free research paper-wireless communication- cellular communication
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Vaneeta Jindal and S. Dharmaraja: Call processing delay analysis in cellular networks: a queueing model approach, Opsearch, 46 (2009), pp. 289 302. (Full paper)
S. Dharmaraja, Vaneeta Jindal and Upkar Varshney: Reliability and survivability analysis for UMTS networks: An analytical approach, research Transactions on Network and Service Management, 5 (2008), pp. 132 142. (Full paper)
S. Dharmaraja, Vaneeta Jindal and Attahiru Sule Alfa: Phase Type Models for Cellular Networks Supporting Voice, Video and Data Traffic, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 47 (2008) pp. 1167 1180. (Full paper) (Typo: In page 1169, 0 = \overline{x}(A + A^0 x),… [12])
Bharat B. Madan, S. Dharmaraja and Kishor S. Trivedi: Combined Guard Channel and Mobile Assisted Handoff for Cellular Networks, research Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 57 (2008) pp. 502 510. (Full paper)
R. Jayaparvathy, S. Anand, S. Dharmaraja and S. Srikanth: Performance Analysis of research 802.11 DCF with Stochastic Reward Nets, International Journal of Communication Systems, 20 (2007) pp. 273 296. (Full paper)
K.S. Trivedi, X. Ma and S. Dharmaraja: Performability Modeling of Wireless Communication Systems, International Journal of Communication Systems, 16 (2003) pp. 561-577. (Full paper)
S. Dharmaraja, Kishor S. Trivedi and D. Logothetis: Performance modelling of wireless networks with generally distributed hand-off interarrival times, Computer Communications Journal, 26 (2003) pp.1747-1755. (Full paper)
K.S. Trivedi, S. Dharmaraja and Xiaomin Ma: Analytic modeling of handoffs in wireless cellular networks, Information Sciences, 148 (2002) pp.155-166. (MR1947118, Zbl 1013.90018, STMAZ 1013.90018) (Full paper)
P.R. Parthasarathy and S. Dharmaraja: Transient solution of a single link with finite capacity supporting multiple streams, Performance Evaluation, 43 (2001) 1-14. (Zbl 1017.68022, STMAZ S422.03002) (Abstract, Full paper)
S. Dharmaraja: Transient solution of a two-processor system, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 32 (2000) 1117-1123. (MR1791750, Zbl 970.60101, STMAZ 0970.60101) (Abstract, Full paper)
P.R. Parthasarathy, S. Dharmaraja and G. Manimaran: Transient solution of multiprocessor system with state-dependent arrivals, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 73 (2000) 313-320. (MR 2000m:68032, Zbl 955.68015,STMAZ S412.03052) (Abstract, Full paper)
P.R. Parthasarathy and S. Dharmaraja: Exact transient solutions of kinetics of first-order reactions with end effects, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 25 (1999) 281-294. (MR 2001a:92008 Zbl 953.92033) (Abstract, Full paper)
P.R. Parthasarathy and S. Dharmaraja: The transient solution of a local-jump heterogenous chain of diatomic systems, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 31 (1998) 6579-6588. (Zbl 1002.82541, STMAZ 1002.82541) (Abstract, Full paper)
B.W. Conolly, P.R. Parthasarathy and S. Dharmaraja: A Chemical Queue, The Mathematical Scientist, 21 (1997) 83-91. (MR 98h:60125 Zbl 898.60087, STMAZ 1013.90018) (Abstract, Full paper)
Chapters of Books:
Kishor S. Trivedi and S. Dharmaraja, Markov Modeling in Reliability, pp. in Encyclopaedia of Quantitative Risk Assessment, Eds. Brian Everitt and Ed. Melnick, John Wiley, 2008.
Kishor S. Trivedi, Vaneeta Jindal and S. Dharmaraja, Stochastic Modeling Techniques for Secure and Survivable Systems, pp. 171 207 in Information Assurance: Dependability and Security in Networked Systems, Eds. Yi Qian, James Joshi, David Tipper and Prashant Krishnamurthy, Morgan Kaufmann, 2008.
Refereed International Conference Papers
Sireesha Madabhushi, S. Dharmaraja and Subrat Kar: Performance Modeling of Pre-authentication and Handoff Mechanisms in research 802.11 based Vehicular Networks, Proceedings of SPECTS 2010, Ottawa, Canada, July 11 14, 2010, pp. 1 6.
Resham Vinayak and S. Dharmaraja: Survivability Model for Voice over Internet Protocol using Markov Regenerative Process, The 20th annual International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2009), Mysuru, India, November 16 19, 2009.
Vandana Gupta and S. Dharmaraja: An Analytical Framework of Survivability Model for VoIP,The 20th annual International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2009), Mysuru, India, November 16 19, 2009.
Sachin Sharma, H.M. Gupta and S. Dharmaraja: EGPSR: Energy aware Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing for Large Dense Static Wireless Ad-hoc networks, Proceedings of SPECTS 2008, Edinburgh, UK, June 16 18, 2008, pp. 122 129. (Full paper).
Hongxia Sun, S. Dharmaraja, Carey Williamson and Vaneeta Jindal: An analytical model for wireless networks with stochastic capacity , Proceedings of SPECTS 2007, San Diego, USA, July 16 18, 2007, pp. 205 214. (Full paper).
S. Dharmaraja, Vidyottama Vijay, Vaneeta Jindal and Suresh Chandra: Fuzzy Based Call Admission Control Scheme for Wireless Networks, Proceedings of research International Workshop on Next Generation Wireless Networks (research WoNGeN 2006), Bangalore, India, December 2006.
Vaneeta Jindal, S. Dharmaraja and Kishor S Trivedi: Analytical survivability model for fault tolerant cellular networks supporting multiple services, Proceedings of SPECTS 2006, Calgary, Canada, July 31 August 2, 2006, pp. 505 512. (Full paper)
S. Dharmaraja and Suprasad V. Amari: MTBF Evaluation of a Repairable System with Generally Distributed Repair and Failure Times, Proceedings of The Tenth ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design (ISSAT 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, August 5 7, 2004, pp. 241 245.
R. Jayaparvathy, S. Dharmaraja, S. Anand and S. Srikanth: Performance Evaluation of research 802.11 with Stochastic Reward Nets, Proceedings of International Workshop on Wireless Ad-hoc Networks (IWWAN 2004), Oulu, Finland, May 31 June 3, 2004, pp. 161 165.
R. Jayaparvathy, S. Dharmaraja and S. Srikanth: Stochastic Petri Nets in Performance Evaluation of research 802.11 WLANS, Proceedings of The International Conference on Operational Research: Emerging Paradigms for Information Technology, (APORS 2003), December, New Delhi, India, 2003, pp. 142-150.
S. Dharmaraja and Attahiru Sule Alfa: Performance analysis of 3G wireless networks supporting voice, data and video traffic, Proceedings of The International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN 2003), June, Las Vegas, U.S.A., 2003, pp. 495-498.
Kalyanaraman Vaidyanathan, S. Dharmaraja and Kishor S. Trivedi: Analysis of Inspection-based preventive maintenance in operational software systems, Proceedings of International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2002), October, Japan, 2002, pp. 286 295. (Full paper)
S. Dharmaraja, Kishor S. Trivedi and D. Logothetis: Performance analysis of cellular networks with generally distributed hand-off interarrival times, International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS 2002), July, California, USA, 2002.
Kalyanaraman Vaidyanathan, S. Dharmaraja and Kishor S. Trivedi: Inspection-based Preventive Maintenance in Software Systems, Proceedings of International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2002), June, Washington DC, USA, B52-53. (Fast Abstract)
Dong Chen, S. Dharmaraja, Dongyan Chen, Lei Li, Kishor S. Trivedi, R.R. Some and A.P. Nikora: Reliability and availability analysis of the JPL Remote Exploration Experimentation system, Proceedings of International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2002), June, Washington DC, USA, pp. 337-342. (Full paper)
K.S. Trivedi, S. Dharmaraja, Xiaomin Ma: Analytic Modeling of Handoffs in Wireless Cellular Networks, Proceedings of First Symposium on Photonics, Networking and Computing (PNC 2002), March, 2002, North Carolina, USA, pp. 1383-1392. (Abstract, Full paper)