global warming
Modeling the impact of global warming on water temperature and seasonal mixing regimes in small temperate lakes
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Global warming increases the vertical stability in small lakes and makes a future transition between different mixing regimes possible. In order to estimate this effect, the one- dimensional lake temperature model, FLake, is applied to two lakes located in Berlin
Measuring the impact of global warming on agriculture
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This paper develops a Ricardian approach for measuring the economic impact of environmental factors such as climate by examining the direct impact of the environmental factor on land prices. Estimating the model using crosssectional data on climate, farm-land
Using ENVI-met to simulate the impact of global warming on the microclimate in central European cities
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Within the BMBF joint research project KLIMES, the micro scale climate model ENVI-met is used by the subproject KLIMES JGU to simulate the effects of global warming on heat stress in central European cities and to evaluate possible countermeasures proposed by urban
The impact of global warming on the glaciers of the Himalaya
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Since industrialization and human activities is advancing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is steadily increasing. As a result of green house gas effect the worlds average surface temperature has increased between 0.3 and 0.6oC over the past
The impact of global warming on ENSO variability in climate records
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The variability of ENSO, the largest interannual climate variation of the Pacific ocean- atmosphere system, and its relation to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and global warming are documented. Analysis using the Empirical Mode Decomposition method, which is useful
Impact of global warming on the rainfall and temperature in the Niger Delta of Nigeria
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The major aims of this study is to look into the impact of global warming on the rainfall for some selected cities in the Niger Delta of Nigeria, and deduce if urban water supply is sustainable under the prevailing climate condition. The time series of meteorological data
Global Warming : the impact on global coffee
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Many the wonders but nothing walks stranger than man. The thing crosses the sea in the winters storm, Making his path through the roaring waves, And she, the greatest of gods, the earth Ageless she is and unwearied he wears her away As the ploughs go up and down from year
Polynomial cointegration tests of anthropogenic impact on global warming
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We use statistical methods for nonstationary time series to test the anthropogenic interpretation of global warming (AGW), according to which an increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations raised global temperature in the 20th century. Specifically
Global warming and nonlinear growth: how important are changes in average temperature
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They are reliable tools for simulating climate on large temporal and spatial scales, but they have two important drawbacks that limit their usefulness for estimating the potential impact of global warming on biological processesACTUAL and potential increases in aircraft traffic are causing concern about the effects of aircraft exhaust emission on atmos-pheric chemistry. Model results 1 3 and measurements 4 6 in the Northern Hemisphere have shown that growth in surface emissions of nitrogen
Carbon cost accounting: the impact of global warming on the cost accounting profession
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With the advent of the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol by most of the world, including recently, Australia, business entities need to consider issues such as trading in carbon allowances (or permits), investment in low-CO2 emission technologies, counting the costs of
Global warming impact on the cement and aggregates industries
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CO2 related energy taxes are focusing essentially on fuel consumption, not on actual CO2 emission measured at the chimneys. Ordinary Portland cement, used in the aggregates industries, results from the calcination of limestone (calcium carbonate) and silica according
Impact of global warming on waterborne diseases
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Impact of global warming on stability of natural slopes
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Global warming has an increasing impact on many factors that relate directly to the stability of natural slopes, triggering landslides and causing severe impacts on both the natural environment and human development. Several such factors are analyzed to assess their
Impact from global warming on the occurrence of forest fires in Poland
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Trends for change in selected climate components (air temperature and atmospheric precipitation) in 1901 2005 are presented. It was fund, upon relevant data series collected by ten meteorological stations in Poland, which have the multi-year homogenous
Using green roof concept as a passive design technology to minimise the impact of global warming
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Global warming phenomenon or climate change has grabbed people attention worldwide. This phenomenon leads to many environmental issues including, higher atmospheric temperatures, intensive precipitation and increase greenhouse gaseous emission. Sea level
The impact of global climatic changes on the aquatic environment
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Another critical impact of global warming is the growing change in sex ratios among marine mammals, fishes, amphibians and aquatic birds. This critical process might lead the aforementioned species to be endangered, threatened and/or extinct
Impact of global warming on monsoon variability in Pakistan
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This study is based on fifty years (1951-2000) data of temperature and rainfall from six different stations of Pakistan. The selection of the stations is based on hilly areas that are totally dependant on rains. This study is divided into three parts Pre-Monsoon (April-May)
The impact of global warming on us agriculture: An econometric analysis
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Abstract cDifferences in estimates of the impact of climate change on US agriculture can be explained the failure to adequately allow for differences between rain-fed and irrigated agriculture as well as urban influences. We derive feasible GLS weights to obtain an efficient
Probable impact of global warming and ENSO on Lake Tanganyika
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Tanganyikameer.-In Oost-Afrika worden, naast een tendens tot opwarming van de aarde (0, 7 C tot 0, 9 C in 27 jaar wat de luchttemperatuur aan het Tanganyikameer betreft), de laatste tijd ook veranderingen in de windintensiteit waargenomen. De watertemperatuur van het