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AJAX-Asynchronous Java Script and XML
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AJAX-Asynchronous Java Script and XML-is a new implementation of established web development technologies to gain interactivity between users and servers through multiple client sided server connections in the background. It allows to integrate web applications in
Development of multiagent framework and Java Script
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Large scale and complex systems that require significant hardware resources are typically designed to utilize distributed computing. This paper presents an architecture of a lightweight multi-agent middleware, aimed to simplify distributed computing operations. This
Analysis of Various Types of Bugs in the Object Oriented Java Script Language Coding
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Objective: The main goal of this work is to categorize and understand the various types of bugs present in the Object oriented java scripting language. By finding these faults one can find out the nature of faults which causes the run time failure of programs. Methods: There
2-4 A Forecast Tool Using Java Script for Pre-dicting Arrival Time of Interplanetary Dis-turbances to the Earth
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In a famous episode in 185 a major geomagnetic storm was observed on the Earth approximately thirteen hours after the British astronomer RC Carrington observed the occurrence of a white-light flare on the solar surface. From the latter half of the 1960s to the
Java Script
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Javascript is a dynamic computer programming language. It is lightweight and most commonly used as a part of web pages, whose implementations allow client-side script to interact with the user and make dynamic pages. It is an interpreted programming language
How to Develop WEB-Based Java Script Libraries
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Technology is an important necessity for the world of education because it provides convenience and comfort and has become a lifestyle for the community including students. The purpose of this study was to analyze how to develop an application that meets the Java
Java ( Script ) Application Performance on Android
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JavaScript is becoming increasingly popular as a language for the implementation of web applications. However, these applications are expected to perform worse than Java programs on Android devices. Depending on how powerful the device is and the tasks the
Analysis of obfuscated Java Script exploitation using process debug manager
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As cloud computing is now pervasive, securing web browser such as IE and FireFox is one of the most important key issues. However, attacks, penetrations and exploitations of web browser are increasing rapidly. Besides, Java Script obfuscation as the evading techniques
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This paper describes a case study how electrical installation is design in a building that is based on IEE regulation and Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) standard specification. The study demonstrates the design of lighting, socket outlet, air condition, system protection, cable
Forensic Investigation for Web Forgery through Java Script Obfuscation
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As it is an open source, it is more vulnerable to serious defacement. Even it is a secure website; hackers have developed advanced ways to attack on the contents of web pages. With the evolution of web application technologies a revolutionary profile of attack trends are
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Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) is used to develop several kinds of applications. By Geoinformatics perspective there are different kinds of well-known APIs in the market ie Google Maps, Open Layers. The present study is an attempt to apply the Google API with
Automated Detection of Legitimate Java Script Code from a Malicious Injected Code and Improvising the Time Efficiency
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Revised 26th 201 Accepted 18th 201 Online 30th 2017 Abstract Automated detection of legitimate java script code from a malicious injected code helps in distinguish between malicious and non-malicious script In order to prevent the users fromJava is receiving plenty of negative attention lately. Though barely a decade old, the worlds most popular programming language is being called bloated, too complicated for the world of quickly written and deployed Web applications, and ripe for dethronement by scripting
Devnagari Script Segmentation Based on JNI ( Java Native Interface)
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Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a form of computer vision that extracts alphanumeric characters from a digital image. The technology can be used for digitizing printed text, handwriting recognition, and making digital images searchable for text. Following the
Using Lua as Script Language in Games Coded in Java
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Lua is a programming language that has been well accepted by the game development community as a script language. That is because Lua offers a series of methods to allow the use of C functions inside Lua code and vice-versa. When developers choose to code a CSE PROJECTS