nanotechnology research papers 31
Nanotechnology for powerful solar energy
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MV Jadhav, AS Todkar ,International Journal of , 2011
ABSTRACT At the size, size, physical, chemical and biological properties of nano-materials
differ in fundamental and valuable properties of individual atoms and many matter. The
properties in nano, we can create a wide range of potential applications for nano-
Nanotechnology in Automotive Industry: Research Strategy and Trends for the Future—Small Objects, Big Impacts
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MC Coelho, G Torrão, N Emami ,J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol, 2012 ,
The goal of this paper is to emphasis and presents briefly the nanotechnology science and
its potential impact on the automotive industry in order to improve the production of recent
models with an optimization of the safety performance and a reduction in the
From speculative nanoethics to explorative philosophy of nanotechnology
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A Grunwald ,Nanoethics, 2010 ,Springer
Abstract In the wake of the emergence and rapid development of nanoethics there swiftly
followed fundamental criticism: nanoethics was said to have become much too involved with
speculative developments and was concerning itself too little with actually pending
Quantum-well tridiagonal: a qualitative comprehension of optoelectronics nanotechnology
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EA Anagnostakis ,WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 2010
Abstract A simple effective algorithm (QUANTUM-WELL TRIDIAGONAL) for studying the
essential features, causalities, and applicabilities of an optoelectronics nanoheterointerfacial
generic quantum well (QW) is outlined in terms of transforming the pertinent initial
A rubric for post-secondary degree programs in nanoscience and nanotechnology
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S Wansom, TO Mason, MC Hersam ,International Journal , 2009 ,
Abstract Based upon a set of big ideas identified by recent workshops and a study report, a
broad curricular framework has been developed for degree programs in nanoscale science
and engineering (NSE). The framework is built around four essential areas or nodes in
Can Nanotechnology and Solar Energy Solve the Global Energy Crisis?
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Abstract: The introduction of the nanomaterials in the solar industry will have amazing
affects. Already these technologies have been utilized to increase efficiency of solar plans
while decreasing their costs. If their technological advances continue to take place, and if
Nanotechnology within the framework of human factors engineering with special reference to developing countries like Saudi Arabia
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SAH Rizvi, ZA Khan ,International Journal of , 2009 ,Inderscience
It is foreseen that very shortly, the technological world would be witnessing everything, right
from food and agriculture to building materials and space shuttles, made up of nano-
materials. Present paper highlights the ongoing micro-tech and hi-tech based systems
A comparative study of research performance in nanotechnology for China’s inventor–authors and their non-inventing peers
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J Guan ,Scientometrics, 2010 ,
Abstract This paper explores the relationship between patenting and publishing in the field
of nanotechnology for Chinese universities. With their growing patents, Chinese universities
are becoming main technological source for nanotechnology development that is
Nanotechnology and the Tragedy of the Anticommons: Towards a Strict Utility Requirement
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G Reynolds ,2009 ,
ENCOMPASSING NEARLY EVERY DISCIPLINE of science and engineering, 1
nanotechnology has been described as a transformative technology that will bring about
the next industrial revolution. 2 Nanotechnology is broadly characterized as the
National nanotechnology partnership to protect workers
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J Howard ,Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2009 ,Springer
Abstract Nanotechnology is predicted to improve many aspects of human life. By 2015, it is
estimated to represent $3.1 trillion in manufactured goods. Data is emerging that exposure
to nanomaterials may pose a health risk to workers. If the economic promise of
The long view of nanotechnology development: the National Nanotechnology Initiative at 10 years
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MC Roco Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal , 2011 ,Springer
A global scientific and societal endeavor was set in motion by the nanotechnology vision
formulated in 1999 that inspired the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) and other
national and international R&D programs. Establishing foundational knowledge at the
Nanotechnology as a basis for the vascular treatment of atherosclerosis
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M Slevin, L Badimon, M Grau-Olivares , of Nanotechnology, 2011 ,Inderscience
It is now accepted that during the early stages of development of coronary and carotid
atherosclerotic plaques, activation of vasa vasorum (VV) at specific sites in the adventitia
initiates their proliferation or’angiogenesis’, and migration through the media into the
FDA’s Approach to Regulation of Products of Nanotechnology
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MA Hamburg ,Science, 2012 ,
POLICYFORUM lic workshops on such topics as risk assessment and management
methods (12), and has formed joint partnerships, including one with the National Institutes of
Health and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, on establishing a
Bladder tissue engineering through nanotechnology
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DA Harrington, AK Sharma, BA Erickson ,World journal of , 2008 ,Springer
Abstract The field of tissue engineering has developed in phases: initially researchers
searched for inert biomaterials to act solely as replacement structures in the body. Then,
they explored biodegradable scaffolds—both naturally derived and synthetic—for the
Nanotechnology: Transforming food and the environment
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K Lyons ,Food First Backgrounder, 2010 ,
Nanotechnology is the latest technological innovation being used to transform food, farming
and the environment. Nanotechnology breaks down and manipulates foods, seeds,
chemical pesticides and food packaging at the micro-scale, and in so doing, is driving a
Nanotechnology & Nanomedicine
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AV Krasnoslobodtsev, J Peng, IL Volkov, JC Rochet ,2012 ,
National Self-assembly of proteins into nanoaggeragtes defines the molecular mechanism
of the development of such neurodegenerative diseases as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
disease (PD). Alpha-synuclein (a-Syn), misfolding and nanoassembly of which tightly
Nanotechnology for Cancer Vaccine Delivery
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S Hamdy, A Alshamsan Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery, 2009 ,Springer
In spite of all the efforts of the biomedical community, cancer still represents one of the
leading causes of death, suffering, and disability. Worldwide, one of eight deaths is ascribed
to cancer. Consequently, cancer is responsible for one-third of the lost years of life and is