Mobile commerce applications and services: A design and development approach
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Mobile Commerce is an evolving area of e-Commerce, where users can interact with the service providers through a mobile and wireless network, using mobile devices for information retrieval and transaction processing. M-Commerce services and applications
Unique features of mobile commerce
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Also, there are still some limitations arisen in m-commerce in contrast to web-based e-commerce. Finally, current state of mobile commerce in Japan is presented in brief, with an introduction of several cases involving mobile commerce applications in todays marketplace
Context-based humanized and authorized personalization in mobile commerce applications
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Given the existing limitations and advantages on the mobile Internet, the preferences of users for mobile commerce content and services are noticeably affected. Context-awareness of mobile devices emphasizes the importance of personalization technology
Usability for mobile commerce across multiple form factors.
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Varshney, U. and R. Vetter, A Framework for the Emerging Mobile Commerce Applications Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Comp Society Press
Practice, trends and challenges of mobile commerce in Nigeria
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We believe that the world is about to experience an explosion in the uptake of WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) technology. Mobile commerce applications that combine the advantages of mobile communications with existing e-commerce services will be very successful
Adoption of mobile commerce: role of exposure
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Introduction Mobile commerce is expected to be the next big wave of business. A number of mobile commerce applications have been developed and are already in use, covering a wide range of business functions from advertising, to banking
On the usability of mobile commerce
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EDGE is considered the 2nd generation of GPRS allowing users to reach speeds of up to 384 Kbps, speeds that is offered by low-end ADSL services. Attaining such speeds would help WAP and all mobile commerce applications excel in reaching target customers
Key issues for the design and development of mobile commerce services and applications
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This approach focuses on improving the quality of mobile commerce applications by taking into consideration the unique mobile user needs and requirements, as well as the current technologies for mobile and wireless computing with their constraints. To facilitate the Page 4
The price of convenience: Privacy and mobile commerce
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Page 1. 1 The Price of Convenience: Privacy and Mobile Commerce Published in: Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 3 No. 3 (2002), pp. 273-285 Grace Ng-Kruelle a* Paul A. Swatman b Douglas S. Rebne c Felix Hamped
User acceptance of mobile payments: a theoretical model for mobile payments
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For example, we have enjoyed a high penetration rate of use of mobile devices, and the growth of usage of mobile devices has had a positive impact on the promotion of mobile commerce applications . This phenomenon has happened in e- commerce, when Internet use
A novel authentication scheme for mobile commerce transactions
free download Received January 2009; revised August 2009 Abstract User privacy and robust system security have become essential requirements for a secure authentication scheme on mobile commerce applications . In order to
Mobile commerce beyond electronic commerce: Issue and challenges
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Help businesses to define what benefits they could derive from mobile commerce. Show what are the categories of mobile commerce applications Understand the situation of the Indian mobile telephony market and m- commerce 4.3 Various Mobile Commerce Applications
Developing successful mobile applications
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Society, 1 199 75-91. U. Varshney R. Vetter, A Framework for the Emerging Mobile Commerce Applications Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. S. Singhal, T. Bridgman
Improved Methodology for Mobile Commerce Applications
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Agile based development methodology for mobile commerce applications (ADMMC), which is based on agile development framework, contains integration of essential factors in each phase of systems development life cycle of mobile commerce applications as well as
M-commerce in India: Emerging issues
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Keywords: M-commerce; Mobile Commerce; M-commerce barriers; Mobile Payments; Mobile Governance, M-commerce value chain; Mobile commerce applications ; M-commerce are trying to give latest technology to MOBILE COMMERCE APPLICATIONS
Customers adoption of mobile-commerce a study on emerging economy
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no. pp. 51-6 2004. [17] U. Varshney and R. Vetter, A Framework for the Emerging Mobile Commerce Applications presented at the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, US, 200 p. 10
Analysis of the Usability of M-commerce Applications
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to the usability. 4. Conclusion The conducted research study in this paper gives detailed analysis of the usability of the mobile commerce applications and contributions in both theoretical and practical aspects. So far, there is
Mobile-D for Mobile Software: How to Use Agile Approaches for the Efficient Development of Mobile Applications
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While, so far, mobile commerce applications have not been very successful, telecommunications companies believe a change in short term due to the adoption of 3G technologies. This should lead to a widespread adoption
Customer acceptance of mobile banking: A conceptual framework.
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Security and privacy are essential elements for the success of mobile commerce and its applications. Mobile banking is considered to be one of the most value-added and important mobile commerce applications currently available (Lee et al.; Varshney and Veter)
Future Trends in Mobile Commerce: Service Offerings, Technological Advances and Security Challenges.
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Page 1. Future Trends in Mobile Commerce: Service Offerings, Technological Advances and Security Challenges Ali Grami and Bernadette H. Schell Faculty of Business and Information Technology University of Ontario Institute CSE PROJECTS