Condition and problems of entrepreneurial subjects lending

Olha Chernenko, Iryna Vdovenko

Lending is a main instrument of bank institutions’ influence on the development of economy and its subjects. The aim of the paper is to analyze the condition of entrepreneurial subjects lending by the bank system, especially agrarian enterprises, and separation of main restraining factors of its development. During 2017-2020 there is observed an essential reduction of volumes of medium-term and long-term credits, given to entrepreneurial subjects. The use of short-term credits for less than 1 year, the most specific weight (80.5 %) of which is possessed by microentrepreneurial subjects with annual income less than 50 thousand euro, prevails. It has been established, that high cost of credit resources, absence of correspondent guarantee and insufficient competitiveness of most entrepreneurial subjects prevent the development of credit relations for all participants (borrowers, creditors and state).

Agricultural economy that produces more than 12 % of GDP and provides more than 40 % of Ukrainian currency receipts, demonstrates positive financial results of activity, is really underfinanced at the expanse of bank credits. A share of credits, directed to the agrarian sector during last years, is essentially less than the contribution of the branch in the gross added value formation in the country. A bank credit policy, acceptable for all entrepreneurial subjects and directed on credit cost decrease and long-term lending increase, is necessary. Studies of the influence of arrangements in the AIC by reduction of credit prices on effective indices (pure profit of agrarian enterprises) has testified a close connection (R=0,9803), comparing with other factors, that is why the practice of using the preferential lending mechanism must be continued, but by stable, not continuously changing approaches and by direct state support of just small and medium entrepreneurial subjects, which are most limited in access to credit resources of bank institutions.


How to cite paper:

Chernenko, O, , Vdovenko, I, (2021). Condition and problems of entrepreneurial subjects lending . EUREKA: Social and Humanities, 2, 3-10. doi: