Research of chemical composition of vegetable raw materials for use in innovative technologies of beverages for child nutrition

Anna Sobko, Karуna Svidlo, Victoria Horobets

The relevance of the study is due to the establishment of scientific data on the inferiority of child nutrition and the possibility of improving the diet through innovative technologies of beverages based on vegetable raw materials.

The data on the substantiation of the choice of vegetable raw materials for the production of child smoothies are given.

Their expediency, nutritional and energy value are characterized. Data on the chemical composition of the created beverages are given, which confirm the effectiveness of used raw materials.

Functional foods should meet 10‑50 % of daily needs. When creating functional compositions, a key place is occupied by a set of predicted functional and technological characteristics and properties, compatibility and specificity of interaction with other components of recipe mixtures and finished products. Just this complex determines the feasibility of using functional compositions for culinary products.

Functional products are created on the principle of food combinatorics by reasonable quantitative selection of basic raw materials, ingredients, food supplements, the combination of which provides the formation of the desired organoleptic and physicochemical properties, as well as a given level of nutritional, biological and energy value.

The aim of the study: to establish the chemical composition of vegetable raw materials and the development of innovative technologies for child food beverages based on functional compositions, recipe mixtures and finished products


How to cite paper:

Sobko, A, , Svidlo, K, , Horobets, V, (2021). Research of chemical composition of vegetable raw materials for use in innovative technologies of beverages for child nutrition. EUREKA: Life Sciences, 3, 53-62. doi: