network security research paper-112
Proactive security monitoring in a policy managed network
T Dörges, KP Kossakowski ,18th Annual FIRST Conference, 2006 ,
Abstract: The complexity of today’s networks can only be handled by the use of more and
more sophisticated approaches and tools. A very promising approach is centralized policy
based management. This means the policy for the entire administrative domain is
Security of Mobile Agent in Ad Hoc Network using Threshold Cryptography
SI Rizvi, Z Sultana, B Sun ,World Academy of Science, , 2010 ,
Abstract—In a very simple form a Mobile Agent is an independent piece of code that has
mobility and autonomy behavior. One of the main advantages of using Mobile Agent in a
network isit reduces network traffic load. In an, ad hoc network Mobile Agent can be used
Wireless Sensor network Based Smart Community Security Service
RH Yan, CH Yu, IJ Ding ,The 2nd Workshop on , 2006 ,
Abstract This paper will present the first attempt to apply WSN on community security area.
By III ZigBee Positioning System (IZPS), we have implemented a Smart Community Security
System (SCSS) for a community. SCSS provides three main community security services,
Kohonen self-organizing neural network for power system security assessment
D Niebur ,1994 ,
ABSTRACT A reliable, continuous supply of electric energy is essential for the functioning of
today’s complex societies. Due to a combination of increasing energy consumption and
limitations of various kinds impeding the extension of existing electnc transmission
Distributed Framework for Deploying Machine Learning in Network Management and Security
JA Bivens II ,2003 ,
?. 2.1 Introduction our first network-based ids falls under the category of misuse or
penetration identification. After a” signature” is defined that identifies a manifestation of an
attack, the attack can be discovered in the monitored network tra ffi c. in case of our system
Wireless Security and Monitoring for the Home Network
R Turner ,SANS Institute, August, 2003 ,
Abstract Marketing trends estimate that by the end of 2006, 21 million homes will have
implemented a Local Area Network (LAN), and of those 21 million homes 65% will use
wireless solutions.[1] The rapidly decreasing cost for wireless devices and the proliferation
Security through Traffic Network: Tracking of Missing Vehicles and Routing in TMIS using Semantic Web Services
B Rahnama , Technologies for Homeland Security , 2006 ,
Abstract This study highlights a security scenario involving vehicles in a Traffic Management
and Information System (TMIS) network. TMIS and its nodal architecture Intelligent Junction
(IJ) are summarized from recent work. Their design employs autonomous semantic agent-
SIP call security in an open IP network
O Rantapuska ,Seminar on Internetworking, Helsinky, Spring, 2003 ,
Abstract This paper examines the security model and features present in the Session
Initiation Protocol (SIP). Security and privacy issues of SIP are important because the
protocol is going to be used in many future applications in open IP networks. SIP security
Cognitive radio network as wireless sensor network (ii): Security consideration
F Lin, Z Hu, S Hou, C Zhang ,proceeding of IEEE , 2011 ,
Abstract—This is the second paper in a series of using cognitive radio network as wireless
sensor network. The motivation of the paper is to push the convergence of radar and
communication systems into a unified cognitive network. This paper studies this vision
Toward a model of security for a network of computers
WH Murray ,Computer Security Journal, 1993 ,
ABSTRACT This paper proposes a model for evaluating the security of networks of
computers. It is about the security of the collection of systems connected, rather than about
security of the connecting infrastructure. It proposes that: 1) the networks of interest can be
A new approach for a healthcare network architecture and security
M Scutaru, R Toev, M Romanca ,Proceedings of the , 2009 ,
Abstract:-The paper presents an original approach for organizing a network that allows
hospital actors to manage and have access to databases remotely and in a secure manner.
The architecture, based on the concepts of SONA (Service Oriented Network Architecture)
A System of Umpires for Security of Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Network
A Kathirvel ,International Arab Journal of e Technology ,
Abstract: A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-created self-organized and self-
administering set of nodes connected via wireless links without the aid of any fixed
infrastructure or centralized administrator. Protecting the network layer from malicious
Managed security services for network service provider
A Berthillier ,Juniper Networks Inc. Solution Brief, 2005 ,
In the race to streamline business processes, lines of communication have been opened to
partners, suppliers, customers, remote offices, and in-house and remote workers via the use
of the Internet, intranets and extranets. Opening the corporate network to so many
An enhanced security architecture for wireless sensor network
SM Youssef, AB Mohamed ,DNCOCO, 2009 ,
Abstract:-This paper introduces an enhanced secure sensor network architecture that
provides the basic properties of data secrecy, authentication, and replay protection, with Low
energy consumption overhead and relatively high security level. A novel Pairwise Key
The blunderdome: an offensive exercise for building network, systems, and web securityawareness
G Louthan, W Roberts, M Butler , conference on Cyber security , 2010 ,
Abstract In spite of the controversy surrounding the practice of using offensive computer
security exercises in information assurance curricula, it holds significant educational value.
An exercise and architecture for an asymmetric (offense-only) security project, nicknamed
Problems of Security in Ad Hoc Sensor Network}
P Hanácek ,Proceedings of MOSIS’05}, 2005 ,
Abstract: The paper deals with a problem of secure communication between autonomous
agents that form an ad hoc sensor wireless network. The paper is focused on the problem of
communication in the Bluetooth wireless network, but the model should be general
Architecture for Self-Estimation of Security Level in Ad Hoc Network Nodes
R Savola ,Proc. of the 3rd Australian Information Security , 2005 ,
Abstract Inherent freedom due to a lack of central authority of self-organised mobile ad hoc
networks introduces challenges to security and trust management. In these kinds of
scenarios, the nodes themselves are naturally responsible for their own security–or they
UMTS Network Domain Security
GM Køien ,Proceedings of EURESCOM SUMMIT 2002, 2002 ,
Geir Køien (36) has been an employee of Telenor R&D since 1998. He has been working
with various mobile systems since 1991 and is interested in security and signalling aspects
of mobile systems. He is the Telenor delegate to 3GPP SA3 (Security) were has served/
Power system static security assessment using self-organizing neural network
KS Swarup ,J. Indian Inst. Sci, 2006 ,
Abstract Artificial neural network approach to the problem of static security assessment of
power system is presented. This paper utilizes the artificial neural net of Kohonen’s self-
organizing feature map (SOFM) technique that transforms input patterns into neurons on