online college
Developing learning community in online asynchronous college courses: The role of teaching presence
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This paper builds on the model we have developed for creating quality online learning environments for higher education. In that model we argue that college -level online learning needs to reflect what we know about learning in general, what we understand about
Changing distributions: How online college classes alter student and professor performance
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Online courses for college students are rapidly expanding, especially at private forprofit institutions, yet little extant research identifies the effects of online courses on students academic success. We study students and professors at DeVry University the fourth largest
Persistence in online classes: A study of perceptions among community college stakeholders
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Because online learning presents unique challenges for not only learners but faculty and administrators as well, those involved in these cyberenvironments must think beyond the boundaries of the traditional classroom. This study examined the perceptions of online
Massive open online courses (MOOCs): A primer for university and college board members
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This paper is based upon a presentation given to the board of directors of the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges. Mr. Voss is the vice president and CIO at the University of Marylands flagship campus in College Park and also a member of the
Distinguishing sense of community and motivation characteristics between online and traditional college students.
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Discriminant analysis was used to determine whether classifications could be made between students enrolled in e-learning and in face-to-face university courses (N= 353) based on their scores from separate instruments measuring sense of community and
Badges Earned Online Pose Challenge to Traditional College Diplomas
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Abstract The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) announced that it will create MITx, a self-service learning system in which students can take online tests and earn certificates after watching free course materials posted by the university. Ram is no gamer herself
Traditional vs. online homework in college algebra
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ABSTRACT A year long study was conducted in multiple sections of College Algebra by the authors using a system of both traditional paper homework and online homework assignments. The online homework system was Pearson/Addison-Wesleys
The effects of online gram instruction on low proficiency EFL college students achievement
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Technology is not currently used in EFL classrooms at King Saud University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Therefore an online course was used in the teaching of English gram from home. The aim of the present study was to find out whether integration of online learning in
Teaching vocabulary to EFL college students online
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Technology is not currently used in EFL classrooms at King Saud University. Therefore an attempt was made to use online learning in EFL vocabulary instruction from home, as a supplement to classroom instruction. Comparisons of the pre and posttest mean scores of 53
A comparison of higher order thinking skills demonstrated in synchronous and asynchronous online college discussion posts
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Developing higher order thinking skills in students is an important task for higher education. Students who are competent analyzers, synthesizers, and evaluators become workers who are better prepared for the work challenges they will face. Class discussion, a long-standing
Flying with clipped wings: Are students independent in online college classes
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Although online education offers exciting prospects for increased learning opportunities, the rigid structure and requirements of online classes are often in conflict with students desire for greater independence in learning and their ability to become autonomous, lifelong
Comparing attitudes of online instructors and online college students: Quantitative results for training, evaluation and administration
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The past decade has witnessed an explosion in online learning opportunities for post- secondary students throughout the United States. The university has developed a Faculty Online Observation (FOO) model to allow for an annual observation of online adjunct faculty
At issue: Online education and the new community college student
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Community colleges are facing a demographic shift in their student bodies with significant consequences for how they can utilize instructional innovations such as online education. On the one hand, community colleges are educating an increasing number of adult learners
Exploring community college student perceptions of online learning
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Successful completion of online courses by community college students is an issue both at the national and local level. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore community college student perceptions of online learning within the theoretical construct of the
Factors influencing online buying behavior of college students: A qualitative analysis
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Online retailing in India has shown tremendous growth in the recent years. However as compared to the other countries leading in online retailing, India is still in its initial stage of development. The purpose of this study was to explore the factors influencing the online
An assessment of college students attitudes towards using an online e-textbook
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In this digital age, e-textbooks are becoming more prevalent. This assessment surveys a group of public speaking students on their attitudes toward an e-textbook. A qualitative and quantitative approach to collecting student feedback using an online survey reveals mixed
What characteristics of college students influence their decisions to select online courses
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The primary goal of this study was to identify a wide range of characteristics of college students that influence their decisions to select online courses. The motivation underlying this study is the realization that online courses are no longer exclusively being
Online harassment and victimization of college students
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The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence of victimization occurring through social networking sites. Information was also sought on the internet behavior of college students. Data were collected from 354 college students from September 2007 through April
Problematic use of online social networking sites for college students: Prevalence, predictors, and association with well-being
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Learner characteristics as predictors of online course completion among nontraditional technical college students
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The purpose of this exploratory study was to determine the influence of personal characteristics on successful completion rates for nontraditional adults participating in online technical college courses. The following three research questions guided this study: 1. To