free thesis on Solar Energy
solar tracking system
High-precision solar tracking system
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Abstract:In this work we propose an innovative system for tracking the sun which is based on the use of a commercial web cam as the sensor element. An experimental electro- mechanism was designed and developed to evaluate its accuracy and efficacy in tracking
Design and performance of solar tracking system with fuzzy logic controller
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Abstract:A solar tracking system is designed to optimize the operation of solar energy receivers. More solar energy is collected by the end of the day if solar receivers are installed with a tracker system. In this paper, a solar tracking system is modeled using Matlab/
Solar tracking fuzzy control system design using FPGA
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Abstract:A solar tracking generating power system is designed and implemented. An expert controller, sensors and input/output interface are integrated with a tracking mechanism to increase the energy generation efficiency of solar cells. In order to track the
Solar tracking system with fuzzy reasoning applied to crisp sets
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Abstract-In this paper, a low cost and an easy to implement solar tracker system is presented. The design of the system is based on the fuzzy reasoning applied to crisp sets. In this case, it can be easily implemented on general purpose microprocessor systems. Four
Design of a low-cost solar tracking photo-voltaic (PV) module and wind turbine combinationsystem
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This paper describes the design of a low cost, 0.9 kW solar tracking photo-voltaic (PV) array system as part of an undergraduate senior project. The solar tracking system is interfaced with a 1kW wind turbine, a deep cycle battery storage system, a charge controller and an
Lander locations, Mars physical ephemeris, and solar system parameters Determination from Viking lander tracking data
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Radio tracking data from the Viking landers have been analyzed to determine the parameters of the Mars physical ephemeris, the radii of Mars at the landing sites, and the lander locations. The orientation of the Mars rotation axis, referred to the 1950.0 earth
The design and implementation of a solar tracking generating power system
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Abstract:A solar tracking generating power system is designed and implemented. A tracking mechanism is integrated with an expert controller, sensors and input/output interface, that it can increase the energy generation efficiency of solar cells. In order to
The Solar Tracking System by Using Digital Solar Position Sensor
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Abstract: Problem statement: An optimal control on two axes and design for solar tracker which called altitude and azimuth is challenge. Approach: The phototransistor with the shade that blocks the screen was employed as a detector of solar beam radiation. The
Designimplementation of a dual axis solar tracking system
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Abstract. The aim of this paper is to present a solar energy collection technology by a photovoltaic cell. To present this efficient solar distributed generation system, a dual-axis solar tracker is designed, built and tested. The tracker actively tracks the sun and changes
Indoor tracking using solar cell powered system: interpolation of irradiance
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ABSTRACT Indoor tracking, especially for wearable computing, often implies investing in infrastructure and/or the user carrying excessive volume and weight (eg WLAN enabled laptop). We make the hypothesis that existing infrastructure such as windows and
Cylindrical Solar Cooker with Automatic Two Axes Sun Tracking System
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Abstract All concentrating solar cookers were found to provide adequate temperature needed for cooking. But the common problem of these systems is the need for frequent tracking, and standing in the sun while cooking. This problem could be tackled if one goes
Optimisation of fuzzy based maximum power point tracking in PV system for rapidly changing solar irradiance
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Abstract Solar photovoltaic (PV) electrification is an important renewable energy source. The electric which is converted directly from solar irradiation via PV panel is not steady due to different solar intensity. To maximize the PV panel output power, perturb and observe (
Design and research of dual-axis solar tracking system in condition of town Almaty
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Abstract: The solar tracking system is the most common method of increasing the efficiency of solar photo module. This study presents the efficiencies of energy conversion of photo module with solar tracking system and fixed photo module. The proposed sun tracking
Solar Tracking System: Design based on GPS and Astronomical Equations
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Abstract The paper presents the design of a reliable, accurate, and easy to install solar dual axis tracking system. This system utilizes the GPS for fixing the time, date and location in terms of longitude and latitude. Astronomical equations with good accuracy are selected
The precision of the tracking system in search of solar axions
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The design and implementation of hybrid automatic solar tracking system
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Abstract: A solar tracking system is the device for orienting solar photovoltaic modules and solar thermal collectors toward the sun. This study presents a microcontroller based energy efficient hybrid automatic solar tracking system with a view to assess the improvement in
Solar Wings: A new Lightweight PV Tracking System
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ABSTRACT: Solar tracking systems increase the electricity production by about 30% relative to fixed installations. A robust design of the mechanical system requiring less material than 100kg steel per kW nominal PV module power is essential to further improve the
Fuzzy logic based maximum power point tracking designed for 10kw solar photovoltaicsystem
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Abstract-The electric power supplied by a photovoltaic power generation systems depends on the solar irradiation and temperature. The PV system can supply the maximum power to the load at a particular operating point which is generally called as maximum power point
Solar photovoltaic panels tracking system
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Abstract:-This research project concentrates on the design and control of a two-degrees-of- freedom orientation system for the photovoltaic solar panels in sunny regions which are considered very rich in solar energy. A brief background on the sun path and behavior at
Design Of An Automatic Solar Tracking System Based On Microcontroller
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Abstract: Energy crisis is the most important issue in today's world. Conventional energy resources are not only limited but also the prime culprit for environmental pollution. Renewable energy resources are getting priorities in the whole world to lessen the
Development of FPGA-based Dual Axis Solar Tracking System
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Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) meet critical timing and performance requirements with parallel processing and real-time control application performance, allowing greater system integration and lower development cost. This paper describes a dual axis solar tracking
Helianthus–a Low Cost High Efficient Solar Tracking System Using AVR Microcontroller
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Abstract:A solar tracking system is a generic term used to describe devices that orient various payloads toward the sun. Payloads can be photovoltaic panels, reflectors, lenses or other optical devices. This paper describes a potential solar system using two stepper
Analysis with the Finite Elements Method of Solar Collector's Tracking System
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Abstract: The tracking systems of the solar collectors are used to orient the solar collector normal to the solar radiation, in the way to catch the maximum amount of light from the sun. The paper presents the finite elements analysis of three main solar collector tracking
Model-Based Simulation of an Intelligent Microprocessor-Based Standalone Solar Tracking System
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Renewable energy resources will be an increasingly important part of power generation in the new millennium. Besides assisting in the reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases, they add the much-needed flexibility to the energy resource mix by decreasing the
Photovoltaic tracking system solar radiation measurement: data validation using MPPT
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Abstract:-The operating mode of a common PV (Photovoltaic) generator envisages the installation of panels so that they must be oriented towards south direction and slanted according to a determined magnitude that varies depending upon latitude of chosen
Microcontroller Based Solar tracking System for enhancing efficiency of a Photovoltaicsystem
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Abstract In today s scenario of increasing energy needs, there is a huge dependence on renewable energy sources along with the conventional sources. One of the most important renewable energy resources is the sun. However, the problem with solar power is that it is
Concept of Mechanical Solar Tracking System
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ABSTRACT: Emphasizing the importance of non renewable energy sources, solar energy will be the major primary source of energy which will satisfy our needs for the coming years ahead. So, there needs the requirement of enhancing the utilization of solar energy with
Design and development of arm processor based solar tracking system using DC motor
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Abstract Renewable Energy (RE) is making a noticeable impact especially in the lives of rural masses. Simultaneously though, its use for urban and semi-urban applications is also growing day to day. Maximizing power output from a solar system is desirable to increase
Design and Construction of a Solar Tracking System (STS) with two Rotation Axis
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Abstract: Solar Tracking Systems have attracted the interest for increasing the overall performance of solar collectors or PV-arrays, especially the ones with two axis of rotation. The requirement to built such an automated system, which is cheap, reliable and easy to
A Microcontroller-Based Multi-Function Solar Tracking System
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Abstract: Microcontroller based multi-function solar tracking system are used to drive the load using the power from the solar panel in the morning time, when during the night time it will be operated using the battery. In this study has been worked on new method to
Use of solar tracking system for extracting solar energy
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Abstract:The increasing demand for energy, the continuous reduction in existing sources of fossil fuels and the growing concern regarding environment pollution, have pushed mankind to explore new technologies for the production of electrical energy using clean, renewable
Modelling and design of a small scale solar tracking system; Application to a green house model
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Abstract: Power generation is one of the challenges in Sustainable Development. For example, well known sun tracking systems allows improvement of solar panel power ratio. In order to illustrate this concept, this paper presents a simplified and didactical small scale
Mechatronics Design of Solar Tracking System
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Abstract The key element in mechatronics system design is the concurrent synergetic integration, modeling, simulation, analysis and optimization of multidisciplinary knowledge through the design process from the very start of the design process, and toward
Design and development of an educational solar tracking parabolic trough collector system
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ABSTRACT: Renewable energy sources and systems have become popular topics of study for thermal engineering students. This article presents the design, development, testing and evaluation of an educational single-axis solar tracking parabolic trough collector that
Dual Axis Sun Tracking System with PV Panel as the Sensor, Utilizing Electrical Characteristic of the Solar Panel to Determine Insolation
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Abstract:This paper describes the design and implementation of a novel two axis sun tracking system which utilizes no external light sensors to make PV cell facing in the direction of maximum irradiation to promote system efficiency. The novelty lies in the
The tracking system for solar collectors with reflectors
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Abstract In the report advantages of the sun tracking collectors in comparison with stationary collectors are expounded. The realization principle of equatorial mounting of the sun tracking system and structural performance of the sun tracking collector with reflectors is
Tracking System for Solar Thermal Collector
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Abstract: This paper presents in a concrete manner the purpose of a solar thermal collector and, in order to maximize its efficiency, proposes a tracking system mechanism type linkages. Different constructive variants are presented for this mechanism, used for
Solar heating coil with automatic two axes sun tracking system
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Abstract. In this work, the effect of two axes sun tracking on the performance of a solar heating coil (SHC) was studied. The SHC consists of a copper pipe, in the form of a circular spiral. An electromechanical two axes sun tracking system was designed and constructed.
Automation of a Sun Tracking System for Photovoltaic Panel with Low Concentration ofSolar Radiation
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Abstract:Over the last decades, because of the pollution and awareness of limited resources of fossil fuels, the renewable sources of energy production gained increasing confidence as appropriate solution for humankind. Within the south region of Romania,
Fuzzy Controller Design Using FPGA for Sun and Maximum Power Point Tracking in SolarArray System
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Abstract:In this paper, Two fuzzy logic controllers are fabricated on modern FPGA card (Spartan-3AN, Xilinx Company, 2009) to increase the energy generation efficiency of solar cells. These controllers are, sun tracking controller and maximum power point tracking
The design of a parabolic reflector system with high tracking tolerance for high solar concentration
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Abstract. A compact high concentrating photovoltaic (HCPV) module based on cassegrain optics is proposed; consisting of a primary parabolic reflector, secondary reflector and homogeniser. The effect of parabolic curvatures, reflector separation distance and the
Tracking of the optimal point of PV array through a DC/DC buck converter in a pumping solar system by fuzzy logic
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Abstract–the exploitation of the solar energy is very significant for Algeria (a very sunny country). Moreover the dryness phenomenon in this country imposes more and more the use of pumping plants. In our work, we propose a technique for the identification of the
A Soft Switching Boost Converter With Simulation of Maximum Power Point Tracking forSolar Home Lighting System
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Abstract: The aim of the paper is to design a soft Switching Boost Converter with simulation of Maximum Power point tracking for Solar Home Lighting System. A 37Wp Solar Panel is used for designing the boost Converter using soft switching technique. Microcontroller
Fill Factor Based Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) for Standalone Solar PV System
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Abstract: In this paper, a fill factor based new approach for maximization of efficiency of solar PV system is investigated using modified MPPT technique. On the IV characteristic curve of solar PV module, fill factor is one of the most important parameter for determining and
Dishing up the Data: the role of Australian space tracking and radio astronomy facilities in the exploration of the Solar System
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Abstract The recent Australian film, The Dish, highlighted the role played by the Parkes Radio Telescope in tracking and communicating with the Apollo 11 mission. However the events depicted in this film represent only a single snapshot of the role played by
Challenges of Communications and Tracking for Solar System Small Body Exploration
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Small body missions would carry instruments (imagers and radars) that produce high data volumes. The challenge for telecom is magnified by the large distances. In addition to advances in RF telecom (eg higher power amplifiers, larger antennas) optical
High-Precision Radiometric Tracking for Planetary Approach and Encounter in the InnerSolar System
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The benefits of improved radiometric trackhzg data have been studied for planetary approach within the hmer Solar System using the Mars Rover Sample Return trajectory as a model. It was found that the benefit of improved data to approach and encounter
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Abstract In this project we have analysed and designed microcontroller based solar traking system. the system here used can work in any environment irrespective of the geographical location. The assembly that we have desined here tracks continuously the movement of
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ABSTRACT The increasing demand for energy, the continuous reduction in existing sources of fossil fuels and the growing concern regarding environmental pollution, have pushed mankind to explore new technologies for the production of electrical energy using clean,
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ABSTRACT Electricity is a great crisis in the world as well as Bangladesh as the developing country. The production of electricity is not increasing as the requirement. Rural areas, islands are still remained dark from the electricity. So, it is necessary to think about the
Mobile Charger based on Coin by using Solar tracking System
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Abstract: The mobile phones are play's vital role in the present communication world as well as day to day life. This paper describes the mobile charger using solar tracking system based on the coin. The mobile phone business is currently worth billions of dollars and
Design, Construction and Effectiveness Analysis of Hybrid Automatic Solar Tracking System for Amorphous and Crystalline Solar Cells
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Abstract In remote areas the sun is a cheap source of electricity because instead of hydraulic generators it uses solar cells to produce electricity. While the output of solar cells depends on the intensity of sunlight and the angle of incidence. The solar panels must remain in
An analysis of the learning outcome of the automatic dual-axis sun tracking laboratory forsolar cell system
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Abstract:-The purpose of this reserch was to design and construct the automatic two axis solar tracking for solar cell panel. The theory of Work Related Information is used in this system. The efficiency evaluation of experimental set of Solar Cell content to Curriculum of
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ABSTRACT-This paper shows the potential system benefits of simple tracking solar system Solar power generation had been used as a renewable energy since years ago. The main objective of this project is to present development of an automatic solar tracking system in
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ABSTRACT: Solar energy is a very large, inexhaustible source of energy. The Renewable Energy as a source is focused to bring the awareness towards the Green Energy System which provides the pollution free environment. Also it has no heavy mechanical section
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ABSTRACT Energy crisis is the most important issue in today's world as demand for electrical energy increasing over the years. Conventional energy sources are not only limited but also hazardous to environment. Therefore, usage of nonconventional energy
Solar Panel Tracking System based on ATmega328 Microcontroller
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Abstract-This paper is based on solar panel tracking system based on microcontroller. Solar tracking enables more energy to be generated because the solar panel is always able to maintain a perpendicular profile to the sun's rays. Development of solar panel tracking
Solar Tracking System Utilizing Pyranometer for Optimal Photovoltaic Module Positioning
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Abstract: The demand for energy increased rapidly over the past few decades and the trend is not expected to stop in the near future. These made researchers focus on renewable energy sources due to the environmental pollution caused by the existing conventional
Solar Tracking System Experimental Verification Based on GPS and Vision Sensor Fusion
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Abstract:It is well known that solar tracking systems can increase solar panel efficiency by approximately 30 percent. However, because these systems require precise control, it is essential to develop tracking capabilities. In this paper, a solar tracking system using the
Design of Real Time Embedded Solar Tracking System
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ABSTRACT Solar panels are devices that convert light into electricity. They are called solar after the sun because the sun is the most powerful source of the light available for use. They are sometimes called photovoltaic which means" light-electricity". Solar cells or PV cells
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Renewable energy solutions are becoming increasingly popular. Photovoltaic (solar) systems are but one example. Maximizing power output from a solar system is desirable to increase efficiency. In order to maximize power output from the solar panels, one needs to
Intensity Based Dual Axis Solar Tracking System
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Abstract Solar energy is a viable source on a broad scale. The electric power generated by a photovoltaic power generation system can be used for wide range of applications. Solar Tracking System is the most appropriate technology to enhance the efficiency of the solar
Solar Tracking System using DC Gear Motor
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Abstract:In an ordinary solar power system the sunlight was not used to the maximum extent and so in order to take the system to the highest potential, solar tracking system was employed. This paper shows design and realization of automatic solar panel orientation
A Study on Solar Tracking Accuracy Improvement Using Image Recognition in Solar Tracking System
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Abstract. More attention is paid to renewable energy worldwide, due to recent Japanese nuclear power plant accident, fossil energy depletion and global warming. Studies to enhance power generation system efficiency are carried out in terms of the study on solar
Dual Axis Solar Tracking Control System By Using Microcontroller
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Abstract: The direct conversion of solar energy into electricity using photovoltaic system has been receiving intensive installation not only in developed countries but also in developing countries. Microcontroller based solar tracking control system uses the two DC motor to
Remotely Control Automatic Street Lighting System Using Solar Tracking System
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Abstract: In our country most of the energy get wasted in street lighting ie unnecessary lighting of the street lamps continuously. To avoid this condition we proposed remotely control automatic street lighting system. The proposed system in this project uses
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Abstract-The use of clean energy (solar, wind etc.) in other words renewable energy is becoming more important for lowering the global warming as the world becomes hotter every day as a result of global warming. Use of solar energy either PV panels or
Design of Photo-voltaic Solar tracking system based on Peripheral Interface Controller
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Abstract The work discusses about the detailed design and construction of a prototype of solar tracking system which detects the sun's intensity using the light dependent resistors. The control circuit for the tracker is microchip make peripheral interface controller
Microcontroller Based Solar Tracking System and its Implementation
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Abstract:Sun is a very abundant source of power. Even so, only a fraction of the entire energy is harnessed and that too not efficiently. The main cause of this is the high cost of installation of solar cells. Also solar cells are mostly kept fixed, so they do not obtain the
Solar Tracking System with Automated Cleaning of Solar PV Modules on Virtual Instrument
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Abstract: The solar tracking system is generally used in dusty environments which is the case in tropical countries like India. The dust gets accumulated on the front surface of the solar panel and blocks the incident light from the sun. It reduces the power generation
Performance Evaluation of Solar Panel and Proposed New Algorithm of Solar Tracking System
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Abstract:The output of a Solar Panel is highly dependent on solar radiation and other climatic conditions. Performance evaluation shows a solar panel can generate output power above 60% of its rated value for only six hours of a day from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm in
Development of an Embedded Solar Tracking System with LabVIEW Motion Control
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Motion control is a sub-field of automation, in which the position and/or velocity of machines are controlled using some type of device such as a hydraulic pump, linear actuator, or an electric motor. The motion control is widely used in the packaging, printing, textile,
Increasing of Electrical Energy with Solar Tracking System at the Region which Has Turkey's Most Solar Energy Potential
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Abstract:In this study, we investigated the efficiency of our own two-axis solar tracking photovoltaic system which designed by us according to a fixed system. The system's energy consumption was minimized by using tipper motor in the two-axis solar tracking system.
Solar Tracking System Installed in Modules with PV Panels to Connection Grid Tie Low Voltage
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Abstract–The electricity is an essential factor in everyday society, and this consumption is increasing exponentially. Beyond this fact, there is also concern about the impacts suffered by the environment, caused by the current system of generation electric power system. In
Microcontroller Based Smart Solar Tracking System
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Abstract: Main motivation of this project is to design microcontroller based solar intensity collection system. In this system, parabola dish mounts to follow the path of the sun during the day to maximize the solar radiation that the parabola receive. There are two types of
Design and Implementation of a Two Axis Solar Tracking System Using PLC Techniques by an Inexpensive Method·
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ABSTRACT This paper presents the design and implementation of an experimental study of a two-axis (Azimuth and Altitude) automatic control solar tracking system to measure the solar radiation in an inexpensive way by a tracking solar PV panel according to the
Design and Simulation of Solar Monitoring Tracking System
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Abstract: Solar energy is rapidly becoming an alternative means of electricity source. Fossil fuels are seriously depleting, thus the need for alternative energy source is a necessity. To make effective use of solar energy, its efficiency must be maximized. A feasible approach
On the Tracking Error of a Self-Contained Solar Tracking System
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This paper deals with the analysis of the tracking errors of a self-contained solar tracking system that is totally powered by solar energy. The effect of the different design parameters of the system on its tracking error is studied in detail, in an attempt to define the important
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- Floating Solar Chimney versus Concrete SolarChimney Power Plants
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Modelling and Degradation Characteristics of Thin film CIGS Solar Cells-thesis
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Biomass supported Solar Thermal Hybrid Power Plant for
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