industrial automation research papers
Next generation industrial automation–needs and opportunities
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T Tommila, O Ventä, K Koskinen Automation Technology , 2001 ,
Despite years of activity, truly open and intelligent control systems seem still to be a promise
of the future. Agreement on common architectures and application objects is needed to raise
open control systems from exchanging raw data to the level of real interoperability of off-
Wireless ad-hoc networks for industrial automation: current trends and future prospects
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M Mathiesen, G Thonet, N Aakwaag ,Proceedings of the IFAC World , 2005 ,
Abstract: This paper provides an overview of recent advances in wireless communication
technologies applied to industrial automation. Newly introduced communication concepts
such as ad-hoc networks and wireless sensor/actuator networks now enable the
Innovative control techniques of power converters for industrial automation
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M Liserre ,2001 ,
Page 1. Innovative control techniques of power converters for industrial automation by Marco
Liserre Bibliography 278 Conclusion XV Page 9. If you want the PhD thesis Innovative control
techniques of power converters for industrial automation please write t
The Optical Tube Measurement System OLM Photogrammetric Methods used for Industrial Automation and Process Control
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W Bösemann ,International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote , 1996
ABSTRACT Qualitiy control and inspection has become a major tool in industrial production.
New measurement systems have to be developed to fulfil these control mechanisms without
interfering the production process. Because of the necessity of non interfering systems
Facet-based classification scheme for industrial automation software components
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VF DeLUCENA Jr ,Sixth International Workshop , 2001 ,
One of the most important problems at component based software development is how to
manage the already developed components. Some approaches reduce this task to storing
components in a repository. Nevertheless, even storing components to reuse them later is