object oriented development research papers 11

Object-oriented systems development: Will the new approach solve old problems
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G Engels, G Kappel ,Proceedings of the IFIP94 World , 1994 ,is.uni-paderborn.de
 Secondly, what are the essential features of an object- oriented life cycle model
to ful ll the bene ts of object-oriented development? And thirdly, what are the pitfalls
of object-oriented development and how to cope with them? 

 Development of object-oriented frameworks
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N Landin, A Niklasson, G Bosson ,Lund Institute of , 1995 ,dsc.ufcg.edu.br
 development is provided. The authors have studied several object-oriented development
meth- ods to investigate how an ordinary development process may be adapt- ed to
suit the development of object-oriented frameworks. A small 

 The object-oriented development of a distributed multimedia environmental information system
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Abstract Scienti c research addressing global change continues to generate large quantities
of information for analysis and understanding. However, the volume, distributed nature, and
diversity of this information prohibits convenient access by many potential users. This 

Object-oriented embedded system development based on synthesis and reuse of OO-ASIPs
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M Goudarzi, S Hessabi, A Mycroft ,Journal of Universal Computer , 2004 ,jucs.org
Page 1. Object-Oriented Embedded System Development Based on Synthesis and
Reuse of OO-ASIPs Maziar Goudarzi (Sharif University of Technology, IRIran and
University of Cambridge, UK

 Object-oriented software development in UML
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UNU/IIST International Institute for Software Technology UNU/IIST Report
No. 259 Object-Oriented Software Development with UML Zhiming Liu July 2002 Page
2. UNU/IIST and UNU/IIST Reports UNU/IIST (United Nations 

A seamless model for object-oriented systems development
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This inadequate integration is ubi- quitous and causes numerous inefficiencies in the
object-oriented development process.  1 Introduction Object-oriented development systems
several spectrums. These include: 0) are poorly integrated across 

 Using Prolog to implement a CASE shell for object-oriented development
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Abstract This paper shows how we use Prolog as the only programming language for
constructing a flexible CASE shell environment supporting the tasks of object oriented
development. We explain the important role played by Prolog in the entire design and the 

 Component-Based Development Environment: An Integrated Model of Object-Oriented Techniques and Other Technologies
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O Kwon, S Yoon, G Shin ,International Workshop on Component , 1999 ,faculty.ksu.edu.sa
 are not always reusable components. For the above reasons, some people argue
that object-oriented development has failed to draw strong attentions from software
developers. Nevertheless, others argue that components 

 To wards a 3-dimensional Net-based Object-Oriented DeveLopment Environment (NOODLE)
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ABSTRACT Object-oriented analysis and design methodologies are considered as the most
popular software development methods for the 1990s. Numerous graphic notations have
already been designed for this purpose. A common drawback, however, is that they have 

Consistency management within model-based object-oriented development of components
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J Küster, G Engels ,Formal Methods for Components and Objects, 2004 ,Springer
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) favors the construction of models composed of
several submodels, modeling the system components under development at different levels
of abstraction and from different viewpoints. Currently, consistency of object-oriented 

 Statecharts and object-oriented development: a CASE perspective
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Abstract In the context of object-oriented development, the behaviour of a system is
described by dynamic models. Statecharts have proven to be a powerful and intuitively
appealing visual formalism for the description of system dynamics. This paper shows how 

 Object-Oriented Software Development Using UML
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UNU/IIST International Institute for Software Technology UNU/IIST Report
No. 229 Object-Oriented Software Development Us- ing UML Zhiming Liu March 2001
Page 2. UNU/IIST and UNU/IIST Reports UNU/IIST (United 

An object-oriented modeling and simulation environment for reactive systems development
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The International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 9 (1997): 51-80 © 1997
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. Manufactured in The Netherlands. An Object-Oriented
Modeling and Simulation Environment for Reactive Systems Development 

 Measurement-Based Object-Oriented Software Development of the Software Project ”Software Measurement Laboratory”
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R Dumke, E Foltin, R Koeppe, A Winkler ,Preprint, 1996 ,wwwivs.cs.uni-magdeburg.de
Page 1. Measurement-Based Object-Oriented Software Development of the Software
Project „Software Measurement Laboratory Dumke, RR, Foltin, E., Koeppe, R., Winkler
AS Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg Postfach 

The Advocatus Diaboli of object-oriented development
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G Kappel ,Dagstuhl Seminar Report, 1995
Object-oriented development has to overcome two currently existing obstacles, one
technical by nature and the other organizational, to prove success in the large. The technical
obstacle has three causes. Firstly, some of the concepts of object-oriented analysis 

 DO CAS E: A Development Environment and a Design Language for Distributed Object-Oriented Applications
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W Gerteis, C Zeidler, L Heuser , of Tools Pacific , 1990 ,elara.tk.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
 In addition, the structure of various tool sets which are based on DODL is presented. Section
2 discusses related work from the ar- eas of distributed object-oriented approaches, dis- tributed
configuration management and object- oriented development. 

 XML to Manage Source Engineering in Object-Oriented Development: an Example.
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ABSTRACT In software engineering, XML to date has mostly been used to support three sub-
activities: documentation management, data interchange and lightweight data storage. In
this position paper, we give an example of using XML technology as the infrastructure for 

Patterns of transition: The shift from traditional to object-oriented development
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HJ Nelson, DJ Armstrong, KM Nelson ,Journal of Management , 2009 ,ME Sharpe
While many of the changes that information systems professionals encounter are
incremental requiring only modifications to an existing mind-set, others represent radical
changes that require a fundamental shift in mind-set in order to fully benefit from the 

 Accelerating Your Object-Oriented development
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T Scheer, T Smith ,2008 ,objy.com
Abstract This paper is an overview of the issues that arise from implementing object
persistence with a relational database. The basis for this paper is our recent experience with
Object-Oriented projects that used relational database technology. Those experiences 

 A semantic framework for object-oriented development.
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Abstract A categorical model of object-oriented systems is proposed and denoted using a-
calculus. The model is used to provide a de nition of design re nement. An example system
is rigorously developed in Java from an initial user requirements by re ning an initial 

Object-oriented development of real-time industrial automation systems
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C Pereira, A Frigeri, P Darscht ,Volume O: Power Plants , 1996 ,aurova.ua.es
El Prof. Carlos Pereira es Doctor en Ingeniería Eléctrica por el Instituto de Automatización Industrial
e Ingeniería de Software, de la Universidad de Stuttgart (Alemania) desde 1995. El profesor
Pereira trabaja en la Universidad Federal do Rio Grande do Sul en Brasil. Sus