Influence of structural descriptions of underbody of bicarbonate columns on duration of period of their operation and ecologization of process

Mykola Porokhnia, Oleksii Shestopalov , Svitlana Bukhkalo, Tetiana Novozhylova

Object of research: optimization of the operation period of bicarbonate columns by optimizing their design features.

Investigated problem: increasing the efficiency, environmental friendliness and duration of the bicarbonate columns by optimizing the design of the sludge discharge unit.

Main scientific results: the article analyzes the main design features of bicarbonate columns for the production of purified sodium bicarbonate. A relationship has been established between the design of the apparatus, the intensity of mixing and the duration of the apparatus operation without stopping for washing. On the basis of the existing problems, laboratory and industrial experiments were carried out at one of the soda plants, aimed at increasing the efficiency of operation of the bicarbonate columns of the purified sodium bicarbonate shop. So, due to the modernization of the design of the sludge unloading unit and the identification of the optimal amount and month of the location of the mesh trays, an increase of 1.5-2 times in the duration of operation of the columns without stopping for washing was achieved. This contributed to an increase in plant productivity and environmental friendliness of the process due to a decrease in the amount of liquid waste generated during the washing of the column equipment.

Area of practical use of the research results: enterprises for the production of purified sodium bicarbonate of food and pharmaceutical quality.

Innovative technological product: design solutions for bicarbonate columns and the technology of carbonization of soda-bicarbonate solution for the production of purified sodium bicarbonate.

Scope of application of the innovative technological product: soda production, food and pharmaceutical industries.


How to cite paper:

Porokhnia, M, , Shestopalov , O, , Bukhkalo, S, , Novozhylova, T, (2021). Influence of structural descriptions of underbody of bicarbonate columns on duration of period of their operation and ecologization of process. ScienceRise, 3, 3-11. doi: