Resource-saving melon processing technology

Bibipatyma Yerenova, Yevgeniy Medvedkov, Dinara Tlevlessova, Ainura Kairbayeva

The object of the study is the fruits of melon. The problem is the crop that remains in the fields. The article provides an overview of technologies for the processing of melons, and studies of the authors are given. On the basis of these studies, technological schemes for the production and formulation of such products as jam, jam, confiture, blended juices, vegetable oil from melon seeds were proposed and justified. Optimal additives and ways of introducing pectin into them are determined. The presence in finished products of vitamins of group B, vitamin C, β-carotene, almost all essential amino acids, micro- and macroelements, the content of which does not noticeably decrease during storage under the optimal conditions established by us. Studies have been carried out on the selection of an extractant and the determination of the optimal parameters for extraction, isolation, neutralization and drying of pectin from melon peel. As a result, pectin was obtained with a degree of esterification of 67…69 %, a jelly-forming ability of more than 170 degrees of Tarr Baker, and a jelly strength of about 460 mm Hg


How to cite paper:

Yerenova, B, , Medvedkov, Y, , Tlevlessova, D, , Kairbayeva, A, (2022). Resource-saving melon processing technology. EUREKA: Life Sciences, 4, 54-75. doi: