cryptography research papers-11
Trading inversions for multiplications in elliptic curve cryptography
ABSTRACT Recently, Eisentrger et al. proposed a very elegant method for speeding up scalar multiplication on elliptic curves. Their method relies on improved formulas for evaluating S=(2P+ Q) from given points P and Q on an elliptic curve. Compared to the naive
Introduction to post-quantum cryptography
Imagine that it s fifteen years from now and someone announces the successful construction of a large quantum computer. The New York Times runs a frontpage article reporting that all of the public-key algorithms used to protect the Internet have been broken. Users panic.
NanoECC: Testing the limits of elliptic curve cryptography in sensor networks
By using Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), it has been recently shown that Public-Key Cryptography (PKC) is indeed feasible on resource-constrained nodes. This feasibility, however, does not necessarily mean attractiveness, as the obtained results are still not
Elliptic curve cryptography-based access control in sensor networks
Access control in sensor networks is used to authorise and grant users the right to access the network and data collected by sensors. Different users have different access right due to the access restriction implicated by the data security and confidentiality. Even though
Lattice-based cryptography
In this chapter we describe some of the recent progress in lattice-based cryptography. Lattice-based cryptographic constructions hold a great promise for post-quantum cryptography, as they enjoy very strong security proofs based on worst-case hardness,
Low-cost elliptic curve cryptography for wireless sensor networks
This work describes a low-cost Public-Key Cryptography (PKC) based solution for security services such as key-distribution and authentication as required for wireless sensor networks. We propose a custom hardware assisted approach to implement Elliptic Curve
High security pairing-based cryptography revisited
The security and performance of pairing based cryptography has provoked a large volume of research, in part because of the exciting new cryptographic schemes that it underpins. We re-examine how one should implement pairings over ordinary elliptic curves for various
Cryptography and game theory: Designing protocols for exchanging information
The goal of this paper is finding fair protocols for the secret sharing and secure multiparty computation (SMPC) problems, when players are assumed to be rational. It was observed by Halpern and Teague (STOC 2004) that protocols with bounded number of iterations
Founding cryptography on oblivious transfer–efficiently
We present a simple and efficient compiler for transforming secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocols that enjoy security only with an honest majority into MPC protocols that guarantee security with no honest majority, in the oblivious-transfer (OT) hybrid model.
Leakage-resilient public-key cryptography in the bounded-retrieval model
We study the design of cryptographic primitives resilient to key-leakage attacks, where an attacker can repeatedly and adaptively learn information about the secret key, subject only to the constraint that the overall amount of such information is bounded by some
Exploiting the power of GPUs for asymmetric cryptography
Modern Graphics Processing Units (GPU) have reached a dimension with respect to performance and gate count exceeding conventional Central Processing Units (CPU) by far. Many modern computer systems include–beside a CPU–such a powerful GPU which runs
Cryptography from pairings
DIAMANT/EIDMA Symposium, May 31st/June 1st 2007 1 Cryptography from Pairings Kenny Paterson Information Security Group CCA security. • Boneh-Franklin paper was the main trigger for the flood of research in pairing-based cryptography. Information Security Group
Extended double-base number system with applications to elliptic curve cryptography
We investigate the impact of larger digit sets on the length of Double-Base Number system (DBNS) expansions. We present a new representation system called extended DBNS whose expansions can be extremely sparse. When compared with double-base chains,
Advances in ultralightweight cryptography for low-cost RFID tags: Gossamer protocol
The design of ultralightweight authentication protocols that conform to low-cost tag requirements is imperative. This paper analyses the most important proposals (except for those based in hard problems such as the HB [1-3] family) in the area [4-6] and identifies
A three-stage quantum cryptography protocol
ABSTRACT We present a three-stage quantum cryptographic protocol based on public key cryptography in which each party uses its own secret key. Unlike the BB84 protocol, where the qubits are transmitted in only one direction and classical information exchanged
Lattice-based cryptography
In this survey, we describe some of the recent progress on lattice-based cryp- tography. What is a lattice? It is a set of points in n-dimensional space with a periodic structure, such as the one illustrated in Figure 1. More formally, given n-linearly independent vectors v1,,vn ? Rn,
Maximalist cryptography and computation on the WISP UHF RFID tag
ABSTRACT. With continuous improvements in the efficiency of microelectronics, it is now possible to power a general-purpose microcontroller wirelessly at a reasonable range. Our implementation of RC5-32/12/16 on the WISP UHF RFID tag shows that conventional
Robust finite field arithmetic for fault-tolerant public-key cryptography
We present a new approach to fault tolerant public key cryptography based on redundant arithmetic in finite rings. Redundancy is achieved by embedding non-redundant field or ring elements into larger rings via suitable homomorphisms obtained from modulus scaling.
The conjugacy search problem in public key cryptography: unnecessary and insufficient
ABSTRACT The conjugacy search problem in a group G is the problem of recovering an x ? G from given g ? G and h= x- 1 gx. This problem is in the core of several recently suggested public key exchange protocols, most notably the one due to Anshel, Anshel, and Goldfeld,
Field experiment on a robust hierarchical metropolitan quantum cryptography network
ABSTRACT A hierarchical metropolitan quantum cryptography network upon the inner-city commercial telecom fiber cables is reported in this paper. The seven-user network contains a four-node backbone net with one node acting as the subnet gateway, a two-user subnet
Cryptography for ultra-low power devices
ABSTRACT Ubiquitous computing describes the notion that computing devices will be everywhere: clothing, walls and floors of buildings, cars, forests, deserts, etc. Ubiquitous computing is becoming a reality: RFIDs are currently being introduced into the supply
Watermarking is not cryptography
A number of analogies to cryptographic concepts have been made about watermarking. In this paper, we argue that these analogies are misleading or incorrect, and highlight several analogies to support our argument. We believe that the fundamental role of watermarking
Combinatorial group theory and public key cryptography
ABSTRACT After some excitement generated by recently suggested public key exchange protocols due to Anshel–Anshel–Goldfeld and Ko–Lee et al., it is a prevalent opinion now that the conjugacy search problem is unlikely to provide sufficient level of security if a
Cryptography against continuous memory attacks
• The scheme remains functional after any number of key refreshes, although the public key never changes. Thus, the outside world is neither affected by these key refreshes, nor needs to know about their frequency. • The scheme remains secure even if the adversary can
Analysis of public-key cryptography for wireless sensor networks security
FREE DOWNLOAD In this paper, we have made an effort to survey well known security issues in WSNs and study the behavior of WSN nodes that perform public key cryptographic operations. We evaluate time and power consumption of public key cryptography algorithm for signature
- Quantum cryptography in real life applications
- visual cryptography-3
- Quantum cryptography-3
- Quantum cryptography-3
- new quantum cryptography protocols
partial configuration research papers
cryptography research papers-12 CSE PROJECTS