Handheld computers
Clinical Applications of Handheld Computers UMBC CSEE
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As the healthcare industry continues to become more distributed, healthcare organizations are increasing their reliance on mobile links to access patient
Handheld Computers In The Classroom And Laboratory
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Abstract. Penn State Abington has integrated the student use of personal digital assistant (PDA) technology into several Information Sciences and Technology
A Portable Laboratory Test Reference for Handheld
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Abstract. We provided a laboratory test program for the personal digital assistant (PDA) to a cohort of third- year medical students during their internal medicine.
Case Study: Use of Handheld Computers by University
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2006 In this case study of a small group of communications majors in a large university, each student was given a handheld computer using the Palm consumption device. In , the power usage of the key components of an IBM. ThinkPad laptop was studied. The authors concluded that total system power
Handheld Computers for Direct Observation of the Social and
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This article evaluates the use of handheld computers for systematic observation of the social and physical environments. Handheld computers, also known as
Using Handheld Computers to Support Improved Classroom
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A variety of handheld applications and curricular materials have been developed to support inquiry science learning in recent years, but there are few
Applying Handheld Computers in the Construction Industry
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Abstract: Handheld computers are becoming more powerful and their application to construction projects is becoming increasingly feasible. Wireless
Web alert: handheld computers in health care resources to
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Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), otherwise known as handheld computers, will eventually become essen- tial to healthcare practice. These devices, which
CN70/CN70e Handheld Computers Data Sheet | Honeywell
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Honeywell CN70 and CN70e Ultra-Rugged Mobile Computers achieve true functional agility with the perfect balance of ruggedness, duty cycle and ergonomics.
Handheld Computers (PDAs) in Schools Dell
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Teachers summary. 3. A note on the terminology in 2003. 5. Introduction: The DfES/Becta PDA Project. 7. The twin focuses of the project. 7. Managing teachers
Handheld Computers in Radiology RSNA Publications Online
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The next phase of the digital revolution in medicine is taking place through the dissemination of powerful handheld computers. Handheld computers, or personal
Evolution and Competition in the Market for Handheld Core
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Abstract. Since the early 1990s, electronic organisers or electronic agendas have been evolving towards fully fledged, but miniature, computers. This paper is a
Handheld Computers as Educational Tools Corwin
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2004 Research shows that giving students a personal learning device can make learning more. 3. Handheld Computers as Educational Tools. 01-
Implementing Handheld Computers as Tools for First-Grade
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SUMMARY. All humans use objects in their environment as tools for actions. Some tools are more useful than others for certain people and populations.
Interaction Design for Handheld Computers VBN AAU
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ABSTRACT. Interaction design for handheld computers challenges our basic knowledge about human-computer interaction. Displays are small due to limited
Graphical User Interface Energy Characterization for AMiner
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ABSTRACT. A significant fraction of the software and resource usage of a modern handheld computer is devoted to its graphical user interface (GUI). Moreover
Handheld computers in medicine: the way forward
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Handheld computers are now a common sight in medicine, but there are scarce data on who actually uses them and what functions are found to be most useful.
Insights into Students Thinking with Handheld Computers
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portability (iii) social interactivity (iv) context sensitivity (v) connectivity to networked learning communities and (vi) affordability. Handheld computers have
Interfacing Handheld Computers to Mobile Robots
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Abstract. Penn State Abington has been exploring the application of handheld technology to the interface and control of autonomous mobile robots for
Information at hand: Using handheld computers in medicine
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Handheld computers are helping clini- cians practice more efficiently and perhaps even provide better patient care. If current trends continue, they will become
Using handheld computers in the classroom
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Abstract. Handheld computers provide a unique opportunity for teaching computer science. They are inexpensive (and keep dropping in price); they are
Wireless Handheld Computers in the Preclinical
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Abstract: This report presents the results of a pilot project using wireless PDAs as teaching tools in an undergraduate medical curriculum. This technology was
Using Custom Transportation Data Collection Software with
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In an effort to facilitate data collection for research, give students first- hand experience collecting data for course projects, and generate interest.
Role Preference: Are Handheld Computers An Educational Or
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As an educational delivery platform, current h andheld computer technology provides a 1 ow-cost, n etworkcd, small-form factor appliance with sufficient
Exploring a New Interaction Paradigm for Collaborating on
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This paper describes a new interaction paradigm for handheld computing: the use of multiple interconnected devices to form a virtual shared workspace.
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ABSTRACT. Handheld computers have gone beyond the world of business and are finding their way into the hands of teachers and students. The empirical ABSTRACT. Isotonic pen and finger interfaces for handheld devices are very suitable for many interaction tasks (eg. pointing, drawing). How- ever, they are not
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The first of its kind in India, BTM 100, the machine which christened MicroFx as the pioneers in automating the task of on the spot ticket printing in buses,
Applicability of Handheld Computers in Clinical Information
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Abstract: Although handheld computers are increasingly used in professional areas, an instrument for evaluating their applicability in different cases and scopes RESULTS: Sixty-seven studies met inclusion criteria. Approximately. 60% to 70% of medical students and residents use PDAs for educa- tional purposes or
A Pocket Full of Knowledge flEnhancing Nursing Practice
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lus, she easily accesses the notes using the built-in memo program on her hand- held computer, reviews the steps, and is confident she can set up and run the
Students Using Handheld Computers to Learn Collaboratively
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Business-people use them to keep track of critical information on the road. Doctors use them to take notes and keep abreast of the latest medical information.
Speech Interaction with Handheld Computers in the
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The Project54 system integrates electronic devices in police cruisers. This integration allows officers to interact with the individual devices using speech. The in-
Handheld computers in medicine: The future is not here yet
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In this issue of the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, Dr. Peter Embi describes the many ways that handheld computers can help us in practicing medicine.1
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Hillsboro R-3 School District strives to provide faculty, staff, and administrators with the necessary technologies that help maintain efficient and effective
Collecting Parcel Data on Handheld Computers NEMRC
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Over the past several years, appraisers have made great strides in applying computer technologies to facilitate greater control over assessment infor- mation in
DHI Test Days Status Quo Changing Integrating Handheld
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DHI Test Days Status Quo. Changing Integrating. Handheld Computers and. RFID Technology. 2008 ICAR Meeting. Niagara Falls, New York. NADMA
Can handheld computers improve the quality of care
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As recently as 2 years ago, Robert. Brown, a general practitioner in. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, had never even switched on a computer. But today, the
3D Interaction With and From Handheld Computers
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2008 3D user interfaces (3DUI) aim to enhance the user performance of 3D interactive tasks. In this paper we focus on the bridges between 3DUIs
Handheld computers getting handier with more features, options
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Toshiba America. Information Systems Inc. Irvine, Calif. 800-867-4422 www.csd.toshiba.com. ViewSonic Corp. Walnut, Calif. 800-888-8583 www.viewsonic.com.
4D Technologies: appropriating handheld computers to serve
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Dongwe Combined Primary School, which has around two hundred pupils, is situated above rolling hills on the outskirts of a sizeable village, 15 kilometres from
No Wards Yes/ No All Wards Yes/ No Some Ward NHFT
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Alternative Device. Please list what types. Do you have an active HIMMS Project No. Yes/ No. What is your current HIMMS score 0-7. Are you a Global Digital
Handheld Computers Improve Data Collection with DAP
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As with many other paper-based systems, inefficiencies and inaccuracies plagued operations. Data collected manually on the ground had to be entered by hand
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Barcode usage has penetrated many aspects of inventory management and product tracking. Inventory management is key for sterilization service providers.
No Wards Yes
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Alternative Device. Please list what types. Do you have an active HIMMS Project No. Yes/ No. What is your current HIMMS score 3. 0-7. Are you a Global
Question Sub Question Answer Notes Are you using
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Some Wards. Yes. Please List. What type of Handheld. Computer or Smartphone are you using Apple iPad. Yes. Yes/ No. Google Android. Tablet. Yes. Yes/ No.
Handheld computers for rural healthcare: Experiences from
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Develop a handheld electronic medical record (EMS) system for health workers in remote areas, to enable. ▫ quick access to medical records. ▫ a collection of
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This design-based research uses handheld computers as cognitive tools to facilitate stu- dents inquiry-based learning on environmental issues 3Rs (Reduce,
Handheld computers for rural healthcare, experiences in a large scale implementation
FREE-DOWNLOAD [PDF] V Anantraman, T Mikkelsen Proceedings of the , 2002
One of the primary objectives of using the Linux
to the popular Simputer [12] hardware platform when commercial offerings of the same are
available. html, 2002. 12. Simputer.com, Simputer : Radical Simplicity for rural access