mechatronics 2018
PLM for Mechatronics integration
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Mechatronics is a synergistic integration of mechanical, electronic, and control engineering, with computer science. The mechatronics development, which is offering new features and business opportunities at an increasing pace, is driven by technology, increasing
Development and implementation of didactic sets in mechatronics and industrial engineering courses
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The collaborative design process supports the development of successful systems and products with a many participating engineers from a variety of disciplines. This kind of working environment lays stress on obtaining such multidisciplinary knowledge. Such efforts
Mechatronics /process control remote laboratory
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Under an NSF DUE sponsored laboratory development program, we have developed a multidisciplinary mechatronics /process control remote laboratory (MPCRL) consisting of an array of experiments, which expose students to elements of aerospace, mechanical
Using mobile robots for controls and mechatronics education
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Mechatronics is playing a greater role in industry and providing a realistic educational experience is becoming equally important. This paper discusses what mechatronics is and the traditional approach to mechatronics education. It then provides details about the
Mechatronics in University and Professional Education: Is there anything really new here
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Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of mechanical engineering, electronics, control systems and computers. The key element in mechatronics is the integration of these areas through the design process. The essential characteristic of a mechatronics engineer and the
Structural-parametric model electromagnetoelastic actuator nanodisplacement for mechatronics
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Electromagnetoelastic actuator have been used successfully to nanodisplacement for mechatronics systems in nanotechnology, electronic engineering, microelectronics, nanobiology, power engineering, astronomy. Linear structural-parametric model, parametric
A low-cost real-time mobile robot platform (ArEduBot) to support project-based learning in robotics mechatronics
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We discuss aspects of development of a low-cost real-time mobile-robot platform ArEduBot- for educational experiments. Our framework leverages ease-of-programming in block- diagrammatic form within the MATLAB/Simulink environment, together with several special
Dependability of mechatronics systems in military vehicle design
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Major present trend is a wide-scale application of electronic components in a vehicle design. Modern electronic components with a high level of integration provide to design sophisticated mechatronics systems that when suitably applied can significantly improve
Beyond advanced mechatronics : new design challenges of Social-Cyber-Physical systems
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In the last two decades, an intense shift from advanced mechatronics systems to cyberphysical systems is taking place. The former systems, which integrate mechanical, electronics, computing, control and situated reasoning components, are typically
Mechatronics Design of Solar Tracking System
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The key element in mechatronics system design is the concurrent synergetic integration, modeling, simulation, analysis and optimization of multidisciplinary knowledge through the design process from the very start of the design process, and toward constrains like higher
Virtual Prototyping of Mechatronics for 21 st Century Engineering and Technology
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Mechatronics is defined as the synergy of mechanical and electrical systems featuring their precision, electronic control with intelligence in product design and manufacturing processes. Further, these disciplines can be rendered down to the functional structure of
Mechatronics , Integronics and Adaptronics
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The paper Why Mechatronics , Integronics Adaptronics deals with the new concepts, innovative solutions and intelligent constructions of products, systems of products and systems of systems of intelligent products, with applications specific to their real time
Reconfigurable simulation and research toolset for building mechatronics
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Mechatronics Research Centre, an Intelligent Building came to existence. Building mechatronics simulations are carried out, the energy consumption habits and needs of an education and living building can be observed and measured. The project is realized with
The system and the mechatronics of a pagoda type micro-CMM
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This paper presents design considerations of a precision micro-CMM system and its mechatronic modules. The basic design concept is to meet the requirements of high stiffness, force balance, thermal balance, Abbe principle, metrology frame and vibration-free
Automotive Mechatronics
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A large share of automotive innovations consists of significant improvements in formerly pure mechanical systems which are made possible using integrated electronics together with complex information processing. Such mechatronic systems require a concurrent
Dynamic modeling, simulation and control of electric machines for mechatronics applications
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The mathematical models, corresponding simulink models, analysis and control solutions of basic open loop electric machines most used in mechatronics applications are introduced; the introduced models are intended for research purposes, as well as, for the application in
Distance training of Mechatronics and Alternative technologies in European industry
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Expected economical and demographic changes in European countries require high efforts in the development of human capital in the area of high technologies. Industrial companies expect more effort in the continuing education of elder technical co-workers and in the
Permanent magnet synchronous motor drive system for mechatronics applications
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In this paper, a field oriented controlled PM motor drive system is described and analyzed due to its importance in many applications especially in mechatronics applications. Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM) are widely applied in industrial and roboticThe volume is dedicated to Professor Okyay Kaynak to commemorate his life time impactful research and scholarly achievements and outstanding services to profession. Professor Kaynak has graduated with a first class honours and PhD degrees from the University of
A review of mechatronics and bio-inspired mechatronics system
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The increasing integration of combining with the hardware (the basic mechanism, electronic circuit board, transducer and actuator) and the software (information processing and overall control) results in integrated systems called mechatronic systems. The development