data mining research papers 2012-104
A Novel approach for Privacy Preserving in Medical Data Mining using Sensitivity based anonymity
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ABSTRACT K-anonymity is one of the easy and efficient technique to achieve privacy preserving for sensitive data in many data publishing applications. In k-anonymity techniques, all tuples of releasing database are generalized to make it anonymize which
The Adaptability of Decision Tree Method in Mining Industry Safety Data
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ABSTRACT Data Mining nowadays is extensively applied in researches and business fields. The choice of data mining tools is practically dependent on the nature of the data to be mined. Studies have shown that certain tools perform better in certain types of dataset.
Applying Data Mining Technique for the Optimal Usage of Neonatal Incubator
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ABSTRACT This research aims to provide intelligent tool to predict incubator Length of Stay (LOS) of infants which shall increase the utilization and management of infant incubators. The data sets of Egyptian Neonatal Network (EGNN) were employed and Oracle Data
Post Anonymization Techniques in Privacy Preserved Data Mining
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ABSTRACT Privacy preserving data mining deals with the effectiveness of preserving privacy and utility of the data. Privacy becomes a key concern when the medical data is published for research purposes. Anonymization techniques can be used to transform the
A Rough Sets Based Data Preprocessing Algorithm for Web Structure Mining
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Applying data mining techniques in intrusion detection system on web and analysis of web usage. Inform. Technol.
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Respiration studies have assumed increased importance in the field of biomedical analytics research. Respiration signal analysis is beginning to be applied to address a variety of issues ranging from cardiac diagnostics [18] and sleep studies [17], to sports medicine [19]
Process mining in Intensive Care Unit Data
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Master Thesis Process mining in Intensive Care Unit Data By Edlira Lybeshari In partial fulfillment of the requirements
Role of Data Mining in Banking Sector
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ABSTRACT Banking Sector all over the world is witnessing a paradigm shift. The computerization of financial operations, connectivity through World Wide Web and the support of automated softwares has completely changed the basic concept of banking.
Intrusion Detection System using Genetic Algorithm and Data Mining: An Overview
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Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Govt. Engineering College, Aurangabad (MS),
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ABSTRACT This paper sums up the applications of Statistical model such as ARIMA family time series models in Canadian lynx data time series analysis and introduces the method of data mining combined with Statistical knowledge to analysis Canadian lynx data series. Key
Customer Need Type Classification Model using Data Mining Techniques for Recommender Systems
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K Kim ,World Academy of Science, Engineering and ABSTRACT Recommender systems are usually regarded as an important marketing tool in the e-commerce. They use important information about users to facilitate accurate recommendation. The information includes user context such as location, time and interest
Analysis of Data Mining Techniques on Real Estate
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G Banerji, K Saxena ,International Journal of Soft Computing and ABSTRACT Data mining techniques are broadly classified into two classes (i) Statistical Techniques and (ii) Knowledge Discovery. The continuing rapid growth of on-line data and the widespread use of databases necessitate the development of techniques for extracting
Complexity indices for the travelling salesman problem and data mining
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ABSTRACT. We extend our previous work on complexity indices for the travelling salesman problem (TSP) using graph spectral techniques of data mining. A complexity index is an invariant of an instance I by which we can predict the execution time of an exact algorithm
E-tutoring as part of the e-examination-the use of data warehousing and data mining to assist in the learning and teaching process
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S Wiak, D Jeske, M Krasuski, R Stryjek ,3rd WIETE Annual Conference on , ABSTRACT For the past two years, students have been using the E-matura system to sit for a matriculation examination in mathematics. In this paper, the authors endeavour to demonstrate the projected e-tutoring module, which will become an integral part of the E-
Automated Data Integration, Cleaning and Analysis Using Data Mining and SPSS Tool For Technical School in Malaysia
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ABSTRACT Students performance plays major role in determining the quality of our education system. Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) is a public examination compulsory to be taken by Form 5 students in Malaysia. The performance gap is not only a school and classroom
Dynamic Data Mining: Synergy of Bio-Inspired Clustering Methods
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EN Benderskaya, SV Zhukova , -Oriented Applications in Data Mining - Dynamic data mining (DDM) comprises advantages of static methods used to reveal implicit structure of classes and at the same time benefits from high quality results obtained in the field of time series analysis. Clustering problem is recognized to be the most crucial in
Corporate Bankruptcy Prediction using Data Mining Techniques: Evidence from Iran
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ABSTRACT In recent times, every organization financial analysis provides the basis for understanding and evaluating the results of business operations and delivering how well a business is doing. This means that the organizations can control the operational activities
Data mining in text streams using suffix trees
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ABSTRACT Data mining in text streams, or text stream mining, is an increasingly important topic for a number of reasons, including the recent explosion in the availability of textual data and an increasing need for people and organisations to process and understand as much of
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C Sharma, K Aggarwal , ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the data mining and the current trends associated with it. It begins with the overview of Data mining system and clarifies how data mining and knowledge discovery in databases are related both to each other and to related fields,
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MA Rahman, MM Rahman, MMK Bhuiyan ABSTRACT Clustering analysis is an important function of data mining. There are various clustering methods in Data Mining. Based on these methods various clustering algorithms are developed. Ant-clustering algorithm is one of such approaches that perform cluster
How a Financial Crisis Affects Data Mining Results: A Case Study
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M Malliaris, AG Malliaris , ABSTRACT Successful trading of currencies over time often depends on a strategy that remains consistent. Identifying patterns that occur among such currencies is a basis for the strategy. However, major financial crises can cause shifts in trading patterns that interfere with even
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MMR Devi, R Manonmani , ABSTRACT Data mining is used for a variety of purposes in both the private and public sectors. The different algorithms and techniques like Classification, Clustering, Regression, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Association Rules, Decision Trees, Genetic
suffix tree involving the concept of data mining
Context-aware query suggestion by mining click-through and session data
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We may have mil- lions of unique queries involving millions of unique URLs, which may result in We develop a novel structure of concept sequence suffix tree to address this challenge The contexts mined are organized into a concept sequence suffix tree which can be searched
Mining frequent patterns without candidate generation: A frequent-pattern tree approach
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The conditional pattern-bases and the conditional FP-trees generated are summarized in Table 2. Property 3.2 (Prefix path property). To calculate the frequent patterns with suffix ai only the prefix subpathes of nodes labeled ai in the FP-tree need to be accumulated
Mining frequent patterns without candidate generation
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suffix. It employs the least frequent items as suffix, which offers good selectivity. base. item conditional pattern base conditional FP-tree p f f:2; c:2; a:2; m:2 c:1; b:1 g f c:3 gjp bases The conditional pattern bases and the conditional FP-trees
A new suffix tree similarity measure for document clustering
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Suffix trees have been studied and used extensively in fundamental string problems such as large Thus finding out m leaf nodes representing all suffixes of a document requires a In this section, we empirically evaluate the effectiveness of the new suffix tree similarity measure
Formal concept analysis for knowledge discovery and data mining: The new challenges
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pointers. The global FP-tree of a database is projected into a set of conditional FP-trees that organize patterns sharing the same suffix. Cardinality reasoning is applied to compute the closure of a given branch in the FP-tree. Computation
Advanced data clustering methods of mining Web documents
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S Sambasivam Issues in 2006 cleaning, where a light stemming algorithm is used to reduce prefixes and suffixes, turn plural Suffix Tree Clustering has a markedly less sensitive response to the similarity threshold, as opposed to In this way, Suf- fix Tree Clustering is much more forgiving concerning the initial
A descriptive framework for the field of data mining and knowledge discovery
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Unsupervised Learning SVMKernel Method Decision Tree ILP Reinforcemen t Learning applied in DM include unsupervised learn- ing methods, decision trees, support vector distributed infrastructures, and com- puting environments for DM tasks involving very large data sets
Efficient phrase-based document indexing for web document clustering
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encouraging, but the suffix tree model could be argued to have a high number of redundancies in terms of the suffixes stored in the tree. However, the proposed DIG model is not just an extension or an enhancement of suffix trees, it takes a different perspective of how to
IEPAD: information extraction based on pattern discovery
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As shown in Figure 3, all suffix strings with the same prefix will be located in the same described in Gusfield's book, chapter 3 to 5 (linear), since we are using binary tree to store character string and only the character suffixes need to be indexed instead of all bit suffixes.
Mining web log sequential patterns with position coded pre-order linked WAP-tree
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it eliminates recursive re-construction of intermediate WAP-trees in order to mine the original WAP-tree for frequent If e is a frequent event within the set of suffixes of a sequential pattern L in the example, if ac is a frequent pattern, and b is a frequent event within the suffix sets of
Unsupervised pattern mining from symbolic temporal data
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The interestingness can be visualized with suffix trees using different font sizes and col- ors for the nodesseveral traversal strategies of suffix tries are compared for efficiency. Page 44 A tree-based enumeration algorithm [13] is used for efficient mining.
An efficient algorithm for mining string databases under constraints
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Once the trees are built, we can perform other operations on them, treating the VSTs as representations of w. Next, InitTree increments the count of the destination of this going down, as well as all its suffixes. This is basically a suffix tree building algorithm, with four modifications
A theory of inductive query answering
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instead of building a suffix trie on all the suffixes of a single string. we are indexing all the suffixes of aset of strings; thus multiple strings are stored in the trie. property that all leaf nodes have the sign e. Both trees have the same semantics and each fully labelled tree has a
Data mining curriculum: A proposal (Version 0.91)
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regression, (2) nonlinear regression, (3) logistic regression, (4) regression trees, (5) regression Markov chain, hidden Markov model; (3) suffix tree, probabilistic suffix tree, and probabilistic will cover work that is specific to analyzing hypermedia, ie, involving hierarchical tagging
Mining access patterns efficiently from web logs
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The property facilitates the access of all the pattern information related to frequent event Cj by following the all branches in WAP-tree linked by ej-queue only once. Thus, the Web access patterns with suffix ac are aac, bac, abac, ac First, the WAP-tree is an effective data structure
Ontology learning
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aspects mostly related to the domain (eg, taxonomie structures) from ones mostly related to the processing (eg be built with methods such as described in Section 9.3.2. An excerpt involving the concept 5 The sentence heuristic essentially says: if no parse tree can be built, relate
ViST: a dynamic index method for querying XML data by tree structures
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However, queries involving branching structures (Q2, for in- stance) usually have to be disassembled into multiple sub Now, they also represent nodes in the suffix tree. Since the nodes are involved in two different trees, two kinds of ancestor-descendant relationships among the
Incremental and interactive sequence mining
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A + C. From Figures 1 and 2 we see that the only other frequent sequence of its suffix class is We would like to know what are the frequent sequences involving this super-item the ISL are more (affecting phasel) and the number of new se- quences are also more (affecting phsse2
Data mining to generate adverse drug events detection rules
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ABSTRACT Adverse drug events (ADEs) are a public health is-sue. Their detection usually relies on voluntary reporting or medical chart reviews. The objective of this paper is to automatically detect cases of ADEs by data mining. 115 447 complete past hospital stays More added oct 13 2014,
A hard-disk based suffix tree implementation
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Abstract Suffix trees are incredibly useful structures for computational genomics and combinatorial pattern matching. Due to the small alphabet sizes used in computational genomics, specialised hard-disk based suffix trees have been designed, but the problem
Data mining in text streams using suffix trees
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T Snowsill - 2012 ABSTRACT Data mining in text streams, or text stream mining, is an increasingly important topic for a number of reasons, including the recent explosion in the availability of textual data and an increasing need for people and organisations to process and understand as much of
Finding surprising patterns in textual data streams
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run after all text samples from a timeframe have been added to the suffix tree) 1 the set of nodes visited by the text sample and all its suffixes 4: for each
Refining causality: who copied from whom?
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Tristan Snowsill Intelligent Systems Laboratory University of Bristol Nick Fyson Bristol Centre for Complexity Sciences and ISL University of Bristol If x is a substring of y then it must be a prefix of a suffix of y. We therefore use constant time LCA queries on all the suffixes of y
Detecting events in a million New York Times articles
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Department of Engineering Mathematics, University of Bristol 2 Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol
NOAM: news outlets analysis and monitoring system
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Ilias Flaounas1, Omar Ali1, Marco Turchi2, Tristan Snowsill1, Florent Nicart3, Tijl De Bie1, and Nello Cristianini1 1Intelligent Systems Laboratory, Univ. sets of articles that discuss the same event Suffix Tree This module implements a suffix tree that [6]
Detecting events in a million New York Times
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of Engineering Mathematics, University of Bristol 2 Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol
Automatic discovery of patterns in media content
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A statistically annotated suffix tree was developed, adapted to deal with the large (and unbounded) alphabet size. Among others, I would like to thank Ilias Flaounas, Marco Turchi, Tijl De Bie, Omar Ali, Tristan Snowsill, Florent Nicart, Bill Lampos, Elena Hensinger and Justin
Big Data Analysis of News and Social Media Content
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we demonstrated one possible approach based on tracking sequences of words (n-grams) using a suffix tree methodology. Authors would like to acknowledge the former members of the group, namely Omar Ali, Vasileios Lampos, Tristan Snowsill, and Marco Turchi for
- research paper-computer science-data mining
- Top 10 algorithms in data mining
- video data mining
- Data Mining in Software Testing
- Temporal pattern mining
data mining research papers 2012-103
data mining research papers 2012-105 CSE PROJECTS