embedded system research papers 2012 section 4
Design and Implementation of Embedded Control Warning System for Vehicle Reversing
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R Rani, MS Reddy ,irnetexplore.ac.in ABSTRACT Most of the car drivers used the reverse radar orareverse camera to detect the road situation behind the vehicle when it is engaged in reverse gear. As a matter of fact, the pedestrians can virtually know if the vehicle is backing up or not only by seeing the
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PA Uchagaonkar, SA Shinde, VV Patil, RK Kamat ,cibtech.org ABSTRACT As far as the human physiology is concerned, water is the most vital element for the overall well being. It plays crucial role in all bodily processes by providing a universal medium. Dehydration is a condition, in which water in a living body reduces unusually,
Development of an Instrumentation System Embedded on FPGA for Real Time Measurement of Mechanical Vibrations in Rotating Machinery
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C esar da Costa, M Kashiwagi ,professorcesarcosta.com.br ABSTRACT The real-time monitoring of events in an industrial plant is vital, to monitor the actual conditions of operation of the machinery responsible for the manufacturing process. A predictive maintenance program includes condition monitoring of the rotating machinery,
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18 Page 19. REFERENCES Sridhara, SR, M. DiRenzo, et al. (2011). Microwatt Embedded Processor Platform for Medical System-on-Chip Applications. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of 46(4): 721- 730. MedicalApplications Guide [Online].
ARM Based Mobile Phone-Embedded Real-Time Remote Video Surveillance System With Network Camera
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ABSTRACT Monitoring facilities will be necessary and useful for our daily life, because it is very important for us to think about our security. This work developed an remote video surveillance system, which is organized with an integrated web server, network cameras,
Embedded Programmable Web-based ECG MonitoringDetection System Using a Fast Algorithm
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K Rajamohan, KH Rao, T Malyadri ABSTRACT ,The physicians have to interpret this large amount of ECG data to search for only a few abnormal beats in the ECG. Physicians may overlook some abnormal cycles due to fatigue and human error in interpreting such a large amount of data. Therefore, there is an urgent
Design and Implementation of On-line Interactive Data Acquisition and Control System for Real Time Embedded Applications using Beagle Board
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SV Patil, S Mathad ,irnetexplore.ac.in ABSTRACT Design of On-line Interactive Data Acquisition (IDACS) and its control System is a challenging part of any measurement, automation and development of on-line Interactive Data Acquisition and Control System applications. This system uses the standard Internet
Daedalus RT: The System-Level Design Flow for Hard-Real-Time Embedded MPSoCs Platforms
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MA Bamakhrama, JT Zhai, H Nikolov, T Stefanov ABSTRACT DaedalusRT is a system-level design flow for automated design of real-time embedded multiprocessor systemon-chip (MPSoC) platforms. It extends the existing Daedalus design flow with capabilities to support multiple applications and provide real-
Efficiency of the Embedded Database System for Handling Outage Data
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Abstract. A database of outages in electrical power network is very important for the black- out prevention. This database makes possible the reliability computation that is applied for the maintenance of equipments in power networks. It is necessary to apply a sophisticated
Designing an Analyzable and Resilient Embedded Operating System
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ABSTRACT Multi-Processor Systems on Chip (MPSoCs) are gaining traction in the embedded systems market. Their use will allow consolidation of a variety of applications into a single computing platform. At the same time the probability of transient hardware malfunctions
Bitwidth Sensitive Code Generation in a Custom Embedded Accelerator Design System
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SMR Ravindran, M Schlansker, RST Sherwood ,cs.ucsb.edu An ever larger variety of embedded ASlCs is being designed and deployed to satisfy an explosively growing demand for new electronic devices. Many of these devices are called upon for computationally demanding processing of multimedia data. In many such ASlCs,
Embedded Security System using RFIDGSM
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ABSTRACT The petroleum products are one of the valuable and rare creations of the nature. The proper use and distribution is important task to survive these products. Our system may be the first approach towards security of petroleum products distribution such as petrol,
Embedded speaker verification system
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ABSTRACT Automatic speaker recognition is the use of a ma-chine to identify or verify the identity an individual from a spoken sentence. This paper describes an implementation of a embedded speaker verification system that may be used for an electronic door lock,
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P Priya, K Iyakutti, SP Devi ,International Journal ABSTRACT This paper presents the development of Decision Support System (DSS) to enable the selection of best suppliers in an e-procurement process. The model base of the DSS incorporates the Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) and Analytic Hierarchy
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F Schmidt-Foehre, D Noelle, R Susen, K Wittenburg ,accelconf.web.cern.ch ABSTRACT A new Embedded Radiation-Monitor-System is under development for the European XFEL (E-XFEL), that is being built between the DESY campus at Hamburg and Schenefeld at Schleswig-Holstein [1, 2]. Most of the electronic systems cabinets for
The Electrical Ethernet Monitoring System Based on Embedded Web Server
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MVE Prashanth, PG Scholar ,tejaashakthi.org ABSTRACT In the monitoring system, the existing resource of Ethernet is used to remotely monitor power network parameters. A practical design of embedded Web server for power network monitoring is introduced, which applies high speed MCU to conveniently link to
Implementing Reconfigurable Wireless Sensor Networks: The Embedded Operating SystemApproach
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S Misra, E Eronu ,cdn.intechopen.com Remote monitoring and control are vital in ensuring the efficiency and safety of entities beneficial to man and his environment. These entities cut across oil and gas, biomedical, healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, security, the Armed forces (Military, Navy, and
Real-Time Rapid Embedded Power System Control Prototyping Simulation Test-Bed Using LabVIEW and RTDS
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K Butler-Purry, HM Chou ,cdn.intechweb.org When developing new control, protection, and stability methods for power systems, it is important to study the complex interactions of the system dynamics with the real-time operation of the new methods. Historically hardware prototypes were developed to study
FPGA-Based Fuzzy Inference System for Real-time Embedded Applications
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ABSTRACT The traditional way of implementing algorithms in software limits the performance of real-time systems, since the data is processed serially. The new generation of FPGAs with embedded processors are attracting the interest of the real-time applications. With
Recoding Embedded Applications into Flexible System-Level Models
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R Dmer ,cecs.uci.edu ABSTRACT Before we can ask Quo Vadis, Virtual Platforms?, we should ask ourselves Unde venis, Virtual Platforms? and discuss their origin. In this paper, we argue that virtual platforms originate from embedded applications and form an executable system model
FPGA Implementation of Fuzzy Inference System for Embedded Applications
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ABSTRACT Implementing algorithms in software limits the performance of real-time systems, since the data is processed serially. The new generation of FPGAs with embedded processors are attracting the interest of the real-time applications. With enhanced
SPECS–an embedded platform, speech-driven environmental control system evaluated in a virtuous circle framework.
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Abstract The aim of the SPECS project is to implement a speech-driven environmental control (EC) system for elderly and disabled people. This type of assistive technology (AT) enables users to control electronic and electrical devices in their homes in situations when
Hybrid Energy Harvesting/Transmission System for Embedded Sensing
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A Hehra, G Parka, K Farinholt ,Proc. of SPIE Vol ,spiedigitallibrary.org ABSTRACT In most energy harvesting applications the need for a reliable long-term energy supply is essential in powering embedded sensing and control electronics. The goal of many harvesters is to extract energy from the ambient environment to power hardware;
A Mobile Phone-Embedded Real-Time Remote Video Surveillance System With Network Camera Using Arm
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PV Krishna, KV Reddy ABSTRACT Monitoring facilities will be necessary and useful for our daily life, because it is very important for us to think about our security. This work developed an remote video surveillance system, which is organized with an integrated web server, network cameras,
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- Design and implementation of an embedded home surveillance system by use of multiple ultrasonic sensors
embedded system research papers 2012 section 3
fuzzy logic research papers 2012 CSE PROJECTS