Cloud computing security 2020
Cloud security is the protection of data stored online via cloud computing platforms from theft, leakage, and deletion. Methods of providing cloud security include firewalls, penetration testing, obfuscation, tokenization, virtual private networks (VPN), and avoiding public internet connections. Security paradigms for cloud computing In general terms, security is a vast issue that must be dealt […]
Image Processing With Augmented Reality AR for education
Affordable infrared-optical pose-tracking for virtual and augmented reality free downloadIt was an attempt to build an affordable hardware platform for Construct3D , a collaborative Augmented Reality application designed Figure 4: Runtime image processing pipeline Figure 5: Stages of the data- processing pipeline: from raw video images to 6-DOF pose estimates Challenges in networking to support […]
Image Processing With Augmented Reality AR
Augmented Reality is used in areas such as gaming, navigation, tourism, and education in full interest. Using Digital image processing algorithms and computer vision different iPhone and android applications are created. First steps towards handheld augmented reality free downloadC., Bruederlin, B., and Beier, D., Development of a real time image based object Exploring MARS: Developing […]
augmented reality 2020
Use of Augmented Reality in Reconstructive Microsurgery: A Systematic Review and Development of the Augmented Reality Microsurgery Scorefree downloadIntroduction Augmented reality (AR) uses a set of technologies that overlays digital information into the real world, giving the user access to both digital and real-world environments in congruity. AR be specifically fruitful in reconstructive microsurgery due […]
quantum computing 2020
Towards exploring the potential of alternative quantum computing architecturesfree downloadThe recent advances in the physical realization of Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers have motivated research on design automation that allows users to execute quantum algorithms on them. Certain physical constraints in the architectures restrict how Realizing Quantum Algorithms on Real Quantum Computing Devicesfree downloadQuantum […]
deep learning technology 2020
Deep Learning refers to the circumstance that we derive the output for our input by passing it through multiple layers / a hierarchy of transformations (i.e., we go through some depth of transforms), instead of having a single, linear formula that tells us the output value directly. Deep learning is a machine learning technique that […]
web security 2020
Web security is important to keeping hackers and cyber-thieves from accessing sensitive information. Without a proactive security strategy, businesses risk the spread and escalation of malware, attacks on other websites, networks, and other IT infrastructures. injection and authentication flaws, XSS, insecure direct object references, security misconfiguration, sensitive data exposure, a lack of function-level authorization, CSRF, […]
machine translation 2020
Machine Translation is software that automatically renders text from one language into another. A key benefit of RBMT over other MT approaches is that it can produce better quality for language pairs with very different word orders Neural Machine Translation with Joint Representationfree download Though early successes of Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) systems are attributed […]
natural language processing 2020
Natural language processing involves the reading and understanding of spoken or written language through the medium of a computer. This includes, for example, the automatic translation of one language into another, but also spoken word recognition, or the automatic answering of questions Gluoncv and gluonnlp: Deep learning in computer vision and natural language processing free […]
quantum technologies-2020
Quantum technologies are often described as the ‘second quantum revolution’ or ‘quantum 2.0’. These are generally regarded as a class of device that actively create, manipulate and read out quantum states of matter, often using the quantum effects of superposition and entanglement. Quantum Defects in Diamond: Identifying Nitrogen Isotopes of Nitrogen-Vacancy Centersfree downloadThis project aims […]