Reconsidering HR competency models: entrepreneurship and digital competency

Tumentsetseg Enkhjav, Zoltán Szira, Erika Varga

Drawing from related empirical studies, the paper critically analyzes previously validated HR competency models and their effectiveness to address the current pandemic situation all around the globe. These HR competency models have not been tested or examined in uncertain and chaotic situations like the COVID-19 pandemic we have been facing now. It is definitely time for HR professionals to set new standards for employees’ well-being, performance, and communication style in the workplaces and support organizations by leading employees to adjust to the smooth transition to the technology-intensive business and the digital workplace. Based on the literature that is reviewed by researchers, it may be reasonable to assume that previously validated HR competency models in different contexts are not being fully applicable and supportive to HR people, who are getting challenged to solve the enormous number of workplace-related problems, caused by the pandemic all around the world today. This study suggests that the globally accepted HR competency models should be updated and redesigned based on the concept of “digital skills”, HR relations skills” and “entrepreneurship” as a competency of HR professionals because businesses need to restart and reshape their operational structure in order to fit the virtual and technological-based business world. As a conclusion, we can state that due to the current global health issue and economic situation, redefining the most important HR competencies that support businesses to overcome obstacles and difficulties, is vital in this time of our history in life.


How to cite paper:

Enkhjav, T, , Szira, Z, , Varga, E, (2021). Reconsidering HR competency models: entrepreneurship and digital competency. Technology transfer: innovative solutions in Social Sciences and Humanities, , 12-14. doi: