Global nanotechnology research -overview
Text mining was used to extract technical intelligence from the open source global nanotechnology and nanoscience research literature (SCI/SSCI databases). The following were identified: (i) the nanotechnology/nanoscience research literature infrastructure (prolific authors, key journals/ institutions/countries, most cited authors/journals/documents); (ii) the technical structure (pervasive technical thrusts and their inter-relationships); (iii) nanotechnology instruments and their relationships; (iv) potential nanotechnology applications; (v) potential health impacts and applications, and (vi) seminal nanotechnology literature. The results are summarized in this article. Keywords: Bibliometrics, document clustering, nanoparticle, nanotechnology, nanotube, text mining. NANOTECHNOLOGY is booming! In the global fundamental nanotechnology research literature as represented by the Science Citation Index/Social Science Citation Index (SCI/ SSCI) , global nanotechnology publications have grown dramatically in the last two decades. Due to this exponential growth of the global nanotechnology open literature, there is a need for gaining an integrated quantitative perspective on the state of this literature. In 2003–05, a comprehensive text-mining study was performed to survey the technical structure and infrastructure of the global nanotechnology research literature, as well as the seminal nanotechnology literature Based . on the wide-scale interest generated by these reports, it was decided to update and expand the study using more recent data, a much more comprehensive query and more sophisticated analytical tools. In the updated study, text mining was used to extract technical intelligence from the open source global nanotechnology and nanoscience research literature (SCI/SSCI databases). The following were identified: (i) the nanotechnology/nanoscience research literature infrastructure (prolific authors, key journals/institutions/countries, most cited authors/journals/documents); (ii) the technical structure (pervasive technical thrusts and their inter-relationships); (iii) nanotechnology instruments and their relationships; (iv) potential nanotechnology applications; (v) potential health impacts and applications, and (vi) seminal nanotechnology literature. The results are summarized in this article. A more detailed report on the results and methodologies of this updated study can be found in Kostoff et al.
This article is an overview of the highlights of the total study, including the production efficiency of seminal nanotechnology documents. The results are divided into four main sections: Infrastructure, Technical structure, Instrumentation and Applications. The Applications section is further divided into non-medical and medical. The results will be presented in the order listed above. Next, the seminal nanotechnology literature production efficiency will be presented. Infrastructure describes the performers of nanoscience/ nanotechnology r esear chat differ ent levels, r anging from individual to national performers, and it includes archived literature as well. Technical structure identifies the pervasive technical thrusts (and their inter-relationships) of the nanoscience/nanotechnology literature. Instrumentation provides both infrastructure and technical structure of the subset of the nanoscience/nanotechnology literature that addresses specific instruments. Applications provides the infrastructure and taxonomy of the subset of the nanoscience/nanotechnology literature that addresses specific non-medical and medical applications.
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