java and linux
High-performance linux cluster monitoring using java
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Monitoring is at the heart of cluster management. Instrumentation data is used to schedule tasks, load-balance devices and services, notify administrators of hardware and software failures, and generally monitor the health and usage of a system. The information used to
Using switched-ethernet and linux TC for distributed real-time java infrastructures
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the world of real-time systems has suffered a revolution during the last years, the network is gaining importance and there is a special interest in having common-offthe-shelf (CoTS) infrastructures that run both real-time and general purpose applications. This new trend
A Study of Java Networking Performance on a Linux Cluster
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Abstract The Message Passing Interface (MPI) provides a common high-level Application Programming Interface (API) to implement parallel programs on commodity off-the-shelf (COTS) clusters. Recently, increasing attention has been shown in using Java -based MPI
Porting jRate (RT- Java ) to a POSIX real-time Linux Kernel
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This paper illustrates how the Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) can be implemented over a real-time operating system (RTOS). We describe the implementation of a subset of the RTSJ over PaRTiKle, which is a new embedded RTOS designed to be compatible with
Java , threads, and scheduling in Linux
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This paper examines the performance of the Linux kernel when the system is running a Java program using the IBM Developer Kit for Linux , Java Technology Edition, Version 1.1. 8. The Java program is the VolanoMark benchmark, a communication-intensive benchmark that
Java Application Development on Linux
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Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed with initial capital
Java Hates Linux . Deal with It.
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Page 1. Page 2. ‹ Greg Banks ‹ Staff Site Reliablity Engineer ‹ LinkedIn ‹ in/gregnbanks Java hates Linux . Deal with it. Page 3. 3 This is a story about Java and Linux Java and Linux are a perfectly matched pair Except when theyre not Then its fireworks @misslexirose
Controlling Scientific Instruments Using JAVA on LINUX
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Motivated by the increased use of the Linux operating system at LLE, a program has been built in that environment to control the operation of CCD cameras. CCD cameras are used in several diagnostics, including UV spectrometers and streak cameras, that analyze the 60 of
Performance Analysis of Java Object Serialization on Windows and Linux
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Object serialization is the process of saving an object onto a storage medium such as a file, database or to transmit it across a network connection link in binary form. This process of serializing an object is also called deflating or marshalling an object. The opposite
Performance Characteristics of Linux for Java Workloads Oversubscribing Memory
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Cloud computing can reduce the cost of IT services by maximizing resource sharing. Memory oversubscription is a technology to increase the degree of resource sharing by allowing applications to request a memory space beyond a given physical memory size. OS
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ABSTRACT he price of Universal Serial Bus (USB) thumb drives is affordable to most college students compared to other portable and bootable storage devices. There are many technologies available for installing and running Linux operating system (OS) in a bootable