database security concepts research papers

A Permutation Gigantic Issues in Mobile Real Time Distributed Database: ConsistencySecurity
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GK Gupta, AK Sharma, V Swaroop ,International Journal, 2011
 ClustercComputing 1, 2 (1998), 149–159. [4] Jim Gray, The Transaction Concept: Virtues and
Limitations , 7th International Conference, Cannes, France, Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society,
Database security curriculum in 

Selecting Software Packages for Secure Database Installations
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Database security arises from the need to protect from unauthorized attempts to access private
data and loss or corruption of critical data due  Furthermore, the concept of dependability
benchmarking has gained ground in the last few years, having already led to the proposal of 

A Secure Autonomous Document Architecture for Enterprise Digital Right Management
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M Munier ,Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based , 2011
The information society is no longer a simple concept, it has actually
become our everyday world.  Off-line use is possible through the concept of document “leasing”
for a finite period of time before it has to reconnect to the server. 


 A Security Concept for Federated Database Systems
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W Eßmayr, S Hagenberg, AM Tjoa, G Pernul ,2008 ,
Security in homogeneous database systems has been an issue for several years now.
Various models have been proposed addressing the general security requirements which
are: secrecy (protect information from unauthorized disclosure either by direct retrieval or 

 A Practical Database Security Model Using Purpose-Based Database Access Control and Group Concept
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JY Lim, WC Kim, H Roh, S Park ,
Abstract—Personal information that is collected online can be misused and abused.
Therefore, data security techniques that restrict the usage of data only to purposes specified
by data providers are needed. The LDHD model, a well-known database security model,