nano sensor and nanotechnology
Nanosensor design packages: a smart and compact development for metal ions sensing responses
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The importance of monitoring and controlling heavy metals, such as cadmium ions, in aquatic samples is unquestionable. These metal ions have deleterious effects on the environment and living organisms, particularly at high levels of concentration. The
Simultaneous Determination of Hydroxylamine, Phenol and Sulfite in Water and Waste Water Samples Using A Voltammetric Nanosensor
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This paper describes the development a novel 8, 9-dihydroxy-7-methyl-12H-benzothiazolo [2, 3-b] quinazolin-12-one-ZnO/CNTs modified carbon paste electrode (DMBQ/ZnO/CNTs/ CPE) for the electrocatalytic determination of hydroxylamine (HX) in the presence of
Wireless Nanosensor Networks using Graphene-based Nano-Antennas
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Nanotechnology is enabling the development of devices in a scale ranging from one to a few hundred nanometers. One of the most promising applications of these nanodevices is in the field of nanosensors. A nanosensor is not just a tiny sensor, but a device that makes
Chemical Modification of CNT-Based Bio-Nanosensor by Plasma Activation Method
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In order to chemically modify single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), plasma ion irradiation (plasma activation) is demonstrated on a bio-nanosensor based on poly [ethylene glycol](PEG)-grafted SWNTs (PEG-SWNTs). According to X-ray photoelectron
New silver nanosensor for nickel traces. Part ii: urinary nickel determination associated to smoking addiction
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Abstract: A new fluorescence silver nanosensor assisted by surfactant has been recently synthesized and applied to ultra trace nickel determination. The methodology was validated by the standard addition method and satisfactorily applied to nickel determination in urine
New Silver Nanosensor for Nickel Traces: Synthesis, Characterization and Analytical Parameters
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Abstract: A new fluorescence silver nanosensor assisted by surfactant has been synthesized and applied to ultra trace nickel determination. Operational variables which influence nanomaterial synthesis have been studied and optimized. Synthesis was very fast and
Electrochemical analysis of fenitrothion in human urine samples using polyanilinenanosensor based electrode
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A novel electroanalytical method was developed for the determination of fenitrothion in human urine samples using adsorptive stripping voltammetry (AdSV) at polyaniline modified glassy carbon electrode (PAn/GCE). Fenitrothion exhibited a single well-defined peak at
An integrated NMR/nanosensor system for sensitive detection of environmental toxins and harmful microbes
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ABSTRACT The use of magnetic nanoparticles in conjunction with NMR detection technologies has lead to significant improvements in the detection of various molecular targets with high sensitivity and selectivivity in complex media. Recently,
Wireless NanoSensor Networks using Graphene-based Nanoantennas
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Nanotechnology is enabling the development of devices in a scale ranging from one to a few hundred nanometers. One of the most promising applications of these nanodevices is in the field of nanosensors. A nanosensor is not just a tiny sensor, but a device that makes
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Several studies have shown that our exhaled breath contains a rich chemistry of molecular mixtures, which act as tell-tale indicators of physiological byproducts from our daily diet to numerous diseases [1]. Elevated concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
Plasmonic nanosensor in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer
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Abstract We present a novel method based on silver nanoparticle-generated transient photothermal vapour nanobubbles. These intracellular plasmonic nanobubbles are effective in the diagnosis (by optical scattering) and treatment (by mechanical, nonthermal and
Electrically Controlled Metal Oxide Gas Nanosensor
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Abstract:Convectional metal oxide gas sensors present prob-lems in the distinction of oxidizing and reducing gases. More critical are their relative high operation temperatures which impede the integration into CMOS technology. By means of a nano-thin-film-
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ABSTRACT In this paper, the mathematical models required to describe the functionality of nanodevices have been reviewed. Based on these mathematical models sensor equivalent circuits have been developed. An experimental setup is developed to analyze the
DNA nanosensor surface grafting and salt dependence
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abstract In this paper we investigated the Paracoccidoides brasiliensis fungus nanosensor by simulations of simple strand DNA grafting on gold nanoparticle. In order to improve the knowledge of nanoparticle environment, the addiction of salt solution was studied at the
Label-free and Real-Time Photonic Band-Gap Silica Nanosensor
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ABSTRACT Optical techniques have received significant attention for label-free biosensing. Technologies including surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and interference spectroscopy have been employed in label-free biosensors. SPR have advanced label-free biosensing
Volatile Organic Compounds Fibre Optic Nanosensor
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Abstract A novel vapochromic material of formula [Au2Ag2 (C6F5) 4 (C6H5N) 2] has been used to develop a volatile organic compounds (VOCs) sensor. This product changes its optical properties, such as colour or refractive index, when exposed to some organic
Improved Control Over the Movement of a Hand Prosthesis' Fingers Using NanosensorImplants
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Abstract In the first part of this paper I shall describe some of the principles of nanotechnology, a number of its current 'building blocks' and its possible applications in medicine. In the second part I shall propose how implanting a series of nanosensors into
targeting Ph Nanosensor with an Extended Measuring Range
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Abstract We have designed and synthesized multifunctional pH nanosensors using polyacrylamide nanoparticles (NP-NH2) as carrier containing primary amine. The sensors were prepared by reverse microemulsion polymerization. To achieve an expanded pH
Plasmonic Antenna Based Nanosensor
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Noble metal nanostructures normally show strong resonant behaviors in optical regime and function as optical antennas, which localize and enhance the light in their near-field zone. This property makes metal nanostructures good candidates for building ultrasensitive
An Impedimetric Nanosensor Based on Large-Scale Nanowell Array Electrode for Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of Leptin
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Abstract: Recently, we reported that the nanowell array (NWA) enhances electrochemical responses during the binding event of molecule to molecule through the binding site control of captured molecule. In this paper, we have demonstrated a method, with high sensitivity
Magnetic field nanosensor based on Mn impurities.
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Abstract: Nanosensors based on graphene nanoribbon, studied in the present work, could provide a special interest in (aero) space applications. More specifically, the paper proposes the construction of a nanosensor based on Mn (Manganese) impurities. Different spin
SMS Based Remote Monitoring of Glucose Using ZnO Nanotubes Based Nanosensor
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Abstract The Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) services like General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and Short Message Service (SMS) have proven to be logical and cost effective techniques for wireless data acquisition systems from remote locations. A
AgNPs-Based Label-Free Colloidal SERS Nanosensor for the Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Stress-Proteins Expressed in Response to Environmental-
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Abstract Among several physical, chemical and immunoassay-based methods for the detection of biomolecules, the Enzyme-Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay (ELISA) is the standard technique that is routinely used for quantification of known proteins. However, it
Design and characteristics of an optical nanosensor based on immobilization of MWCNTs-g-PCA-Au on a triacetylcellulose membrane for determination trace
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Abstract: The characterization of an optical absorption based one-shot nanosensor membrane is described for the determination of cyanide ion and thiourea based on the immobilization of new nanocomposite of MWCNT-graft-poly (citric acid)/Au on a
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Interfaces of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) alongside with other materials are widely applied for novel nanosensor devices. The fundamental electron devices include field emission transistors (FETs) sensitive to various external influences of
Gold nanoparticle nanosensor for detection of Salmonella spp. in foods
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Abstract A polymerase chain reaction and a novel method using DNA-gold nanoparticles conjugates for specific and high sensitive detection of Salmonella spp. was reported. The technology utilizes gold nanoparticles derivatized with thiol modified oligonucleotides that
BN and BN oxide nanosheets based nanosensor for Paracetamol adsorption: A Density Functional investigation
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Abstract: Adsorption effects of the paracetamol molecule produced on the structural and electronic properties of boron nitride (hBNNs; B27N27H18) and boron nitride oxide (hBNONs; B27N27H17+ O+(OH) 3+ COOH) hexagonal symmetry nanosheets were
Surface Plasmon Resonance Nanosensor for the Detection of Arsenic in Water
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Abstract: In this work, a portable and low cost system for detection and quantification of arsenic in water has been developed, based on surface plasmon resonance in Kretschmann configuration. By means of selfassembled monolayers on gold substrate type Au (111) in
Micro interferometer based on amorphous silicon nanosensor
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Length measurement and position detection in the nm-range is important in coordinate measuring systems, lithographers and position calibrators [1]. For these tasks laser interferometers are commonly used, since they offer a high measurement precision. The
Development of a Binding-induced DNA Nanosensor Based on Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer
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ABSTRACT This thesis describes a binding-induced DNA nanosensor and its application to homogeneous detection of DNA and proteins. This nanosensor was based on the binding- induced assembly of fluorescently labeled DNA on the DNA-functionalized quantum dots,
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Interfaces of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) alongside with other materials are widely applied for novel nanosensor devices. The fundamental electron devices include field emission transistors (FETs) sensitive to various external influences of
Nanosensor development
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FIGURE 1. Silver nanoparticles are fabricated in a six-step NSL process (clockwise from top left): glass or mica substrates are cleaned; monodisperse polystyrene nanospheres are drop- coated onto the substrate; a single layer of hexagonally closely packed nanospheres dries
Modelling chemical nanosensor devices based on graphene ribbons
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The search for novel nanoscale materials combined with the fabrication of ultra small circuit architectures are immediate priority for industry and research branches. Nanoelectronic devices based on carbon nanostructures, such as carbon nanotubes [1] and graphene [2],
Polyacrylamide nanosensor embedded with phosphate sensitive protein for detection of metabolic process in living cells
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Abstract: Phosphate is an essential nutrient for all plants. Accurate and rapid determination of phosphate is required to study phosphate homeostatis in living cell. Very few sensors reported display high selectivity and reliability. Our coworker Hong Gu has developed
Forwarding Schemes for EM-based Wireless Nanosensor Networks in the Terahertz Band
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ABSTRACT Electromagnetic-based Wireless NanoSensor Networks (EM-WNSNs) operating in the TeraHertz (THz) band (0.1 THz–10 THz) has been in focus recently because of potential applications in nano-scale scenarios. However, one major hurdle for advancing
Investigation of Microfluidic Integration in Magneto-Nanosensor Based Protein Biomarker Detection
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The use of magnetic nanoparticles in conjunction with a spin-valve type giant magnetoresistive (GMR) sensor provides a method for the detection and quantification of picomolar concentrations of proteins in biological samples. The magnetic nanoparticles
Voltammetric Nanosensor for Cyfluthrin based on Graphene and Poly (3-methyl) Thiophene
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Abstract-Poly (3-methyl) thiophene/graphene based electrochemical sensor is developed to study the electrochemical behavior of cyfluthrin with cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry. In comparison to bare glassy carbon electrode (GCE), enhanced peak
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A miniature sensor consisting of two adjacent microcantilevers (a sensing and reference pair) was utilized for detection of cocaine molecules. A cocaine-specific aptamer 1 with the sequence of 5'-HS-(CH2) 6-GAC AAG GAA AAT CCT TCA ATG AAG TGG GTC-3'was
P1049Enzymatic glucose nanosensor based on fluorophore co-doped silica nanotube
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A novel incentive enzymatic glucose detection using ratiometric fluorescent codoped silica nanotube was developed. With the great biocompatibility and multifunctional structure, silica nanotube allows both co-encapsulation of fluorescent dyes and bioconjugation of glucose
Electrochemical nitrite nanosensor Based on Au Nanoparticles/Graphene Nanocomposites
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Au nanoparticles (AuNPs)/graphene nanocomposites has been fabricated and employed for the detection of nitrite. Morphological characterizations of nanocomposites showed that the Au nanoparticles were well dispersed on the graphene nanosheets surface with particle
sugar level in blood using nanosensor
Towards advanced chemical and biological nanosensors an overview
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with buffer to remove any non-specifically bound ConA and weakly bound protein/sugar complexes.of application in aqueous media and the sensitivity sufficient for trace level detection [47].All efforts to detect glucose on bare MFON surfaces using SERS were unsuccessful.
In vivo imaging of the dynamics of glucose uptake in the cytosol of COS-7 cells by fluorescentnanosensors
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response to changes in external glucose concentrations, indicating that cytosolic sugar concentrations neverThe addition of other sugars not able to interact with the nanosensor did The decrease of cytosolic glucose levels during inhibition of export by cytochalasin B confirmed
Nanosensors and nanomaterials for monitoring glucose in diabetes
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In the figure, the patient's blood glucose level is trending lower at the last sample point.and checked against standards because they are only approved for tracking trends in blood glucose levels.Although unsuitable for glucose detection in blood or interstitial fluid, this could be
Rapid metabolism of glucose detected with FRET glucose nanosensors in epidermal cells and intact roots of Arabidopsis RNA-silencing mutants
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during the light period and the root serving as a sink that uses imported sugars efficiently tothe wild type, is not ideal because one cannot exclude the possibility that sugar metabolism isLeaf levels are significantly higher, and only in a few cases did glucose decline to levels
Electrochemical glucose biosensors
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have played a key role in the move to simple one-step blood sugar testingIn all cases, the diabetic patient pricks the finger, places the small blood droplet onalternative sampling sites requires that the collected samples properly reflect the blood glucose values (especially when
A new nanobiosensor for glucose with high sensitivity and selectivity in serum based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between CdTe quantum dots
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It is well known that concanavalin A (Con A), a sugar-binding lectin protein with fourThe concentration of the sugars was 1000-fold that of glucose and these biological species are Moreover, the normal concentration of glucose in vivo is at the millimolar level, and the detecting
Nanogold-plasmon-resonance-based glucose sensing
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contact lens, where the concentration of glucose in tears tracks blood glucose levels, which are form the sensing aggregate, we are able to tune the dynamic glucose sensing range.dissociation of Con A-aggregated dextran-coated nanogold particles upon addition of glucose.
Development and use of fluorescent nanosensors for metabolite imaging in living cells
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FRET-based sensors, until recently, sensors for primary metabolites such as sugars were not levels in mammalian cells already gave us new insights into sugar homeostasis.of mammalian glucose transporters, suggests that the decrease in cytosolic glucose upon removing the
Glucose nanosensors based on redox polymer/glucose oxidase modified carbon fiber nanoelectrodes
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After 50 min, the glucose level recovered to nearly normal glucose concentration and then aThe declined blood glucose concentration will maintain for a relative long time and thengood agreement with reference values obtained with a yellow springs blood sugar analyzer (YSI [HTML]
Development of a fluorescent nanosensor for ribose
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This does not seem to reflect differences in sugar levels, but rather variability in opticalAll other sugars, including ribose-5-phosphate, did not induce any significant decrease inFinally, uptake was insensitive to phloridzin, an inhibitor of SGLT glucose transporters, consistent
The nuclear receptor LXR is a glucose sensor
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6, 7, 8 . Activation of LXRs results in decreased atherosclerosis in rodents 9 . LXR ligands have anti-diabetic effects asinReceptor feasts on sugar and cholesterol
Electromagnetic wireless nanosensor networks
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scale, novel nanomaterials and nanoparticles show new properties and behaviors not observed at the microscopic level.Last but not least, it would be interesting to standardize the magnitude and value range of theHydraulic energy: produced by body fluids, or the blood flow. [HTML]
GLUT1 and GLUT9 as major contributors to glucose influx in HepG2 cells identified by a high sensitivity intramolecular FRET glucose sensor
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Given that sugars serve as signaling molecules in many organisms, it is conceivable that besides yellow fluorescent proteins (eCFP, eYFP) to detect conformational changes induced by sugar-binding [3Initial in vivo glucose flux rate detected by FLII 12 Pglu series nanosensors.
Biosensing with plasmonic nanosensors
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This level of precision, comparable to that of commercial SPR sensors, provides a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) ofthe shelf-life of the SERS sensor (more than a year at last count) 94 .Studies are underway to test the long-term biocompatibility of the glucose/lactate sensor by using
A real-time ratiometric method for the determination of molecular oxygen inside living cells usingsol-gel-based spherical optical nanosensors with applications to rat
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In intracellular measurements, to obtain a certain satisfactory signal level, the use ofhave been no reports of quantitative measurements of intracellular oxygen levelsusing ratiometric methods. Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium (DMEM) containing 4500 mg/L d-glucose, 2 mM
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