A field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is an integrated circuit (IC) that can be programmed in the field after manufacture. FPGAs are similar in principle to, but have vastly wider potential application than, programmable read-only memory (PROM) chips. FPGA -based High-Performance Parallel Architecture for Homomorphic Computing on Encrypted Data
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Homomorphic encryption is a tool that enables computation on encrypted data and thus has applications in privacy-preserving cloud computing. Though conceptually amazing, implementation of homomorphic encryption is very challenging and typically software
FPGA Accelerated INDEL Realignment in the Cloud
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The amount of data being generated in genomics is predicted to be between 2 and 40 exabytes per year for the next decade, making genomic analysis the new frontier and the new challenge for precision medicine. This paper explores targeted deployment of hardware
Analysis and Modeling of Collaborative Execution Strategies for Heterogeneous CPU- FPGA Architectures
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Heterogeneous CPU- FPGA systems are evolving towards tighter integration between CPUs and FPGAs for improved performance and energy efficiency. At the same time, programmability is also improving with High Level Synthesis tools (eg, OpenCL Software
Direct universal access: making data center resources available to FPGA
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FPGAs have been deployed at massive scale in data centers. Using currently available communication architectures, however, it is difficult for FPGAs to access and utilize the various heterogenous resources available in data centers (DRAM, CPU, GPU,). In this
Proposal: Accelerating VGG16 Network on FPGA
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Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are widely used in Computer Vision tasks such as Image Classification, Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation. The amount of processing required by CNNs leads to an increasing need on dedicated hardwares. FPGAs
PAI-FCNN: FPGA Based CNN Inference System
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Scheduling Data in Neural Network Applications Thaddeus Koehn(2), Peter Athanas(3, 1) State University(1), Northrup Grumman(2), Virginia Polytechnic Institute(3) Fault Testing a Synthesizable Embedded Processor at Gate Level using UltraScale FPGA Emulation Tom Mannos(2), Brian
Implementation System of Human Eye Tracking Algorithm Based on FPGA
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With the high-speed development of transportation industry, highway traffic safety has become a considerable problem. Meanwhile, with the development of embedded system and hardware chip, in recent years, human eye detection eye tracking and positioning
Study of FPGA Based Multi-Channel Analyzer for Gamma-Ray and X-Ray Spectrometry
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ABSTRACT Study of FPGA Based Multi-channel Analyzer (MCA) for Gamma-ray and X-ray Spectroscopy has been presented in this article. For the systems, FPGA has been chosen as the central pulse processor. And NaI (Tl) scintillation counter, BF3 or Silicon Drift Detector
Development a Novel Approach of Fuzzy Based FPGA System for Prediction of Jaundice in Rural Area
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This article validates a fuzzy- FPGA based novel diagnosis system which predicts the pathological stage of jaundice disease by computing previous medical data of patients. This smart system consists of three different modules, such as medical data collecting and
Design of Data Acquisition System Using Fpga
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An exact and quick Data Acquisitions framework is the need of the cutting edge Autonomous Navigation System. An information procurement framework on a minimal effort Field- programmable Gate Arrays ( FPGA ) was structured, which will do the separating in the
Ion Beam Irradiation Effects in KINTEX-7 FPGA Resources
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A comprehensive set of measurements has been pursued by our group to detect and characterize Single Event Upsets (SEUs) at the level of configuration memory (CRAM) and other logic resources on the chip such as random-access memory (BRAM) or user
Performance Optimization of Memory Intensive Applications on FPGA Accelerator
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Hardware accelerators are a fundamental part of modern high performance computing (HPC) systems due to their performance capabilities. The two most commonly used accelerators are GPUs and FPGAs. Despite the easier programmability and better memory
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In this thesis, a literature survey of exiting Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) techniques for conventional FPGAs is presented. Then, a comparative review of these techniques is provided with respect to reconfiguration time and area. Following that, different
Real-time cluster finding for LHCb silicon pixel VELO detector using FPGA
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Page 1. Real-time cluster finding for LHCb silicon pixel VELO detector using FPGA 19th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research, Saas Fee, Switzerland, 11-15 March 2019 Page 2. LHCb Upgrade Challenges
FPGA implementation of color image encryption using a new chaotic map
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In this paper, an FPGA implementation of efficient image encryption algorithm using a chaotic map has been proposed. The proposed system consists of two phases image encryption technique. First phase consists of scrambling of pixel position and second phase
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This work describes the implementation of generalized Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) architecture based ANN and its hardware realization using hardware description language (VHDL) on FPGA . The complete work undergoes in three phases, in the first phase, the
FPGA Implementation of the RC4 Stream Cipher using Artix-7
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ABSTRACT The RC4 (for Rivest Cipher 4) encryption algorithm appeared in 1987. Its designer is none other than Ronald Rivest, one of the three inventors of the RSA algorithm. This algorithm is distinguished by its great simplicity and speed of encryption. The details of
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The DSP systems have different functions with LUT. These systems will have a cost problem because that the architecture of LUT is suitable with ROM. However the other parts such as adders have a high cost if they implemented using ROM. The implementation of that system
FPGA Implementation of DTCWT and PCA Based Watermarking Technique
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The hardware implementation of the image watermarking algorithm offers numerous distinct advantages over the software implementation in terms of low power consumption, less area usage and reliability. The advantages of Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DTCWT)
FPGA implementation of new LM-SPIHT colored image compression with reduced complexity and low memory requirement compatible for 5G
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The revolution in 5G mobile systems require changes to how image is handled. These changes are represented by the required processing time, the amount of space for uploading and downloading. In this paper, a development on WT (Wavelet Transform) along