fuzzy logic research papers 2012 section 7
Fuzzy Logic solution for Unit Commitment
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MRB Magadum, SG Suchitra, SH Jangamshetti
Abstract This paper presents fuzzy logic solution to unit commitment and economic
dispatch. Unit commitment is aimed to a proper generator commitment schedule for a power
system over a period of one day to one week. The main objective of unit commitment is to
Design of Fuzzy Logic Controller for Autonomous parking of Mobile Robot
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A Hechri, A Ladgham, F Hamdaoui, A Mtibaa
Abstract. An autonomous parking controller can provide convenience to a novice driver.
However, if the controller is not designed adequately, it may endanger the car and the driver.
Therefore, this paper presents a fuzzy logic controller designed for automatic parking
Eyeball and Blink Controlled Robot with Fuzzy Logic Based Obstacle Avoidance System for Disabled
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KS Sabarish, AM Suman
Abstract-In present world, robot’s have become part of our life. Continuous research is being
carried out to make the control of robot easier, simpler and user friendly. In this paper, we
propose to control robot based on eyeball movement and eye blink. Image of the eye is
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SK Nayak, DN Gaonkar
ABSTRACT The microturbine generation (MTG) system are becoming the popular source of
distributed generation (DG) due to their fuel flexibility, reliability and power quality. The MTG
system is a complicated thermodynamic electromechanical system with high speed of
Fuzzy logic based control design for active dancer closed loop web tension control
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Abstract Active dancers are used to control web tension in roll-toroll (R2R) based printing
systems. In this paper the control system for a compact active dancer system has been
designed using fuzzy logic. The dancer system has a proportional pressure regulator as
Aortic Insufficiency Diagnosis tic through STFTWavelet Algorithm and Their Comparison through Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network
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MRK Rad, F Nouri ,ijbbb.org
Abstract—Phonocardiogram is one of the most unstable signals; therefore phonocardiogram
is included of frequency and timing information. Within present study we obtained vast
features through STFT and Wavelet algorithm. Our main focus is on signals analysis which
Neural Networks & Fuzzy Logic
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M Kiruthika
Abstract-Automobiles have become an integrated part of our daily life. The development of
technology has improved the automobile industry in both costefficiency. Still, accidents
prove as challenge to technology. Highway accident news are frequently found in the
Text Fusion in Medical Images Using Fuzzy Logic Based Matrix Scanning Algorithm
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P Jain, A Aggarwal ,ijsrp.org
Abstract-Text fusion in medical images is an important technology for image processing. We
have lots of important information related to the patient’s reports and need lots of space to
store and the proper position and name which relates that image with that data.
Intelligent Energy Management in a Photovoltaic Installation Using Fuzzy Logic
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L Al-Otaibi, N Essounbouli, F Nollet
Abstract. This paper addresses the problem optimal management of the energy production
and its storage in a photovoltaic installation. To attain this objective, we propose at first a
fuzzy maximum power point tracking algorithm. After that we propose a fuzzy supervisor to
Fuzzy Logic Speed Controller with Reduced Rule Base for Dual PMSM Drives
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JM Lazi, Z Ibrahim, M Sulaiman, FA Patakor, SNM Isa
Abstract—Dual motor drives fed by single inverter is purposely designed to reduced size
and cost with respect to single motor drives fed by single inverter. Previous researches on
dual motor drives only focus on the modulation and the averaging techniques. Only a few
Fuzzy Logic Control of an Isothermal CSTR with Input Multiplicities
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GP Reddy, BC Eranna
Abstract:—In the present work, a Fuzzy logic controller is analyzed to a continuous stirred
tank reactor (CSTR) carrying out series and parallel reaction: A? B? C and 2A? D (Van de
Vusse reaction) and exhibiting input multiplicities in the space velocity, on the product
A Survey on Applications of Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Logic in Caching
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MM Bartere, PV Ingole ,arastirmax.com
Abstract-Caching performance can be improved by designing good replacement policies.
This paper, discuss the various approaches that were designed based on genetic algorithms
and fuzzy logic to optimize the performance of caching. The approaches discussed here
Evaluation of the Performance of Intelligent Spray Networks Based On Fuzzy Logic
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Abstract Considering the ever increasing advances in technology, especially in the field of
IT, It is felt necessary to approach more correctly the question of using pesticides at the
suitable time and in a scientific way; because it is observed that, due to lack of necessary
Applications of Fuzzy Logic in Sugar Industries: A Review
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S George, DN Kyatanavar
Abstract—Production of sugar from sugar cane route has been an age of old practice and
the technology has been fairly stabilized in India for quite some time. In the present context
where the prices of sugar cane, sugar produced and molasses are fixed by the
Compression Artifact Removal Using SAWS Technique Based On Fuzzy Logic
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S Malik, N Singh, R Anand ,ijecee.com
Abstract. Many mobile devices compress images to meet limited bandwidth requirements
and adopt Block Discrete Cosine Transform. This produces visually annoying artifacts in
these highly compressed images. Most of the artifact reduction techniques blur the details
Mitigation Of Voltage Sags/Swells By Dynamic Voltage Restorer Using Pi And Fuzzy LogicController
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Abstract: Dynamic Voltage Restorer can provide the most cost effective solution to mitigate
voltage sags and swells by establishing the proper voltage quality level that is required by
customer. This device is connected in series with the distribution feeder at medium voltage
Genetic Algorithm Based Design of Fuzzy Logic Power System Stabilizers in Multimachine Power System
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M Dubey, A Dubey
Abstract—This paper presents an approach for the design of fuzzy logic power system
stabilizers using genetic algorithms. In the proposed fuzzy expert system, speed deviation
and its derivative have been selected as fuzzy inputs. In this approach the parameters of
Wall Static Pressure variation in sudden expansion in cylindrical ducts with cavities for supersonic flow for Mach 1.58 and 2.06: A Fuzzy Logic Approach
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KM Pandey, S Kumar, JP Kalita ,International Journal of Soft Computing
Abstract—In this paper the analysis of wall static pressure variation has been done with
fuzzy logic approach to have smooth flow in the duct. Here there are three area ratio chosen
for the enlarged duct, 2.89, 6.00 and 10.00. The primary pressure ratio is taken as 2.65
A Survey of Fuzzy Logic Based Congestion Estimation Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks
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AK Singh, R Dekar ,iosrjournals.org
Abstract: Congestion estimation has always been atopic of crucial importance for Wireless
sensor network (WSNs). Recent developments in sensor network research have led to
various new fuzzy systems, specifically designed for WSNs where congestion awareness
Object-Based Analysis of High Resolution Satellite Image using Fuzzy Logic
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N Pasha, YN Mamatha ,irnetexplore.ac.in
Abstract: In this paper, we present an object-based approach for urban land cover
classification from high resolution satellite image using Fuzzy logic. OBIA analysis of image
segmentation, that is, clustering of pixels into homogenous objects, and subsequent
Reply to Christian Fermuller’s Comments on Vagueness in Language: The Case AgainstFuzzy Logic Revisited
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Two of the linguistic papers in this volume—the one by Galit Sassoon and my own—though
outwardly critical, seek a dialog with fuzzy logic. Thankfully, Chris Fermüller has taken up the
dialog and the discussion has already been fertile—more on this later. Mainly though, this
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N Hamid Reza, SN Ferdows ,gis.vsb.cz
Abstract Various vulnerability evaluation systems are developed for proper and effective
prevention of future groundwater pollutions. Presently, there are different methods to detect
the contamination potentiality of the ground water. The present research evaluates the
Fuzzy Logic Controller Based Analysis of Load Frequency Control of Two Area Interconnected Power System
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PVR Prasad, MS Veeraju ,ijetae.com
Abstract—Frequency plays a vital role in power system. In many industries, the speed of the
machines depends on the frequency. Any deviation in the frequency may lead to
maloperation of the system. So load frequency control is the key problem in the power
STATCOM control strategy based on Lyapunov energy function and fuzzy logic control for improving transient stability of multimachine power system
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P KUMKRATUG ,wseas.org
Abstract:-This paper proposes a nonlinear control strategy of a Static Synchronous
Compensator (STATCOM) for improving transient stability of multimachine power system.
The large scale and the complexity of modern power system require the nonlinear control
Estimation of Software Development Resources Using Fuzzy Logic
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C TT II, C EE ,vsrdjournals.com
ABSTRACT This paper presents the fuzzy rule based System which helps to estimate the
risk associated in the software development process. There are many factors which affects
team cohesiveness during software development. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the