federated database systems for managing distributed heterogeneous and Autonomous Databases
One of the significant aspects of an FDBS is that a component DBS can con- tinue its local operations and at the same time participate in a federation. The inte- gration of component DBSs may be man- aged either by the users of the federation or by the administrator of the FDBS together with the administrators of the component DBSs. The amount of integra- tion depends on the needs of federation users and desires of the administrators of the component DBSs to participate in the federation and share their databases. The term federated database system was coined by Hammer and McLeod [ 19791 and Heimbigner and McLeod [1985]. Since its introduction, the term has been used for several different but related DBS archi- tectures. As explained in this Introduc- tion, we use the term in its broader con- text and include additional architectural alternatives as examples of the federated architecture.
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