microprocessor research papers 52
Design and Evaluation of an FPGA Based Microprocessor Project Board
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R Brennan ,Final Year Project, 2003 ,scss.tcd.ie
I would like to thank the Technicians in the Computer Science Department for helping me
out with supplies and tools when I needed them and to my Uncle Pat, who gave me advice
on methods of interfacing different signalling standards together. Special thanks go to Tom
Evaluating the impact of noise on microprocessor operation using an RTL model
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WG Magda ,2002 ,crhc.illinois.edu
In recent years, several trends can be observed in semiconductor technology that impact the
effects of noise on correct microprocessor operation. Fueled by demands for higher
performance and higher integration, devices continue to shrink, allowing for shorter clock
Performance and energy consumption improvements in microprocessor systems utilizing a coprocessor data-path
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MD Galanis, G Dimitroulakos ,Journal of Signal Processing , 2008 ,Springer
Abstract The speedups and the energy reductions achieved in a generic single-chip
microprocessor system by employing a high-performance data-path are presented. The data-
path acts as a coprocessor that accelerates computational intensive kernel sections
Techniques for Accelerating Microprocessor Simulation
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BE RAMKUMAR SRINIVASAN ,2004 ,ece.nmsu.edu
Simulations are particularly useful in scenarios where (i) experimenting on the actual system
may be disruptive or infeasible, and (ii) evaluating the performance of radically new and yet-
to-be-built systems is required. A good simulator provides a convenient and flexible
MPC7450 RISC Microprocessor Family Software Optimization Guide
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F Semiconductor ,2007
This section provides an alphabetical glossary of terms used in this document. Because of
the differences in the MPC7450, many of these definitions differ slightly from those for
previous processors that implement the PowerPC architecture, particularly with respect to
Application of Critical Chain Principles to Improve Microprocessor Technology Ramps
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LP Ballard ,2005 ,el.trc.gov.om
Abstract Across Intel’s microprocessor production there exists high variability on new
technology process tools meeting standard, installation and qualification (I/Q) schedule
durations. To reduce project schedule variability and increase time to money, Intel has
The Design of a Branch Target Cache for an Asynchronous Microprocessor
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SH Chung ,1998 ,cs.man.ac.uk
Abstract A high performance, low power asynchronous branch target cache with several
new features has been developed for the AMULET3 microprocessor at a low hardware cost.
A new design for the THUMB instruction set has been implemented, together with several
Copy-Back Cache Organisation For An Asynchronous Microprocessor
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D Hormdee ,2002 ,
Figure 2.1 Synchronous design style 19 Figure 2.2 Asynchronous bundled-data design style
20 Figure 2.3 Memory hierarchy 26 Figure 2.4 Code example of locality 27 Figure 2.5 Cache
organisations (after [28]) 31 Figure 2.6 A memory array 34 Figure 2.7 Memory access
RTL Annotations for Low Power Microprocessor Design
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V Viswanath, JA Abraham ,2005 ,cerc.utexas.edu
We propose instruction-driven slicing, a new technique for annotating microprocessor
description at the Register Transfer Level (RTL) in order to achieve lower power dissipation.
Our technique automatically annotates existing RTL code to optimize the circuit for power
[BOOK] Microprocessor Control of Rotogravure Airflows
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DR Rosen, MR Wool ,1986 ,infohouse.p2ric.org
This Project Summary was developed by EPA’s Air and Energy Engineering Research
Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, NC, to announce key findings of the research project
that is fully documented in a separate report of the same title (see Project Report ordering
Development of a microprocessor-based biochemical sampler
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SS Randhawa, G Chand ,Journal of Automated , 2002 ,downloads.hindawi.com
Modern medicine requires patients to be treated on the basis of precise data, which are
often obtained from electronic equipment. An inexpensive and portable microprocessor-
based sampler developed by the authors is described. It is comprised of the following
Educational microprocessor system with Pentium-CPU card
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B WISNIEWSKI ,XII Poznanskie , 2007 ,pwt.et.put.poznan.pl
The article presents specific requirements regarding the cooperation of a microprocessor
Pentium P5 100 MHz with a VMEbus used in the Microprocessor Technique Laboratory for
students of Electronics and Telecommunications discipline within the EAIiE Department of
Development of 8086 Microprocessor Course for Web-based Learning
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S Iqbal, AA Hussain , King Fahd University , 2002 ,ipac.kacst.edu.sa
ABSTRACT The rapid advancement in educational tools experienced over the recent
decades has introduced online teaching environments that can facilitate or help develop
virtual universities. As more and more students are obtaining free Internet access, we see
A microprocessor based speech recognizer for isolated hindi digits
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IEEE ACE, 2002 ,robotics.stanford.edu
ABSTRACT A novel method for recognition of isolated spoken words on an 8-bit
microprocessor is presented. The method uses a new but simple feature vector based on the
zero-crossings of the speech signal. The feature vector is the histogram of the time-interval
High-Performance Alpha Microprocessor Design
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DW Bailey ,INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON VLSI , 1999 ,impact.crhc.illinois.edu
Abstract Elements of successful high-performance microprocessor design are discussed.
Subjects presented include clock distribution, latches, and design methods and techniques.
General design trends are mentioned where appropriate. Tradeoffs between circuit
Nanofluids Heat Transfer Performance for Cooling of High Heat Output Microprocessor
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CT Nguyen, G Roy, PR LAJOIE ,IASME Transactions Issue, 2005
Abstract:-The heat transfer performance of two nanofluids, namely water-?Al2O3 and
Ethylene Glycol?Al2O3, for cooling of high heat output microprocessors has been
numerically investigated. Results have shown that with an increase of particle volume
A microprocessor controlled scanning polarograph for solution labile
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RE Cooley, CE Stevenson ,1980 ,downloads.hindawi.com
Two considerations are important in the polarographic assay procedures used. First, the
cephalosporin antiobiotics, which comprise the largest quantity of polarographic samples
tested [6], undergo decomposition in solution. Thus, an accurate determination of their
Firmware Control of a Microprocessor-Based Graphics Terminal
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J Moyer ,Versatile Low-Cost Graphics Terminal ls Designed for , 1978 ,hparchive.com
12 cocle lwitten for the 2645A Display Station. The 2645Lwas designed in a modular fashion
to simplify extensions for future products. For example, important sections of the 2645A
firmware were implemented using tables. These tables were merely expanded to include