e-banking security
Security and Fraud Issues of E banking
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E banking has a lot of benefits that add value to customers satisfaction in term of better service quality, and at the same time enable banks to gain a competitive advantage over other competitors. However, more attention towards e banking security is required and
Designing a biometric strategy (fingerprint) measure for enhancing atm security in indian e banking system
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Biometrics based authentication is a potential candidate to replace password-based authentication. Among all the biometrics, fingerprint based identification is one of the most mature and proven technique. At the time of transaction fingerprint image is acquired at theP. Campos et al. (Eds.): INTERACT 201 Part IV, LNCS 694 pp. 406 40 2011. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2011 The Case of EU E Banking Systems Faculty of Business, Department of Informatics, London South Bank University, 103 Borough Road
Security in e banking via cardless biometric ATMs
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Banks in India have started introducing biometric automatic teller machines (ATMs) as it seems to be an effective way of preventing card usage and is also a channel to expand a bank Ÿ s reach to the rural and illiterate masses. Union Bank of India installed a first such
Considerations regarding the security and protection of e banking services consumers interests
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A significant number of breaches in the security of electronic banking ( e Banking ) system is reported each year, drawing attention to the need to protect and inform customers about the risk of exposure to malicious actions initiated by cyber-criminals. Financial institutions and
Trust and Security in E banking Adoption in Romania
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Romania, like other nations, is moving forward in developing its electronic services to meet the challenges of this century. One of the electronic services which is gaining more popularity and attention is e banking . The consideration given to the e banking by the
E banking security : Internet hacking, phishing attacks, analysis and prevention of fraudulent activities
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Since the introduction of internet banking to the banking sector, many users have discovered hard ways that their use of e banking can place their financial data at risk. Therefore, security has become a frequent concern for both banks and users. A phishing attack refers to
The impact of customer knowledge on the security of e banking
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In this paper one of the most affective factors on security of e banking will be discussed, by accepting the use of information technology for the execution of the Traditional e banking , As we know that e banking is done online and the customers are considered the active
E banking security using cryptography, steganography and data mining
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The growth of E Banking has led to an ease of access and 24-hour banking facility for one and all. However, this has led to a rise in e banking fraud which is a growing problem affecting users around the world. As card is becoming the most prevailing mode of payment
User Acceptance of Biometrics in E banking to improve Security
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Online Banking has developed tremendously all over the world at a rapid pace but still there is a high amount of reluctance among the banking customers to adopt this system apart from the various security concerns they have. This research study seeks to evaluate the use of
Security of E Banking in Bangladesh
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E banking implies provision of banking products and services through electronic delivery channels. It permits anytime, anywhere and any how banking. It offers easy, faster, convenient, low cost banking services around the clock. Security has been recognized as a
IT security and e banking in Nigeria
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This study looks into Information technology security and e banking in the Nigeria banking industry. A total of forty customers were sampled from nine different banks in Nigeria using accidental sampling method and questionnaire was used as data collection instrument
Vulnerabilities in e banking : A study of various security aspects in e banking
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The Internet has played a key role in changing how we interact with other people and how we do business today. As a result of the Internet, electronic commerce has emerged, allowing businesses to more effectively interact with their customers and other corporations
Strengthening the security of e banking transactions: the case of NBG
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In this paper we describe the current situation, concerning alternative channels in security measures in the National Bank of Greece (NBG). We examine the need and the business motives for additional safety levels for the NBG offered services. We also examine the NBG
Robust Authentication Model for ATM: a Biometric Strategy Measure for Enhancing E Banking Security in Nigeria.
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Crimes at automated teller machines (ATMs) are issues that face customers and bank operators. A lot of criminals tamper with ATM terminals and steal customers card details by illegal means. Security of data from unauthorized access, unauthorized modification and
Cryptography Security in E Banking
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Electronic Banking which is also called E Banking is a source of obtaining information about bank and its various services via Internet. E Banking is now the basic essence of Banking services. Information technology has bought major changes in the operating
The impact of perceived security on e-trust, e-satisfaction and adoption of electronic banking in Nigeria: A conceptual review
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This conceptual paper has therefore introduced the mediating effect of e-trust and e-satisfaction in the context of Nigeria with the purpose of enhancing the relationship between e banking adoption and perceived security . With
Analysis of Security Mechanisms in Nigeria E Banking Platform
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Electronic banking system has become an important practice among all banks in Nigeria. The introduction of this electronic banking has improved banking efficiency in rendering sales and services to customer, which is the 24-hour access to cash and retrieval of banking
Security and Privacy Issues in E Banking : An Empirical Study of Customers Perception
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As the new millennium and information age progress, organizations around the world are going through massive transformation efforts to cope with the constantly changing business market trends. Volatile financial markets have all added to the pressure on organizations to
The Effect of E Banking on Employees Job Security (Case study: selected branches of Kermanshah commerce banks)
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In the organizational life job security is one of the issues that engaged employees in organizations and consumed a part of mental and psychological energy of organization. Whenever workers reach a satisfactory level of relinquish, they should use the mental and