fuzzy logic research papers 2012 section 14
Reply to Libor Behounek’s Comments on Fuzzy Logic and Higher-Order Vagueness
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NJJ SMITH logic.at
I am extremely grateful to Libor Behounek for his very interesting and valuable comments on
my paper. In what follows, I shall try to respond to his objections. As will be evident from the
fact that it frequently directs the reader to [1] for longer discussions of issues and more
GA-Fuzzy Logic Optimization for Constructed Wetland Design
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A Qasaimeh, M Elektorowicz, M Balazinski
Abstract—Design of a constructed wetland is a challenging process as wetland parameters
are stochastic and highly interrelated. The generation of this data is laborious and can never
include all the potential combinations of various conditions found in nature. The paper
Gait Recognition with Geometric Characteristic and Fuzzy Logic
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J Bharti, MK Gupta ,ampublisher.com
Abstract—this paper introduces a new gait recognition approach using geometric
charecteristic and fuzzy logic. Proposed a gait system with the help of fuzzy inference system
(FIS) for better gait recognition rate. This approach is tested on a database of video
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M Kathuria, N Duhan, CK Nagpal, P Bandyopadhyay ,garph.co.uk
Abstract: This paper summarizes the different characteristics of web data, the basic
components of web mining and its different types, and importance of fuzzy logic its
representation and the use of soft computing (comprising fuzzy logic (FL)) is discussed
A Hybrid Approach to Edge Detection using Ant Colony Optimization and Fuzzy Logic
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DA Vishwavidyalaya
Abstract Edge detection aims to mark sharp intensity changes in an image and is a basis for
a large number of image analysis and machine vision applications. Ant colony optimization
is an evolutionary optimization algorithm which is inspired by food searching behaviour of
Thai Wikipedia Quality Measurement using Fuzzy Logic
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K Saengthongpattana, N Soonthornphisaj
Wikipedia is widely known as an online encyclopedia. The open access model is a key
success for Wikipedia, however the quality of articles is a problem. Since the articles are
collaboratively written and maintained by online volunteers. The flaws are normally
A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Remote Healthcare Monitoring by Learning and Recognizing Human Activities of Daily Living
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H Medjahed, D Istrate, J Boudy, JL Baldinger ,cdn.intechopen.com
Improvement of life quality in the developed nations has systematically generated an
increase in the life expectancy. A statistic studies curried out by the French national institute
of statistic and economic studies (INSEE) shows a new distribution of age classes in
Control and Estimation of Asynchronous Machines Using Fuzzy Logic
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JA Cortajarena, J De Marcos, FJ Vicandi, P Alvarez ,cdn.intechopen.com
In the conventional design of controllers, the first step is to obtain the model of the plant. With
the plant model, the controller is designed considering aspects such as stability, dynamic
response behaviour, performance against disturbances, etc. This type of controller design
Fuzzy Logic System for Tractive Performance Prediction of an Intelligent Air-Cushion Track Vehicle
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A Hossain, A Rahman, AKM Mohiuddin, Y Aminanda
Abstract—Fuzzy logic system (FLS) is used in this study to predict the tractive performance in
terms of traction force, and motion resistance for an intelligent air cushion track vehicle while
it operates in the swamp peat. The system is effective to control the intelligent air–cushion
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Abstract: We focus on the issue of performance evaluation in supply chains, in particular the
concept of Agility. All parameters of agility can be qualitatively judged in linguistic terms.
We specifically target the problem of quantification of agility by using fuzzy logic and to
Applications of Fuzzy Logic in Risk Assessment–The RA_X Case
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Risk management for work accidents and occupational diseases is of utmost importance
considering the high toll paid each year in human life, human suffering and the social and
economical costs resulting from work accidents and work-related disorders. According to
Term Weighting for Information Retrieval Using Fuzzy Logic
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J Ropero, A Gómez, A Carrasco, C León, J Luque ,cdn.intechopen.com
The rising quantity of available information has constituted an enormous advance in our
daily life. However, at the same time, some problems emerge as a result from the existing
difficulty to distinguish the necessary information among the high quantity of unnecessary