at molecular resolution, free of artefacts such as fixation, staining, or
Cryo electron microscopy and electron tomography will play a crucial role in the future of drug development
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Systems Biology obtained through various in vitro assays, designed to mimic the in vivo situation. However, the interaction between macromolecules is dependent on their micro- environment, and in vitro assays frequently fail to predict interactions since they are artificial
Angular Uncertainty Refinement and Image Reconstruction Improvement in Cryo -electron Tomography .
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In the field of cryo -electron tomography ( cryo -ET), numerous approaches have been proposed to tackle the difficulties of the three-dimensional reconstruction problem. And that, in order to cope with (1) the missing and noisy data from the collected projections,(2) errors
Visualizing infection initiation of bacteriophage P22 by cryo -electron tomography
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For successful infection, bacteriophages must overcome multiple barriers in the bacterial cell envelope to translocate viral DNA and proteins into the host cell. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the phage infection initiation remain poorly understood. Here, we
Cryo -Stem tomography provides morphological and chemical characterization of precipitated calcium-phosphate clusters sequestered in mitochondria of intact
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We recently demonstrated that cryo -scanning transmission electron tomography (CSTET) provides tomographic reconstructions of vitrified cells with superior information transfer at high tilts and for thicker specimens than defocus phase contrast (Wolf et al.). In
Supramolecular architecture of rhodopsin in native photoreceptors revealed by cryo -electron tomography
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26a Sunday, February 2013 cryo -electron tomography . This technique ascertains that rhodopsin is preserved in a close-to-native state. Briefly: retina is fixed by high-pressure freezing, ultra-thin sectioned and visualized by cryo -electron tomography . In the
Electron Cryo Tomography of Vitreous Cryo -Sections: Towards Imaging Biological Nanomachines in their Cellular Environment
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All life forms are governed by functional units, composed of proteins, nucleic acids, and various small molecules, which interact synergistically to regulate, at the cellular systems- level, the behavior of an organism1. Cells and all their functional units, therefore, can be
Cellular Landscape of Viral Maturation by X-ray Cryo -nano Tomography
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The observation of the cellular landscape at molecular resolution is an important step to understand how the cell is organized to produce the key functions of life, and how these functions are disturbed by pathogenic events as virus infections. Tomographic procedures
Simulation of the Localized 3-dimensional Reconstruction for Electron Cryo tomography
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Recent advances in electron cryo tomography (cryoET) allows thin samples such as macromolecular complexes and small bacterial cells to be imaged. In order to reconstruct a three-dimensional image, computation is needed to combine 2-dimensional images taken
Cryo Tomography of Vitrified Bacterial and Human Cells by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
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Cryo -transmission electron tomography (CET) has emerged as a vital tool for structural biology studies of cells and viruses. Direct imaging of fully hydrated, vitrified material represents the state of the art for preservation of biological samples. Lacking heavy metal