online university
Self-regulation, goal orientation, and academic achievement of secondary students in online university courses
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This study investigated the self-regulation, goal orientation, and academic achievement of 40 secondary students who completed online university courses in the sciences. Students were enrolled in one of three online university science courses. Each course was taught by
Faculty training at an online university
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B Muirhead, M Betz- Insights for Teachers and Students Editors Note: Drs. Muirhead and Betz have provided two interesting perspectives on the faculty training that occurs in what is undoubtedly one of the most renowned of all online universities, the University of Phoenix. Their separate analyses are detailed and positive
Massive open online courses (MOOCs): A primer for university and college board members
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This paper is based upon a presentation given to the board of directors of the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges. Mr. Voss is the vice president and CIO at the University of Marylands flagship campus in College Park and also a member of the
Perceptions towards online shopping: Analyzing the Greek university students attitude
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The sharp increase of Internet usage, as well as, the systematic progress of Information Technology have transformed the way goods are bought and sold, resulting to the exponential growth in the number of online shoppers. However, a lot of differences
Actor-network theory and online university teaching: Translation versus diffusion
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The resources being put into online teaching and learning in Australian universities as in other parts of the overdeveloped parts of the world, while difficult to quantify, is clearly significant. Robson (1999) has estimated that globally, the number of web--based courses is
Using online social networking: Students purposes of Facebook usage at the University of Turkey
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Current research focuses on examining how much, why and how students use Facebook, one of the most popular social networking site, and understanding its impact on education and social interaction. The aim of this study is to examine the purposes of Facebook use in
Beyond models: Developing a university strategy for online instruction
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Universities are being pressured from a range of forces to move into delivery of courses via online methods. While the literature is replete with promises for the use of information technology (IT) in the teaching and learning environment of higher education institutions, it is
Patterns of user behaviour in university online forums
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Online forums have become the backbone of most computer-supported distance education programs. While analyses have been carried out assessing the content of a limited number of such forums, there is little work done on how and when students make use of such
Developing and evaluating a university -wide online distributed learning system: The experience at RMIT University
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This paper will explain the policies relating to teaching and learning at RMIT University . The need to harness the potential of communication and information technologies as a means of implementing the Teaching and Learning Strategy has been evident since its inception in
Do Online Labor Market Intermediaries Matter The Impact of AlmaLaurea on the University -to-Work Transition
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The Internet and electronic technologies more generally have a great potential for changing the way employer-employee matches are made (Autor 2001). Since the mid-1990s there has been a well-documented increase in the number of Internet job boards and corporate
Learner participation and engagement in open online courses: Insights from the Peer 2 Peer University
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Recent developments in massive open online courses (MOOCs) have brought renewed attention to online learning, but most of the attention has been centered on courses offered through platforms such as Coursera and edX. This paper focuses on the importance of
Exploring online repurchase behavioural intention of university students in Malaysia
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The focus of this study is to explore the antecedents of online repurchase intention (RI) of university students in Malaysia. The aim of this study is to examine online RI, specifically to examine the impact of prepurchase user perceptions of attributes, pre-purchase user
How university faculty members developed their online teaching skills
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Online courses in higher education have grown tremendously in scope and volume in the past decade. In fact, the explosive growth of distance education is transforming postsecondary education (Moller, Foshay Huett, 200 p. 66). Allen and Seaman (2007
Mentoring university faculty to become high quality online educators: A program evaluation
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This study summarizes the results of a program evaluation of the Distance Education Mentoring Program (DEMP), an ongoing initiative at Purdue University Calumet, Indiana (USA) designed to enhance the development of online courses by mentoring faculty in
Use of online public access catalogue at annamalai university library
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The patrons in the library can search the bibliographic database and find specific information online . The search facility also aprises the user about the availability of each item for circulation, including current status of individual copies of a title and reserve status. It
University level second language readers online reading and comprehension strategies
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With the growing prevalence of Web 2.0 technologies and use of online resources in their classrooms, language learners have increasing exposure to online texts. In this study we attempted to understand how university level second language (L2) readers construct
The impact of frequency on achievement in online courses: A study from a south Texas university .
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For over a decade, the learning management system (LMS) has been the primary method of delivering online learning. However, research related instructional design and pedagogical practices within this environment is still in its infancy as compared to face-to-face learning
Online Public Access Catalogue Usage at Panjab University Library, Chandigarh.
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ABSTRACT This paper examines Online Public Access Catalogue usage by the students and faculty of Panjab University Library, Chandigarh. OPAC, an information retrieval system, has revolutionised access to bibliographic information through search capabilities such as
Online learning at Coventry University : You can lead a horse to water
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ABSTRACT Coventry University decided in October 1998 that within a year all 2000+ modules of the University were to be supported by an online learning environment in order to enhance learning and teaching at the institution. Similar decisions are being taken and
Awareness and Use of Online Public Access Catalogue by Students of Obafemi Awolowo University , Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
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This study investigated the awareness and use of Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) by students of Obafemi Awolowo University , Nigeria. A questionnaire was distributed to 800 students at various faculties and in different levels of studies in August 2012. Five hundred CSE PROJECTS