Valentyna Vitіuk, Nadiia Skrypnyk, Ivan Khomiak

The object of research is the process of forming the spelling competence of future teachers of the New Ukrainian School.

Investigated problem. The spelling competence of students of higher education institutions as a component of linguistic and communication competence is presented in the article. The problem of the formation of linguistic and communicative competence, in particular spelling, is of particular relevance in connection with the introduction of the new edition of Ukrainian spelling. In the context of current requirements for the professional training of future specialists of the New Ukrainian School, the role of test monitoring as a form of diagnostics and control of spelling and punctuation literacy of higher education students is increasing, which allows to objectively evaluate the spelling of students’ skills, improve the organization of educational activities and in modern universities.

The main scientific results. A brief overview of the history of testing use in the educational process is provided in scientific intelligence. The positive and negative factors of the introduction of testing in the process of studying the spelling material of modern Ukrainian literary language are determined. Guidelines for the development of spelling test tasks in modern Ukrainian have been made. The article proposes test tasks of closed and open forms for monitoring the spelling knowledge, abilities and skills of students of institutions of higher education after studying the topic «Letter doubling».

The field of practical use of research results. The results of the study can be used by teachers of higher education who are working on the problem of formation and improvement of spelling literacy of applicants for higher education institutions, as test monitoring allows promptly checking students’ educational achievements, determining how thoroughly and correctly each student has mastered one or another spelling knowledge, skills.

Innovative technological product. Test tasks of closed and open forms on the theme «Letter doubling» are developed.

Scope of innovative technological product. The methodical recommendations for the development of spelling tests of modern Ukrainian language, the proposed test tasks on the subject of «Letter doubling» can be applied in the study of such subjects as «Modern Ukrainian language with a practicum», «Practice in Ukrainian spelling» for students of specialty 013 «Primary education», 014 «Secondary education», specialization «Ukrainian language and literature» of higher education institutions.


How to cite paper:

VitіukV., Skrypnyk, N., & Khomiak, I. (2020). TEST MONITORING OF THE SPEECH COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS OF MODERN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. ScienceRise, (2), 32-40. https://doi.org/10.21303/2313-8416.2020.001281