Apache Hadoop is a collection of open-source software utilities that facilitate using a network of many computers to solve problems involving massive amounts of data and computation. It provides a software framework for distributed storage and processing of big data using the MapReduce programming model.
A Review on Hadoop Eco System for Big Data
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In this era of information age, a huge amount of data generates every moment through various sources. This enormous data is beyond the processing capability of traditional data management system to manage and analyse the data in a specified time span. This huge
A novel entropy-based dynamic data placement strategy for data intensive applications in Hadoop clusters
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In the last decade, efficient data analysis of data-intensive applications has become an important research issue. Hadoop is the most widely used platform for data intensive application. However, majority of data placement strategies attempt placing related-data Data-intensive systems are a technological building block supporting Big Data and Data Science applications. Rapid emergence of these systems is driving the development of new books and courses to provide education in the techniques and technologies needed to
HADOOP based Picture Pressure and Amassed Approach for Lossless Compression
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Computerized picture preparing is a renowned and developing field of utilization underneath software engineering building. The uses of computerized picture handling are medicinal imaging, satellite imaging, and video in which the measure of the picture or
Sorting Technique-An Improvement towards HDD Utilization in HADOOP
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A data is tremendously increasing everyday due to updates that are updated after a particular time interval. Therefore it is very hard to handle such a large data that is updated on common basis. Ample number of techniques was proposed in order to enhance the
Hadoop Based Storage and Analysis of Events
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In recent years the volume of data stored has increased rapidly. This is largely due to do increased use of computers and the internet with the possibility of recording every occurring event. These collections of data have become known as Big Data. The traditional methods
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The Map Reduce gadget and its open authority execution Hadoop have became the real degree for adaptable investigation on expansive data sets as of late. One of the critical worries in Hadoop is the way to limit the achievement period (iE, make span) of an
Envisioning the Win in a Hadoop Environment
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Paving the way to a successful big data implementation requires a combination of good leadership, sustainable investment, prepared team, and most importantly, vision. This paper studies the use cases of revolutionary Big Data technologies, primarily focusing on Hadoop One of the most challenging issues in the big data research area is the inability to process a large volume of information in a reasonable time. Hadoop and Spark are two frameworks for distributed data processing. Hadoop is a very popular and general platform for big data
Impact of Small Files on Hadoop Performance: Literature Survey and Open Points
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Hadoop is an open-source framework written by java and used for big data processing. It consists of two main components: Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and MapReduce. HDFS is used to store data while MapReduce is used to distribute and process an
Hadoop -CNV-RF: a clinically validated and scalable copy number variation detection tool for next-generation sequencing data
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Objective: Detection of small copy number variations (CNVs) in clinically relevant genes is routinely being used to aid diagnosis. We recently developed a tool, CNV-RF, capable of detecting small clinically relevant CNVs. CNV-RF was designed for small gene panels and
Apache Hadoop : A Guide for Cluster Configuration Testing
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For Big Data processing, analyzing and storing Apache Hadoop is widely adopted as a framework. Hadoop facilitates processing through MapReduce, analyzing using Apache Spark and storage using the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Hadoop is popular
A Review on Hadoop Eco System for Big Data
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In this era of information age, a huge amount of data generates every moment through various sources. This enormous data is beyond the processing capability of traditional data management system to manage and analyse the data in a specified time span. This huge
Business Intelligence using Hadoop
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In the big data era, the Information Technology industry is continuously coming up with new models and distributed architecture to handle the exponentially increasing amount of data. Size of data sets being collected and analyzed in industry for Business Intelligence is
Hadoop Trust Management for Mobile Cloud Computing Security
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Data and computation reliability and security are the main concern in favor of users cloud computing amenities Todays clouds characteristically put central, general confidence in every one clouds node. This basic, full-faith representation has the negative outcome of
Survey of Big Data with Hadoop
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We can see now step by step how progression has made in ordinary every day presence. For instance, we can see prior we would have landline telephone at any rate now multi-day we are having pushed cells, for example, android, IOS that makes our life logically sharp
HBSD: A Hadoop Based Service Discovery
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Cloud computing has evolved as key areas of software engineering research and practices which identifies functional requirements from users along with its benefits of cost effectiveness and global access. By providing on demand access of services to a distributed The low-resolution imagery of satellite is used extensively for monitoring crops and forecasting of yield which has a major role to play in the operational systems. A combination of high levels of temporal frequency along with an extended coverage was connected with
Collaborative Filtering Algorithm on the Basis of Hadoop Corn Seed Optimization
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This Seeds are the most basic and primary production materials in agricultural production. How to select suitable seeds for planting is the key to increase agricultural yield and harvest. However, in recent years, farmers have a difficult problem in corn seed selection process
Performance comparison of a parallel recommender algorithm across three Hadoop -based frameworks
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One of the challenges our society faces is the ever increasing amount of data. Among existing platforms that address the system requirements, Hadoop is a framework widely used to store and analyze big data . On the human side, one of the aids to finding the things
Utilizing the Hadoop Ecosystem to Improve In-house Data Analysis of Spacecraft Housekeeping Data
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Abstract At the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Darmstadt, Germany, all activity focuses on controlling and managing spacecrafts and their ground support systems. Part of the activities at ESOC include the implementation of new technologies to deal with an
Optimized memory model for hadoop map reduce framework.
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Map Reduce is the preferred computing framework used in large data analysis and processing applications. Hadoop is a widely used Map Reduce framework across different community due to its open source nature. Cloud service provider such as Microsoft azure
The Hadoop Security in Big Data: A Technological Viewpoint and Analysis
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At present, the world is going to become more digital. As every person using the internet today, a huge amount of data gets generated day-to-day. The data are very essential with respect to carrying out their day-to-day activities, and also helping the business
Survey on Question and Answering Retrieval System using Hadoop
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Question and Answering System is main area of research in Natural Language. Key tasks of Question and Answer system gives exact answer of question which give by user. Question and Answering scheme is categorized into three group are open domain, closed domain
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In todays world, every keep themselves updated with world using the various social media platforms. Twitter, is the one of the most popular platforms for sharing or viewing of someones opinions or views as well as post about their perspective and queries regarding A significant amount of research in the field of job scheduling is carried out in Hadoop . However, there is still need for research to overcome some challenges regarding scheduling jobs in Hadoop clusters. There are various factors affecting the performance of scheduling
Advantages of Giraph over Hadoop in Graph Processing
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This article presents a comparison of the computing performance of the MapReduce tool Hadoop and Giraph on large-scale graphs. The main ideas of MapReduce and bulk synchronous parallel (BSP) are reviewed as big data computing approaches to highlight CSE PROJECTS