free research paper data acquisition system
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- requirements of a data acquisition system
- Development of a data acquisition
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- data acquisition system-2
- real-time data acquisition system
- Wireless data acquisition
- detector and data acquisition system
- FireWire based data acquisition system
- Data acquisition system for a cabled ocean
- wireless supervisory control
- wireless data acquisition system-3
- wireless data acquisition system-2
- Monitoring the data flow
- Data Acquisition System of the CMS Experiment
- Seismic Data Acquisition
- portable data acquisition system
- Wireless Data Acquisition System
- Improved data acquisition system
- Wireless data acquisition
- data acquisition system-2
- real-time data acquisition system
- real-time data acquisition system-2
- data acquisition architectures
Embedded Data Acquisition System Based on FPGA
FPGA-based multi protocol data acquisition system with high speed USB interface
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ABSTRACT We have proposed a data acquisition system with high speed USB interface using FPGA chip as the main processing unit. Since the FPGA has a number of modules on chip, which can operate independently, it can be utilized for the data acquisition system with
Fpga-based data acquisition system for a positron emission tomography (PET) scanner.
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ABSTRACT Modern Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are capable of performing complex discrete signal processing algorithms with clock rates of above 100MHz. This combined with FPGAs low expense, ease of use, and selected dedicated hardware make
FPGA Based Architecture for the Data Acquisition Electronics of the Clear-PEM System
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Abstract The paper describes a reconfigurable architecture for the Data Acquisition Electronics (DAE) system of the Clear-PEM detector, which is a compact Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) detector for medical imaging with 12,288 channels aiming at high
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G Schunemann, P Towalski, P Hartmann, D Schirmer , ABSTRACT This paper presents a Field Programmable Gateway Array (FPGA) based, BMBF supported, development of a fast orbit feedback system for electron and hadron storage rings, in prospect of the upcoming Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) facility in
Design of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based data acquisition system for avionics applications
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PM Nair, S Ray ABSTRACT Present data acquisition systems for avionics applications uses microcontrollers with external filters to process the digitized data. To minimize the use of external components, the digital filter itself is implemented in FPGA for this work. Moreover,
FPGA Based Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System
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ABSTRACT A prototype Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System has been designed and programmed into the ACEX50K FPGA chip. The designed system provides the basic facilities of SCADA along with the advantages of great speed, high
FPGA Realization of Multi Channel Data Acquisition System using Softcore Embedded Processor
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ABSTRACT To avoid threats from underwater Mines and Torpedoes a naval ship must produce very low acoustic and magnetic signatures. Most of these signatures are at very low frequencies; this makes designing data acquisition system for measuring acoustic and
FPGA Implementation of Real Time Data Acquisition System Using Micro blaze Processor.
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ABSTRACT The Progression of the human existence from the primitive state to the present technological complex state is just an outcome of observation of this environment. By observing the environment and controlling the various physical parameters like
Portable data acquisition system based on FPGA and USB
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C XiaoQiang, Z Jun, X Xing , ABSTRACT Nowadays, along with the development of technology of the high-speed Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), the design and the implementation of high-speed and highaccuracy data acquisition system is also becoming
An FPGA Based Data Acquisition System for a Fast Orbit Feedback at DELTA
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G Schuenemann, P Hartmann, D Schirmer ,Proceedings of , ABSTRACT The demand for beam orbit stability for frequencies up to 1kHz resulted in the need for a fast orbit position data acquisition system at DELTA. The measurement frequency was decided to be 10kHz which results in a good margin for 1kHz corrections. It is based on a