email comparison
An approach for malicious spam detection in email with comparison of different classifiers
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Today, one of the cheapest form of communication in the world is email , and its simplicity makes it vulnerable to many threats. One of the most important threats to email is spam; unsolicited email , especially when advertising agency send a mass mail. Spam email may
Helping johnny understand and avoid mistakes: A comparison of automatic and manual encryption in email
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Usable, secure email remains an open problem. Recent research compared two separate secure email systems that support manual and automatic encryption, respectively. The system supporting manual encryption helped users better understand secure email and
Teaching Strategy Use in Chinese Refusals: A Comparison of Email and Telephone Communication
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Linguistic indirectness has been shown as avenues to achieve politeness. However, its central motive claimed to be universal in terms of face has of late been open to debate concerning its orientation toward western individual image. This study thus offers a culture
Comparison of Email Extraction Methods
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Proceedings of International Conference on Bridging The Gap between Management Strategies and Execution Comparison of Email Extraction Methods Priti Kulkarni1 and HS Acharya2 1Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research, Pune 2Allana Institute of Management
Comparison of four email classification algorithms using WEKA
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Being the fast and economical means of communication has prompted many to use email as the main communication medium for both official and personal purposes. However, the rapid increase in the number of e-mail users has resulted in a dramatic increase in the number of
A Comparison of tools in email forensic investigation
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In todays time, email messages have gained an important role in our society. Email usage ranges from personal communication with our family and friends, to business communication all over the world. Governments are as well no exception to this, since they
A Comparison Between Hunting License Holders and Outdoor Sports Email Subscribers
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In the United States, wildlife resource agencies combine biological data with human dimension survey information to make key management decisions such as setting hunting seasons, bag limits, etc.(Decker and Chase). However, conducting human
A Real Push for Medical Education: A Pilot Comparison Between SMS Texting and Email for Emergency Medicine Residents Knowledge Retention
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Page 1. UC Irvine Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health Title A Real Push for Medical Education: A Pilot Comparison Between SMS Texting and Email for Emergency Medicine Residents Knowledge Retention Permalink
Brief report Text messaging versus email for emergency medicine residents knowledge retention: a pilot comparison in the United States
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We evaluated the effectiveness of text messaging, versus email , as a delivery method to enhance knowledge retention of emergency medicine (EM) content in EM residents. We performed a multi-centered, prospective, randomized study consisting of postgraduate year
Comparison of Non-Informative Priors for Number of Defects (Poisson) Model Muhammad Tahir Department of Statistics, Government Degree College, Pindi
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In this study the comparison of non-informative (Jeffreys and Uniform) priors is made. Rossman, et al (1998) and Elfessi and Reineke (2001) studied the relationship between Bayesian and classical estimation using the continuous uniform and exponential distribution
sites and the problem of their comparison Mauro Cerchiai, Luca Teti , Gaetano Licitra ARPATSettori agenti fisici AVL, Pisa, Italy, Email : mauro cerchiaia arpat
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A way to reduce road noise emissions and consequently to reduce population noise exposure is to develop new road surfaces with low emission characteristics. In recent years many solutions were proposed and studied also in several EU co-funded projects (SILVIA