Motivation problems of corrective motor-play activity of children with psychomotor disorders and possible ways of their solution

Volodymyr Biesieda

The article analyzes one of the main problems of physical rehabilitation of children with psychomotor disorders – the problem of motivation in corrective motor activity. This determined the aim – to determine the main directions of the motivational sphere formation in the process of correctional play activity of children with psychomotor disorders.

The following research methods were used: the method of analysis, which made it possible to identify the main characteristics and types of motivational support of children for various types of activity; the method of pedagogical observations and the method of synthesis revealed the powerful method of motivating – theatricalization of the correctional process using physical education.

The research results were expressed in the definition of the concepts: motive, motivational field, motivational impulse, which are the components of the concept of motivation, the variety of which is defined in four types.

There were made following conclusions:

  1. The motivation of corrective motor-play activity is based on the unconscious influences of the unconscious, caused by the external use by the teacher of the corresponding children’s fairy-tale archetypes and the emotional experiences, caused by them.
  2. One of the main methods of increasing motivation is the use of the possibilities of pedagogical “drama” in the form of a method of dosed dramatization of the motor-game plot of a remedial lesson, which should be considered as a physical culture fairy tale.
  3. For the implementation of effective dramatic motivation, it is necessary to provide points of dramatization of different influence strength.


How to cite paper:

Biesieda, V, (2021). Motivation problems of corrective motor-play activity of children with psychomotor disorders and possible ways of their solution. EUREKA: Social and Humanities, 3, 65-71. doi: