free research papers-robotics and mobile group-03
Michaud, F., Létourneau, D., Côté, C., Brosseau, Y., Valin, J.-M., Beaudry, É., Raïevsky, C., Ponchon, Moisan, P., Lepage, P., Morin, Y., Gagnon, F., Giguère, P., Roux, M.-A., Caron, S., Frenette, P., Kabanza, F. (2007), “Spartacus attending the 2005 AAAI Conference,” to be published in Autonomous Robots, Special Issue on the AAAI Mobile Robot Competitions and Exhibition. (pdf)
Valin, J.-M., Michaud, F., Rouat, J. (2007), “Robust localization and tracking of simultaneous moving sound sources using beamforming and particle filtering,” Robotics and Autonomous Systems Journal, 55: 216-228. (pdf)
Boissy, P., Corriveau, H., Michaud, F., Royer, M.P., Labonté, D. (2007), “Exploring the potential use of home mobile telepresence for telehomecare: a qualitative study with healthcare professionals and community living elderly,” Journal of Telemedecine and Telecare. (pdf)
Michaud, F., Salter, T., Duquette, A., Laplante, J.-F. (2007), “Perspectives on mobile robots used as tools for pediatric rehabilitation”, Assistive Technologies, Special Issue on Intelligent Systems in Pediatric Rehabilitation, 19: 14-29. (pdf)
Michaud, F. (2007), “Engineering education and the design of intelligent mobile robots for real use”, International Journal of Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Special Issue on Global Look at Robotics Education, 13(1): 19-28. (pdf)
Salter, T., (2006), “Navigational and proprioceptive sensor-based recognition of interaction patterns between children and mobile robots”, Ph.D. Thesis, Computer Science Department, University of Hertfordshire, december. (pdf)
Beaudry, E. (2006), “Planification de tâches pour robotique mobile”, Mémoire de maîtrise, Département d’informatique, Université de Sherbrooke, août. (pdf)
Moisan, P. (2006), “Analyse autonome d’activité de scenes video numériques acquises par un système de télésupervision en traumatologie”, Mémoire de maîtrise, Département de génie électrique et de génie informatique, Université de Sherbrooke, juillet. (pdf)
Robichaud, E. (2006), “Maximisation de l’autonomie énergétique d’un groupe de robots mobiles par auto-observation”, Mémoire de maîtrise, Département de génie électrique et de génie informatique, Université de Sherbrooke, mai. (pdf)
Michaud, F., Lepage, P., Frenette, P., Létourneau, D., Gaubert, N. (2006), “Coordinated maneuvering of automated vehicles in platoon,” research Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Special Issue on Cooperative Intelligent Vehicles, 7(4):437-447. (pdf)
Côté, C., Brosseau, Y., Létourneau, D., Raïevsky, C., Michaud, F. (2006), “Using MARIE in software development and integration for autonomous mobile robotics”, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Special Issue on Software Development and Integration in Robotics, 3(1):55-60. (pdf)
Brière, S., Létourneau, D., Fréchette, M., Valin, J.-M., Michaud, F. (2006), “Embedded and integration audition for a mobile robot,” Proceedings AAAI Fall Symposium Workshop Aurally Informed Performance: Integrating Machine Listening and Auditory Presentation in Robotic Systems, FS-06-01, 6-10. (pdf)
Duquette, A., Mercier, H., Michaud, F. (2006), “Investigating the use of a mobile robotic toy as an imitation agent for children with autism,” Proceedings International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems, Paris, France. (pdf) Présenté aussi lors de la Quatrième rencontre du Réseau interdisciplinaire Autisme-Science.
Lauria, M., Nadeau, I., Lepage, P., Morin, Y., Giguère, P., Gagnon, F., Létourneau, D., Michaud, F., “Design and control of a four steered wheeled mobile robot,” Proceedings Annual Conference of the research Industrial Electronics Society, Paris, France. (pdf)
Michaud, F., Létourneau, D., Fréchette, M., Beaudry, É., Côté, C., Kabanza, F. (2006), “Towards a higher level of human-robot interaction and integration,” Proceedings American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 1970-1971. (pdf)
Labonté, D., Michaud, F., Boissy, P., Corriveau, H., Cloutier, R., Roux, M.-A. (2006) “Evaluation methodology of user interfaces for teleoperated mobile robots in home environments,” Proceedings research/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 4466-4471. (pdf)
Valin, J.-M., Michaud, F., Rouat, J., (2006), “Robust 3D localization and tracking of sound sources using beamforming and particle filtering”, Proceedings International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 841-844. (pdf)
Lauria, M., Nadeau, I., Lepage, P., Dupas, Y., Morin, Y., Giguère, P., Gagnon, F., Létourneau, D., Michaud, F. (2006), “Kinematical analysis and control of a four steered wheeled mobile robot,” research International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Montréal, 3090-3095. (pdf)
Bulota, M., Aubin, J.-M., Ratté-Boulianne, J.-L., Gauthier, M., Simard-Bilodeau, V., Savard, P.-A., Marchand, J., Michaud, F., (2006) “ARMUS, an ARM robotic processing system for educational purposes,” Proceedings research International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 351-356. (pdf)
Michaud, F., Létourneau, D., Fréchette, M., Beaudry, É., Kabanza, F. (2006), “Spartacus, scientific robot reporter,” Proceedings Mobile Robot Workshop American Association for Artificial Intelligence. (pdf)
Boissy, P., Corriveau, H., Michaud, F., Labonté, D., Royer, M.-P. (2006), “Exploring the potential use of mobile robotics in a home environment for telehomecare interventions: a qualitative study with healthcare professionals and community living elders,” International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence.
Valin, J.-M.. (2005), “Auditory system for a mobile robot”, Thèse de doctorat, Département de génie électrique et de génie informatique, Université de Sherbrooke, août. (pdf)
Duquette, A. (2005), “L’exploration de l’utilisation d’un robot-jouet mobile comme agent d’imitation chez les enfants autistes”, Mémoire de maîtrise, Département de psycho-éducation, Université de Sherbrooke, septembre. (pdf)
Rivard, F.. (2005), “Localisation relative de robots mobiles opérant en groupe”, Mémoire de maîtrise, Département de génie électrique et de génie informatique, Université de Sherbrooke, juin. (pdf)
Lemay, M. (2005), “Assignation dynamique de positions pour les déplacements en formation d’un groupe de robots”, Mémoire de maîtrise, Département de génie électrique et de génie informatique, Université de Sherbrooke, mai. (pdf)
Audet, J. (2005), “Making an autonomous robot attend a conference”, Mémoire de maîtrise, Département de génie électrique et de génie informatique, Université de Sherbrooke, janvier. (pdf)
Michaud, F., Laplante, J.-F., Larouche, H., Duquette, A., Caron, S., Masson, P. (2005), “Autonomous spherical mobile robot to study child development”, research Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 35(4): 471-480. (pdf)
Michaud, F., Létourneau, D., Paré, J.-F., Legault, M.-A., Cadrin, R., Arsenault, M., Bergeron, Y., Tremblay, M.-C., Gagnon, F., Millette, M., Lepage, P., Morin, Y., Caron, S. (2005), “Multi-modal locomotion robotic platform using leg-track-wheel articulations”, Autonomous Robots, Special Issue on Unconventional Robotic Mobility, 18(2):137-156. (pdf)
Salter, T., Michaud, F., Dautenhahn, K., Létourneau, D., Caron, S. (2005) “Recognizing interaction from a robot’s perspective,” Proceedings research International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Nashville USA, 178-183. (pdf)
Michaud, F., Brosseau, Y., Côté, C., Létourneau, D., Moisan, P., Ponchon, A., Raïevsky, C., Valin, J.-M., Beaudry, É., Kabanza, F. (2005) “Modularity and integration in the design of a socially interactive robot,” Proceedings research International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Nashville USA, 172-177. (pdf)
Beaudry, É., Brosseau, Y., Côté, C., Raïevsky, C., Létourneau, D., Kabanza, F., Michaud, F. (2005) “Reactive planning in a motivated behavioural architecture,” Proceedings American Association for Artificial Intelligence Conference, 1242-1247. (pdf)
Michaud, F., Létourneau, D., Lepage, P., Morin, Y., Gagnon, F., Giguère, P., Beaudry, É., Brosseau, Y., Côté, C., Duquette, A., Laplante, J.-F., Legault, M.-A., Moisan, P., Ponchon, A., Raïevsky, C., Roux, M.-A., Salter, T., Valin, J.-M., Caron, S., Masson, P., Kabanza, F., Lauria, M. (2005), “A brochette of socially interactive robots,” Proceedings American Association for Artificial Intelligence Conference, 1733-1734. (pdf)
Beaudry, E., Kabanza, F., Michaud, F. (2005), “Flexible task planning for mobile robots,” Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 18th Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, Canadian AI, 48-52. (pdf)
Létourneau, D., Valin, J.-M., Côté, C., Michaud, F. (2005), “FlowDesigner: the free data-flow oriented development environment”, Software 2.0, vol. 3.
Yamamoto, S., Nakadai, K., Valin, J.M., Rouat, J., Michaud, F., Komatani, K., Ogata, T., Okuno, H. (2005), “Making a robot recognize three simultaneous sentences in real-time,” Proceedings research/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 897-902. (pdf)
Yamamoto, S., Valin, J.M., Nakadai, K., Rouat, J., Michaud, F., Ogata, T., Okuno, H. (2005), “Enhanced robot speech recognition based on microphone array source separation and missing feature theory,” research International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1489-1494.
Michaud, F., Létourneau, D., Lepage, P., Morin, Y., Gagnon, F., Giguère, P., Beaudry, É., Brosseau, Y., Côté, C., Duquette, A., Laplante, J.-F., Legault, M.-A., Moisan, P., Ponchon, A., Raïevsky, C., Roux, M.-A., Salter, T., Valin, J.-M., Caron, S., Frenette, P., Masson, P., Kabanza, F., Lauria, M. (2005), “Socially interactive robots for real life use,” Proceedings Workshop on Mobile Robot Competition, American Association for Artificial Intelligence Conference (AAAI), Pittsburgh USA. (pdf)
Boissy, P., Hamel, M., Bonato, P., Michaud, F., Fontaine, R., Corriveau, H. (2005), “Identification of functional motor activities in balance-impaired individuals using an ambulatory activity monitoring system,” 18th World Congress of the International Association of Gerontology.
Côté, C., Létourneau, D., Michaud, F., Brosseau, Y. (2005) “Software design patterns for robotics: Solving integration problems with MARIE,” invited presentation, Workshop of Robotic Software Environment, research International Conference on Robotics and Automation. (pdf)
Letendre, J. (2004), “Architecture de coopération multi-robots”, Mémoire de maîtrise, Département de génie électrique et de génie informatique, Université de Sherbrooke, octobre. (pdf)
Huppé, X. (2004), “Guidage et commande longitudinale d’un train de voitures adaptés aux conditions routières et climatiques canadiennes”, Mémoire de maîtrise, Département de génie électrique et de génie informatique, Université de Sherbrooke, octobre. (pdf)
Laplante, J.-F. (2004), “Effet de la dynamique d’un robot sphéraique et de son effet sur l’attention et la mobilité des jeunes enfants”, Mémoire de maîtrise, Département de génie électrique et de génie informatique, Université de Sherbrooke, août. (pdf)
Létourneau, D., Michaud, F., Valin, J.-M. (2004), “Autonomous robot that can read”, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Special Issue on Advances in Intelligent Vision Systems: Methods and Applications. (pdf)
Michaud, F., Létourneau, D., Paré, J.-F., Legault, M.-A., Cadrin, R., Arsenault, M., Bergeron, Y., Tremblay, M.-C., Gagnon, F., Millette, M., Lepage, P., Morin, Y., Caron, S. (2004), “Multi-modal locomotion robotic platform using leg-track-wheel articulations”, accepted for presentation in Autonomous Robots, Special Issue on Unconventional Robotic Mobility. (pdf)
Côté, C., Létourneau, D., Michaud, F., Valin, J.-M., Brosseau, Y., Raïevsky, C., Lemay, M., Tran. V. (2004), “Code reusability for programming mobile robots”, Proceedings research/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems, 1820-1825. (pdf)
Crawford, S., Cannon, M.E, Létourneau, D., Lepage, P., Michaud, F. (2004), “Performance evaluation for sensor combinations on mobile robots for automated platoon control,” Proceedings of Global Navigation Satellite Systems, The Institute of Navigation, Fairfax, VA (pdf). Also published in GPS World 2006, June.
Valin, J.-M., Rouat, J., Michaud, F. (2004), “Enhanced robot audition based on microphone array source separation with post-filter”, Proceedings research/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems, 2123-2128. (pdf)
Lemay, M., Michaud, F., Létourneau, D., Valin, J.-M. (2004), “Autonomous initialization of robot formations”, Proceedings research International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 3018-3023. (pdf)
Valin, J.-M., Michaud, F., Hadjou, B., Rouat, J. (2004), “Localization of simultaneous moving sound sources for mobile robot using a frequency-domain steered beamformer approach”, Proceedings research International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1033-1038. (pdf)
Valin, J.-M., Rouat, J., Michaud, F. (2004), “Microphone array post-filter for separation of simultaneous non-stationary sources”, ICASSP, Montréal. (pdf)
Guilbert, N., Huppé, X., Beauregard, M., Michaud, F. de Lafontaine, J. (2004), “Simulation and emulation with mobile robots of collaborative vehicles “, Proceedings SAE, Detroit.
Michaud, F., Barfoot, T., D’Eleuterio, G. (2004), “Integrated Challenges of Real World Intelligent Mobile Robotics”, Proceedings International Symposium on Robotics, Paris.
Michaud, F., Lachiver, G., Lucas, M., Clavet, A. (2003), “ROBUS A mobile robotic platform for Electrical and Computer Engineering Education”, research Robotics and Automation Magazine, Special Issue on “Robotics in Education: An Integrated Systems Approach to Teaching”, 10(3):20-24.
Létourneau, D., Michaud, F., Valin, J.-M., Proulx, C. (2003), “Textual message read by a mobile robot”, Proceedings research/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, p. 2724-2729. (pdf)
Bisson, J., Michaud, F., Létourneau, D. (2003), “Relative positioning of mobile robots using ultrasounds”, Proceedings research/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 1783-1788. (pdf)
Valin, J.-M., Michaud, F., Létourneau, D., Rouat, J. (2003), “Robust sound source localization using a microphone array on a mobile robot”, Proceedings research/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, p. 1228-1233. (pdf)
Michaud, F., Létourneau, D., Paré, J.-F., Legault, M.-A., Cadrin, R., Arsenault, M., Bergeron, Y., Tremblay, M.-C., Gagnon, F., Millette, M., Lepage, P., Morin, Y., Caron, S. (2003), “AZIMUT A leg-track-wheel robot”, Proceedings research/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, p. 2553-2558. (pdf)
Huppé, X., Beauregard, M., de Lafontaine, J., Michaud, F. (2003), “Guidance and control of a platoon of vehicles adapted to changing environment conditions”, Proceedings research Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 3091-3096. (pdf)
Guilbert, N., Beauregard, M., Michaud, F. de Lafontaine, J. (2003), “Emulation of collaborative driving systems using mobile robots”, Proceedings research Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 856-861. (pdf)
Létourneau, D., Michaud, F., Valin, J.-M., Proulx, C. (2003), ” Making a mobile robot read textual messages”, Proceedings research Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 4236-4241. (pdf)
Michaud, F., Duquette, A., Nadeau, I. (2003), “Characteristics of mobile robotic toys for children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders”, Proceedings research Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2938-2943. (pdf)
Michaud, F., Létourneau, D., Paré, J.-F., Legault, M.-A., Cadrin, R., Arsenault, M., Bergeron, Y., Tremblay, M.-C., Gagnon, F., Millette, M., Lepage, P., Morin, Y., Caron, S. (2003), “Co-design of AZIMUT, a multi-modal robotic platform”, Proceedings ASME 23rd Computers and Information in Engineering Conference Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing. (pdf)
Michaud, F., Létourneau, D., Paré, J.-F., Legault, M.-A., Cadrin, R., Arsenault, M., Bergeron, Y., Tremblay, M.-C., Gagnon, F., Millette, M., Lepage, P., Morin, Y., Caron, S. (2003), “AZIMUT A multi-modal locomotion robotic platform”, SPIE’s 17th Annual International Symposium on Aerospace/Defense Sensing, Simulation, and Controls. (pdf)
Gutsfason, D., Michaud, F. (2003), “The Robot Host Competition at the AAAI-2002 Mobile Robot Competition”, AI Magazine, 24(1): 61-64.
Bisson, J. (2003), Localisation d’agents mobiles physiques, Mémoire de maîtrise, Département de génie électrique et de génie informatique, Université de Sherbrooke, avril. (pdf)
Michaud, F. (2002), “EMIB Computational architecture based on emotion and motivation for intentional selection and configuration of behaviour-producing modules”, Cognitive Science Quarterly, Special Issue on “Desires, Goals, Intentions, and Values: Computational Architectures”, 3-4: 340-361. (pdf)
Lachiver, G., Dalle, D., Boutin, N., Clavet, A., Michaud, F., Dirand, J.-Marie (2002), “Competency- and project-based programs in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Université de Sherbrooke”, research Canadian Review, 41: 21-24. (pdf)
Michaud, F., Caron, S. (2002), “Roball, the rolling robot”, Autonomous Robots, 12(2): 211-222. (pdf)
Michaud, F., Létourneau, D., Gilbert, M., Valin, J.-M. (2002), “Dynamic robot formations using directional visual perception”, Proceedings research/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. (pdf)
Michaud, F., Robichaud, E. (2002), “Sharing charging stations for long-term activity of autonomous robots”, Proceedings research/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. (pdf)
Boutin, N., Thibault, R., Clavet, A., Hadjou, B., Dirand, J.-M., Michaud, F., Dalle, D., Lachiver, G. (2002), “Bringing first-year engineering students to reflect on their learning strategies”, Proceedings American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference, Montréal.
Michaud, F., Théberge-Turmel, C. (2002), “Mobile robotic toys and autism”, Socially Intelligent Agents Creating Relationships with Computers and Robots, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Alan Bond, Lola Canamero, Bruce Edmonds (editors), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pages 125-132. (pdf)
Michaud, F., Gutsfason, D. (2002), “The Hors d’Oeuvres Event at the AAAI-2001 Mobile Robot Competition”, AI Magazine, 23(1): 31-35.
Labonté, D., Michaud, F. (2002), “Système de télésurveillance robotique/domotique pour personne à risques maintenues à domicile”, Symposium télésanté 2002, Québec.
Dirand, J.-M., Dalle, D., Boutin, N., Lachiver, G., Clavet, A., Thibault, R., Michaud, F., Hadjou, B., Brunet, C.-A., Lefebvre, R., Fontaine, R., Hivon, R., Bourque, S. (2002), “Implémentation et gestion d’un apprentissage par problèmes et par projet d’ingénierie dans un curriculum à base de compétences en génie électrique et en génie informatique”, 19ième Colloque de l’AIPU (Association Internationale de pédagogie Universitaire), Belgique.
Multi-modal locomotion and modular robotic platform for advanced 3D motion. Michaud, F., Létourneau, D., Paré, J.-F., Legault, M.-A., Cadrin, R., Arsenault, M., Bergeron, Y., Tremblay, M.-C., Gagnon, F., Millette, M., Lepage, P., Morin, Y., Caron, S. Canadian patent pending #2,412,815 November 27, 2002.
Cadieux, S. (2002), Reconnaissance et comptage de silhouettes de poissons, Mémoire de maîtrise, Département de génie électrique et de génie informatique, Université de Sherbrooke, décembre. (pdf)
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