Data clustering-50 years beyond K-means

Organizing data into sensible groupings is one of the most fundamental modes of understanding and learning. As an example, a common scheme of scientific classification puts organisms into a system of ranked taxa: domain, kingdom, phylum, class, etc. Cluster analysis is the formal study of methods and algorithms for grouping, or clustering, objects according to measured or perceived intrinsic characteristics or similarity. Cluster analysis does not use category labels that tag objects with prior identifiers, i.e., class labels. The absence of category information distinguishes data clustering (unsupervised learning) from classification or discriminant analysis (supervised learning). The aim of clustering is to find structure in data and is therefore exploratory in nature. Clustering has a long and rich history in a variety of scientific fields. One of the most popular and simple clustering algorithms, K-means, was first published in 1955. In spite of the fact that K-means was proposed over 50 years ago and thousands of clustering algorithms have been published since then, K-means is still widely used. This speaks to the difficulty in designing a general purpose clustering algorithm and the ill-posed problem of clustering. We provide a brief overview of clustering, summarize well known clustering methods, discuss the major challenges and key issues in designing clustering algorithms, and point out some of the emerging and useful research directions, including semi-supervised clustering, ensemble clustering, simultaneous feature selection during data clustering, and large scale data clustering.

Advances in sensing and storage technology and dramatic growth in applications such as Internet search, digital imaging, and video surveillance have created many high-volume, highdimensional data sets. It is estimated that the digital universe consumed approximately 281 exabytes in 2007, and it is projected to be 10 times that size by 2011 (1 exabyte is 10 18 bytes or 1,000,000 terabytes) (Gantz, 2008). Most of the data is stored digitally in electronic media, thus providing huge potential for the development of automatic data analysis, classification, and retrieval techniques. In addition to the growth in the amount of data, the variety of available data (text, image, and video) has also increased. Inexpensive digital and video cameras have made available huge archives of images and videos. The prevalence of RFID tags or transponders due to their low cost and small size has resulted in the deployment of millions of sensors that transmit data regularly. E-mails, blogs, transaction data, and billions of Web pages create terabytes of new data every day. Many of these data streams are unstructured, adding to the difficulty in analyzing them

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